Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Chess Squares: Get Thee Behind Me Satan

One of the great fallacies of an active lifestyle is that you can eat what you want. One look at the Clydesdale division of an Ironman, and you will realize this is not true.
At Hood to Coast, I ran 18 miles over the course of 24 hours, did some good yoga, and ran 4ish miles on the beach the following day. This is a reasonable amount of working out. It really is. This would be a huge day for most of America. However, let me run down my caloric intake with you, just for fun. You tell me if I gained or lost weight. I will start with you at 5:00 in the morning on Friday morning as I am about to leave Nashville on the plane and I will stop when I get back home.
  • Friday Morning: 2 fig newtons, cup of coffee black, orange juice, starbucks vivano, 100 calorie snack pack on plane.
  • Friday Lunch Denver Airport: Whole wheat bagel with smoked salmon, cream cheese and capers, bottle of water, Green tea and second 100 calorie snack pack on flight.
  • Friday Dinner/ Grocery store in Portland: Cookie and two bites of grilled salmon as grocery sample. Two cookies and multiple handfuls of trail mix, pre-packaged turkey sandwich with cole-slaw, apple and doritos. (important information: at Hood To Coast you load up your van with all kinds of foods as you will be needing food during the 24 hours. You always get too much food, which means I eat handfuls and nibbles all day and never really feel truly hungry. Packs of M&M's that you would never dream of eating are suddenly eaten twice in a span of 24 hours and you wonder why you gain weight on the trip)
  • Pre-Run Snack 1: Peanut butter/dorito bagel sandwich and an apple, and copious amounts of Gatorade and trail mix and banana chips
  • Post Run Snack 1: more peanut butter/ dorito bagel sandwich, gatorade
  • Post Run Snack 2: naked almonds and banana chips
  • Breakfast Saturday Morning while parked in the van at the exchange: fig newtons, some bagel and peanut butter, though now, officially repulsed as have overdosed on peanut butter. Am overcome with longing for sausage and eggs. In miraculous twist of fate, a local high school equestrian team is selling breakfast burritos with eggs, rice, and sausage. SO, I ate one of these and a cup of coffee (though my hunger was questionable at this point). After this, and just because I could, I ate a bag of peanut butter M&M's the most fattening of all. Polished it off with some sweet potato chips.
  • After this, I actually hold off until dinner, ooh, I take that back. I was sitting too near the cookies and ate one chocolate chip cookie and one oatmeal raisin cookie with naked almonds on top.
  • For dinner, after the run when I had had a lovely shower, I had some (ok, a giant sized portion that could easily have fed an African village) delicious lasagna with polenta instead of noodles. It was amazing. Large salad. Much wine. Appetizers of brie and gouda. Brownie pudding for dessert and some blackberry cobbler.
  • Brunch the following Sunday morning: Decaf soy latte, vegetable frittata, half a breakfast burrito, much fruit.
  • Dinner, leftovers from the lasagna night before. I had a slightly smaller portion.
  • Breakfast the following Monday morning: Decaf Soy Latte, Bagel with Cream Cheese and Smoked Salmon and capers
  • I ate all airport snacks that were offered to me on the way home including ritz cracker and faux cheese sandwich snack that were a hotbed of processed deliciousness and had a vivano at Starbucks before we left on our final flight in Kansas City
  • My parents picked me up at the airport and had a dinner of two fish filets, a salad, and roasted potatoes waiting for me at home. I also had two pieces of dove dark chocolate for dessert.
Question: Are any of you surprised that I gained weight? Anyone? Anyone? That Hood To Coast medal pictured at the top of the page is not only a tribute to my athletic prowess, but a tribute to my ability to put away food like an unattended puppy at a picnic.
So when I got to work today and their were homemade chess squares, I felt that I was embroiled in a temptation battle of biblical proportions. I had a chess square. Isn't it interesting how I have so much discipline in some areas, but none in others? NONE. Tomorrow, I start battling back onto my Superfoods lifestyle. I will tell you all about it.


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