Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Tuesday: The Run was Yucky

So today, I was up and at'em at the regular time. I encouraged Ivan into the jog stroller and we started our run. I kicked it off with the Rachel Zoe theme song. Anyway, throughout the run, I felt sicky, like I had not eaten enough food or too much food; all around sluggish/ faint. The worst kind of workouts, because they seem to go so slowly, that you wonder why you have dragged yourself out on the road.
I pulled through and came home for a hearty breakfast of fruit and Kashi (the brand name of fiber and health).
I spent the next 45 minutes hurtling around the house getting ready for Bible study. It never fails that I try to get ready for Bible study and something goes terribly wrong. Today, for instance, we were out of potable wipes. (by the by, YOU CANNOT TAKE A CHILD TO ANY NURSERY WITHOUT POTABLE WIPES). I had to assemble a wipes situation, by putting a bunch of non-potable wipes in a Ziploc bag. Nursery workers look down on this, but it was desperate times this morning.
Anyway, I got to Bible study and attempted to drop off Ivan, but he managed to grab a fistful of my hair in each hand. He then proceeded to twist the hair and scream his tomato red angry scream, until he was pried loose by no less that two nursery workers, who looked at me with a mixture of pity and irritation. I lost approximately 50 hairs; none of which I gave up willingly.
I managed to drop off Ivan and sneak into Bible study. I was officially late by this time. I learned a good bit in Bible study, before hurrying home and getting Ivan down for a nap. I did Gilad and Yoga on mute while talking to my sister (a special talent reserved for harried days) before sneaking into work for a bit and rushing off to dinner.
Dinner with friends and my first good experience with port!!! What a lovely end!! Finishing off with a bit of Pride and Prejudice, just to remind myself that every young man of good fortune is in need of a wife.

Picture is from our wonderful trip to Acapulco. That Delphine can plan a trip!!!!!

1 comment:

caroline G said...

You are such a talent! I had no idea that you were doing gilad and yoga while we talked yesterday.