Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Triumph at the Franklin Classic!!!

OK, So I won my age group at the Franklin Classic. I am quite surprised. Clearly it behooves me to arrive at a race early and do a three mile warm up run. I am just learning things about my personal athletic performance left and right on Labor Day Weekend. I ran it in 34 minutes and 53 seconds, at a 7:34 pace. Great right? and that is after running the 5 k at pretty near race pace. Now, of course, it did not occur to me that I could have won my age group at the Franklin Classic, so I was roaming about having breakfast and wheeling the baby home and not attending the awards ceremony.
  1. cash
  2. great athletic apparel
  3. a gift certificate to Endurance for more of my favorite shorts.
Will they let me claim my prize,if I was not at the awards ceremony? Will they? WILL THEY?
Ok, I just reviewed the website, and it looks like there are no prizes except for the top fundraisers. I am calling tomorrow. Will let you know.
In other news, the baby and I ran three miles in the jog stroller today, and I felt a little tight from my over-the-top athletic performance yesterday. I came home and got ready like a whirlwind for my first day of Bible study. We are studying the book of Romans, which is a first for me and I quite enjoyed it. I will keep you posted on my learnings.
I came home and worked for a bit and was able to get my Gilad and Yoga in before trading off the baby with Katelen and heading into work. Worked late and got home in time to sit down and watch Rachel Zoe. By the way, even if you don't like Ms. Zoe, the theme song to the show is just great!!! I am searching and downloading as we speak!!

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