Saturday, September 26, 2009

Saturday: I mean really, Rain?

So today, my thought was to do the Wounded Soldier's Ride. This is a 50 mile ride to benefit wounded American soldiers. A huge clap of thunder woke me at 6ish AM and at 8:00 AM it was still pouring. The ride started at 9:00 AM, and it was a 30 minute drive to the start.
So, I did not go. I could have gone. I probably should have gone, but the thing is (and this is a dangerous spot to be in) I am training without a goal right now. I am working out all the time, but nothing is on the horizon to complete. For this reason, since it was raining, I did not feel compelled to ride the Wounded Soldier's Ride, which means another week has passed without me being on my bicycle. This means that my cycling is not improving, and really all I did today was a jog stroller run.
I did do some productive paperwork, listed a pair of jeans of Ebay and read two articles in the October edition of Vogue: Michelle Williams and the Queen Mother (who was Queen Elizabeth's Mother). Both great articles.
Then I wasted copious amounts of time looking at clothes on-line. Every year when fall rolls around, I become clothing obsessed. The weird in-between weather makes me feel like I have nothing to wear. All the new trends are hitting the stores, so I feel outdated. Anyway, I am convinced that I need legging jeans and a couple of new dresses; some boots and a new bag.
For dinner we went to Martin's Bar-B-Q, and I had a redneck taco. So delicious.
Watching Body of Lies!!

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