Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Wednesday: No Double Swim

So, I only got to go to swim once today as I had to wait on the garbage disposal repairman to come and fix our garbage disposal. This was disappointing as I really look forward to Wednesday morning swim and the weak coffee that they serve at the rec center. It is really tasty and I sip on a cup during my warm-up. I would say it is a cross between old school McDonald's coffee and my mom's coffee. I like "bad" coffee: its my thing.
Anyway, Elliott had to come home for lunch to meet with the garbage disposal repairman, because of course the disposal was not broken, it was our breaker and it ended up being slightly more involved. While Elliott ate lunch with Ivan, I got to get out for about 35 minutes in zone two on the bike. It was a lovely day, so it was great and I avoided the vile trainer.
I made it to swim practice. Our swim coach just had her baby, so Abby and Dee are substituting, and it was a fun evening. Workout as follows:
  • 50 warmup
  • 6 x 50 swim
  • 1 x 300 pull
  • 6 x 50 swim
  • 1 x 300 pull
  • 6 x 50 swim
  • 1 x 300 pull
  • Several 25's, I can't remember the number
  • And then a dive relay with 6 person teams. We did this twice
  • 100 cool down
Now, one of the great embarrassments of my swim career is that I pretty much can't dive. I have been practicing all year, and I can finally dive off the the side of the pool part of the time. Sometime it ends in a shameful belly flop, and tonight during the relays, I got nervous and fell into the pool instead of completing my dive. It was too much pressure, with everyone standing on the side.
I was supposed to dive off the blocks like it was an actual swim meet, but climbed up on the blocks and had to climb down like a 5 year old on the high dive. What is wrong with me? I am 33, and I should really be over this by now. It is not the first day of swimming lessons.
Also, bought a foam roller today and am attempting to roll away my IT band issue. It is a serious and involved deal, like the deepest deep tissue massage ever. Will keep you posted on my progress.

Will Sloan Manor Never Be Complete???

I know that I mentioned SEVERAL weeks ago that we were having some work done on Sloan manor. I took for granted that this work would be finished by now, by three weeks ago for that matter. NO, friends, my house is still boarded up like hurricane Katrina is on its way, waiting in vain for our specially made windows to arrive. The first set came, and were the wrong size; the second set came and were broken; the third set seems like a dream that I would compare to peace in the Middle East or me enlarging a cup size overnight: a fairy tale of tomfoolery.
Mind you that after the windows, we are getting new molding in the kitchen and bathrooms, but this can't be started until after the windows. So, currently, our kitchen is in stacks and shambles: our tiny kitchen island is sitting in the dining room, most kitchen accessories are in the dining room, the microwave is on top of the washing machine, and I haven't seen the coffee maker in a while, so your guess is as good as mine.
We have a hanging rack, which hung over the island when the island was there, now it just hangs forlornly in front of the window devoid of pots, as they all had to be moved for the window project. I have gotten used to them not being there, so much so that this morning, I was standing under the rack, where someone, who shall remain nameless, had hung a pot without warning me. I stood up under the rack and hit my head so hard on a pot that it knocked the pot upwards and off the hook, the pot fell directly onto my head, forcing me to utter a heinous expletive and see stars and call my husband to tell him to call back in 5 minutes and come home if I didn't answer, as I would surely be passed out. MISERY.
While I was sitting on the kitchen floor recovering from my pot to head incident, I watched the inane reporting on the Today show. I have neutral feeling about Matt Lauer in general, but I feel he is a smart man and I wonder how he gets through the Today show EVERY DAY. Today, I watched him carry on an interview about women who have high-powered jobs, who wear stilettos to the office and come home and smoke pot at night. REALLY?? REALLY, Matt Lauer? How ridiculous. Then, bless his heart, he donned a huge Chefs hat and asked the visiting chef all about fried meatballs. The chef stated that they were healthy because they were deep fried in olive oil. Right, visiting chef, kind of like spinach queso is healthy because of the spinach. Poor Matt Lauer just stood there with his silly chef's hat falling over his eyebrows and nodded.
How does he get through it? Does he drink heavily off camera? Does he go home and smoke pot at night or gorge on meatballs in the privacy of his dressing room. Anyway, my parents were in New York at the Today show and they saw Matt Lauer outside and took his picture, which is the picture above, and I think that the look on his face here, must be the look he wears all the time as soon as he gets off camera: a mixture of self-loathing and humanity loathing. A desperation for a drink to make it all go away.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Tuesday: One Week into Sugar Bust

No Run Tuesday!! I had a dentist appointment this morning, and did not get up early enough to do a trainer ride. This gave me all day to look forward to a trainer ride after work. Though really this means after Ivan went to bed, as there is no riding a trainer when Ivan is awake. He views the trainer as a new toy set up specifically for his own enjoyment.
So, I am one week into the Sugar Bust, I would say that my cravings are under-control. I was at my parents' house today, and they had an open box of Godiva truffles sitting around and I was completely unmoved. I did OD on apple cheddar muffins with our chili tonight, but I will let that go.
I had to get a cavity filled this morning (boo! hiss!). Had a great talk with my dentist, Dr. Barkley, whom I have been seeing since I was four, I think. He does really interesting mission work and today he filled my cavity, and even though the Novocaine wore off and he struck a nerve, I still think he is a superior dentist. He still likes me, and he knew me when I had big bangs.
May I now just spend a moment talking about the trainer ride? I am trying to have a positive attitude about it, as it is definitely my option for a while. I really do not enjoy it. My goal today was forty minutes in zone two on my heart rate monitor. I did it, but after the first 20 minutes I was staring at my watch the whole time. I had to start setting watch-looking goals for myself.
  • I will not look at my watch until Rachel Zoe's husband comes onto the screen.
  • I will not look at my watch until the next commercial.
  • I will not look at my watch until the commercials are over.
  • I will count to 60 ten times before I look at my watch.
  • I will stand and ride for 10 seconds and then sit down for a 60 count ten times before I look at my watch.
My goal is to make it to an hour and a half, but after tonight that seems more than a little terrifying. Maybe I need great movie to watch, or ride in 30 minute segments with ten minutes off the bike in between segments where I do some sort of circuit training like weights and such.
I am tormented.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Monday: Two Weeks Off Running Starting Today

So, I think my game plan with my hip situation is to take two weeks off, doing my IT band physical therapy exercises, and then try to run again, slowly building my pace and distance and see if everything feels better. If no, I will drag myself to my physical therapist and commence really working on the situation. I just could not be more irritated. Tomorrow instead of running, I am going to have to ride the bike and drag the chariot behind me. I may even have to drag out the dreaded trainer. THE DREADED TRAINER. Misery.
Good swim anyway. Today, I followed the masters level swim workout, which means lots of IM. Workout as follows:
  • 300 swim/ 200 drill/200 pull
  • 2 x 50 free @ 1:00
  • 2 x 50 breast @ 1:00
  • 2 x 100 breast/free @ 2:00
  • 2 x 50 back @ 1:00
  • 2 x 150 back/breast/free @ 2:40
  • 2 x 50 fly @ :50
  • 4 x 200 swim @ 4:00 (1 & 4 IM; 2 & 3 free)
  • 2 x 50 fly @ 1:00
  • 2 x 150 back/breast/free @ 2:40
  • 2 x 50 back @ 1:00
  • 2 x 100 breast/free @ 2:00
  • 2 x 50 free :50
So that is completely complicated, right? Called a ladder workout, because you go up and then down. 6 butterflies in all made for a hard workout. I worked a bit at home and then went in to work for a few hours. Did Gilad at home and am about to hop off-line and devote myself to my IT band exercises while I watch Rachel Zoe!!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Sunday: I Got in a Negligible Bike Ride

So today, I did not go to the last lake swim as my sinuses clearly can't handle it. I did not run, because I am convalescing my hip. I have spent the last two years bragging that I do not get running injuries, because I am so devoted to swimming, and here I am with a bum hip. I am giving it two weeks before I seek professional help.
Ivan and I headed to the 11:00 AM church service. We got home and my parents came by and took us to Cosco, where Ivan tried on four possible Halloween options: Lion, Giraffe, Dragon, and Elephant. We have not yet reached a final decision. We are sleeping on it.
At home, I took a pitiful 10 mile bike ride around the neighborhood, and settled into an evening at home. I had a romantic idea that Ivan and I would watch The Wizard of Oz together, but Ivan has yet to develop any interest in the television. So he ran about in frenzied circles with his Ovaltine bottle and I tried futilely to encourage him to sit in my lap and prepare for bed.
Anyway, hopefully better workout tomorrow. Sugar bust is very successful so far!!!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Saturday: I mean really, Rain?

So today, my thought was to do the Wounded Soldier's Ride. This is a 50 mile ride to benefit wounded American soldiers. A huge clap of thunder woke me at 6ish AM and at 8:00 AM it was still pouring. The ride started at 9:00 AM, and it was a 30 minute drive to the start.
So, I did not go. I could have gone. I probably should have gone, but the thing is (and this is a dangerous spot to be in) I am training without a goal right now. I am working out all the time, but nothing is on the horizon to complete. For this reason, since it was raining, I did not feel compelled to ride the Wounded Soldier's Ride, which means another week has passed without me being on my bicycle. This means that my cycling is not improving, and really all I did today was a jog stroller run.
I did do some productive paperwork, listed a pair of jeans of Ebay and read two articles in the October edition of Vogue: Michelle Williams and the Queen Mother (who was Queen Elizabeth's Mother). Both great articles.
Then I wasted copious amounts of time looking at clothes on-line. Every year when fall rolls around, I become clothing obsessed. The weird in-between weather makes me feel like I have nothing to wear. All the new trends are hitting the stores, so I feel outdated. Anyway, I am convinced that I need legging jeans and a couple of new dresses; some boots and a new bag.
For dinner we went to Martin's Bar-B-Q, and I had a redneck taco. So delicious.
Watching Body of Lies!!

Thursday/Friday: The Internet Has Been Down for Two Days

So the Internet has been down for two full days at our house. Hard times. How do I do my endless Internet browsing while watching television? How do I check my email one million times per day? Who knows how many EBay battles I have lost or how many gofugyourself posts I have missed. I have had to get my news from Matt Lauer, which feels like getting it from a game of gossip. All I learned about Moammar Kadafi's recent trip to New York is that he stayed in a
Bedouin tent on one of Donald Trump's properties. Surely, he
did more that that, and I MISSED IT!!!!
Anyway, Thursday saw me getting in a run, some yoga, and Gilad. My hip is feeling better, but I am still trying to baby the situation.
Friday, I had a great swim with Dennis. Workout as follows:
  • 200 swim/ 4 x 50 kick/ 200 pull/ 200 swim
  • 500 swim all out for time (I think my time was 8ish minutes)
  • 3 x 400 pull on 7:00
  • 1 x 500 swim
  • 3 x 100 swim IM (3400 yards in all)
I swam really hard yesterday. Ending with the IM really takes it out of you as you feel like your heart is pounding out of your chest. I came home super hungry and ate a salmon burger, broccoli and peanut butter on a gluten-free waffle. Gluten free waffle = pretty tasty; though I miss the fiber count of my beloved Kashi flaxseed waffles.
I went into work for a few hours and stopped by The Food Company on the way home. They have this great Superfoods sandwich called Turkey # 2. It is pulled turkey, artichoke spread, roasted red peppers, baby spinach on sourdough bread. I get mine on the whole grain bread so that I can get it an extra superfood. I also got the Food Company salad which is full of fresh greens and avocados, and toasted pecans. It was great. I came home and started on my final disk of Dexter: Season 3. Dexter is a serial killer, and I kind of love him. Season three ended on an only slightly unbelievable note. So, I was quite satisfied.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Wednesday: Double Swim

Today, I was up early and it was, of course, raining; Nashville fall is all about the rain. I made a smoothie, but my blender died on me this morning and I had to complete the smoothie in the Cuisinart. The Cuisinart actually made a better and smoother smoothie, but it is a lot of trouble. Elliott rolled in with a new Oster blender when he got home from work. Thrilling!!!!
Anyway, Ivan and I made it to swim and I got in about 2600 yards, as follows:
  • 200 swim/ 400 pull with paddles
  • 2 x 75 @ 1:30
  • 2 x 25 all out
  • repeat above four times
  • 2 x 300 swim @ 4:00
  • 3 x 200 swim @ 6:00
Nick was there today, and it is so much more fun to have someone to swim with in the morning. It was great!!
Last night, when I was reading Rebel Giants, I turned a page and $7 fell out. So exciting!!!! (It was a used book from Amazon) I used it to go to Starbucks on the way home from swim. At home, I made 11 fundraising calls for Learningpalooza, which is the fundraiser that Learning Matters, the not-for-profit that I work for, is hosting in November.
I was then able to get in a run, because Ivan woke up and it stopped raining. I loaded Ivan into the jog stroller with his bottle of pedialite, and we ran two miles away from the house and the bottom fell out of the sky like I have rarely seen. I was drenched. Ivan's Chariot has a rain cover, so he was dry.
We dried out and I had dinner and got ready to go back to swim. Night swim workout as follows:
  • 300 warm-up
  • 8 x 50 alternating swim and butterfly
  • 4 x 100 on 1:40
  • 4 x 50 breast stroke
  • 4 x 100 swim descend
  • 6 x 50 swim/backstroke
  • 3 x 100 swim descend
  • some other things I can't remember
  • 2 x 200 pull for cool down
All this came out to around 3200 yards.
Came home and made a massive grocery list. MASSIVE. The sugar-bust is going great!!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Book Report: The Help by Kathryn Stockett

So, if you have read anything since Freshman literature in college, everyone is trying to get you to read this book. It is ALL THE TALK.
The story takes place in Jackson, Mississippi from the years 1961-1964. It centers around the town's women and their "help" or the black women that work for too little money as their maids. The political/ social times are changing, but are presented only peripherally in the book, which leaves the reader with the impression that Jackson, Mississippi is and enclave within a country.
The story is told from the point of view of three women: two black maids, Abilene and Minny, and one young white woman who desperately wants to be writer. The young white woman, Skeeter, is given some advice from an editor in New York that she should submit some work on a controversial topic. Thereby gaining attention and maybe changing society in some way.
Though the women she will begin to write about are her closest childhood friends, Skeeter seizes on the opportunity to secretly interview their maids and find out how The Help is treated. Much secrecy ensues and difficult lives are revealed. Pillars of the community are found to treat their maids in a less than human fashion. Jackson, Mississippi finds itself exposed.
I thought that this book was incredibly readable, and I read it almost as fast as I read One Fifth Avenue. My college roommate pointed out that Kathryn Stockett had done a a great job of writing women with poor grammar (or maybe grammar colloquial to that time and station) as both intelligent and wise. This is abundantly correct. Kathryn Stockett also wrote about Southern heat in such a way that made you feel it. I felt sticky with sweat most of the book.
Overall though, I would describe it as the best book club book I have ever read. It encourages us to think broadly and be aware of all of society's cogs. The author is from Jackson and had a close relationship with her "help" as a child. She moved to New York to become a writer, so she clearly has the authority and intimate knowledge of the subject matter. I would thoroughly recommend reading it, though I feel The Help suffered in my estimation so soon after reading Marilynne Robinson's Home.

Tuesday: The Sugar-Bust Begins

So this morning, I slept a little late and missed my morning run, which means that I had to do the jog stroller run at 6:00 PM when I got home from work. I sprinted about the house and got ready for Bible study.
I did all my homework this week and asked for a student supplement to go with our study so that I could have extra questions and have enough space to write out all my answers. This is because in my heart of hearts, I am the nerdiest person that I know. I just wish my Bible Study came with cross word puzzles as well.
Ivan went unwillingly, but without last week's show of toddler violence, into the nursery. He has been living on Pedialite and toast; though Ivan has born up rather well under this depressing culinary existence.
After my sweet potato pie weekend and white wine and cupcake baby shower, I am beginning, what I plan to be, a two week sugar-bust. Also, the chess square meltdown and my Hood To Coast food debacle. I am just eating whatever comes near my mouth lately, and it is ridiculous. The terms of my sugar bust are as follows:
  • no candy
  • no cookies or other baked goods
  • no sweet drinks except for one Sweet Leaf tea per week on Tuesdays at Bible study
Sweets that are allowed:
  • Orange juice
  • Grab the Gold bars, but no more than one a day
  • Gum, though it is imperative that I do not get a sweets craving and eat an entire pack of gum at one sitting. This might have happened before.
Rewards that I am thinking about at the end of the Sugar Bust:
  • small box Godiva truffles
  • Christie cookie sandwich cookie
  • Butter Finger Blast with extra Butter Finger from Sonic
  • Flourless Chocolate Dome from PF Changs. This might be one of the best Restaurant Desserts out there. No Joke. Also, relatively good for you as no flour, plus lots of fresh berries.
I am enlisting Marshall as my sugar bust buddy, though he is doubtful about his commitment to the no-sugar drinks. I find a sugar-bust partner to be integral to the success of the sugar-bust. Also, I will blog about my sugar-bust for back-up accountability. I feel that my system is flawless.
The rest of my day was great. I was able to get in a Gilad, a Cathe Freidrich, and a bit of Yoga before work. I watched Monday night's Rachel Zoe Project, which was thoroughly enjoyable. I learned a lot about fall looks and have decided that I am desperately in need of legging jeans and more tunic tops. I will keep you posted on the perfect pair of leggings.
Got in a good afternoon at work and finished The Help, look for my upcoming review!!
I started my new book Rebel Giants!!!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Monday: Just Not the Monday I Wanted

So, today went about like last Monday. I woke up with the antihistamine hangover, and Ivan seemed a bit sicky as well. His diaper produce indicated that we were not going to the gym, so I missed swim, and his fussiness turned this into a complete day off. Hopefully, we will all be in bed early and back on our toes tomorrow. I hate to miss Monday swim, as it really kicks the week off right.
I did kick my day off with a piece of sweet potato pie,
which clearly indicates that I have lost all touch with human
self-control. I am of the basest junkyard dog variety; keep
the lids on your outdoor trash cans tightly tamped down, I
am on the loose.
I did manage to have a nice lunch with my mother, and
and get into work for a few hours. Let's keep our fingers
crossed for tomorrow.
Reading The Help. 'Tis a great read!!!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Sunday: I Am Allergic to the Lake

So, this morning I dragged myself from he bed to get to the lake right on time. We are completely out of Grab the Gold bars, so my to-go breakfast options were slim. When my to-go options are slim, I typically may a poor choice. My poor choice this morning was a slice of sweet potato pie. I rationalized that since the sweet potato is in the Superfoods category, it was most likely all right. It is so not all right to eat pie for breakfast, but it is oh so pleasant.
Anyway, after that breakfast of champions, I got in the lake and swam all the way out to the farthest buoy. Now, the water is always interesting, because we start out in a cove. The water is typically like glass in the beginning, but might change as you swim. This morning, the cove water was just as smooth as swimming in a pool, but as soon as we passed the sailboat marina the water was choppy. It became a tough swim. I can swim in choppy water, but my strokes feel shorter and I quickly get blown off course. I mean every once in while, I would try to sight and realize I couldn't see any other swimmers. This was because I had been buffeted out beyond where anyone else was swimming. It gives you a start to be at what feels like the center of a lake, swimming alone. I spent a lot of time swimming diagonally and sighting every couple of strokes to make sure that I could see other swimmers and wasn't being washed out to the great lakes.
We got back to the cove and into the shore, and I loaded back in the car and headed back home to have coffee with my sister. All the way home from swim and all through coffee, I was plagued by sneezes. I have been one big nasal disaster and I have been eating antihistamines like popcorn at a movie. This also happened last Sunday after lake swim. What could be happening. I need to research fall water born allergens. We only have three more lake swims left until we stop lake swimming in October.
The swim was all I did today. I took a nice nap and cleaned out Ivan's out grown clothes. Aaaahh, the quiet sneezy Sunday.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Saturday Workout: No Mercy for the Abs

I was in bed early last night, to get a good night's sleep before my run this morning. In bed early, however, means less than nothing to a toddler teething in his molars. Ivan was up three times before 1:00 AM; not finally asleep until 2:00 AM. This means I got almost 5 hours of sleep before getting up to get ready to run. Today, I had to take the baby along to run six miles with my college roommate. We hit the 5.8 a Percy Warner Park at 7:30.
Running at Percy Warner anytime after 6:00 AM on a Saturday is a huge hassle. HUGE. Parking is impossible. I had to PARALLEL park, which is just not in my range of abilities. This great guy from my run group actually stopped me and took the wheel of my car and parallel parked for me. I totally appreciated it, but I felt like a complete stereotype of a woman. I then got out the jog stroller and assembled it. Of course it was raining, so I had to put all the rain guards on the jog stroller before we were finally ready to run.
The 5.8 was great, and we had lots of good talk time, and when we finished, I got to introduce Ivan around to some of my running group. I took the baby home, and was able to do Gilad and Cathe Friedrich's abs workout. Cathe Friedrich was killer, and I used the stability ball and the medicine ball for all sorts of planking and piking.
I took a nap and received two more books in the mail:
  • Rebel Giants: The Revolutionary Lives of Abraham Lincoln and Charles Darwin
  • The Life of the Party: Pamela Digby Churchill Harriman
I am making good progress with The Help, so I should be into Rebel Giants by the end of the week.
I co-hosted a baby shower for my sister in the evening, and came home to a quiet night watching Jockey's.

The Pic is My husband's grandmother, holding Ivan and me last Halloween.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Friday Workout: I swam at 5:00 AM

I got out of bed at 4:35 AM today, because I could not fit in the 8:30 AM swim this morning. I was clearly smoking crack when I actually got out of bed. No lie, 4:35 AM is seriously early. I got in 2800 meters and felt great actually.
Workout as follows:
  • 400 warm-up
  • Blur of some swimming that I can't remember because it was 5:00 AM in the morning
  • 400 pull without paddles
  • 8 x 50 fast
  • 300 pull without paddles
  • 6 x 50 fast
  • 200 pull without paddles
  • 4 x 50 fast
  • 100 pull
  • 2 x 50 fast
  • 6 x 50 (first 25 of each 50 without breathing)

Also, it feels great to roll back into the house at 6:55 AM with the bulk of your workout finished. I got home and loaded Ivan into the jog stroller for a three mile run. I felt great, but 8:43 PM finds me fading fast.
I took a day trip with my mom and sister, and then went to a whole-sale pearl show, where I bought a great pair of pearl cluster earrings (Two Pearls). They are pictured above.
When I got home, two new books had arrived:
  • The Elegance of the Hedgehog
  • The Help
I have already started The Help, and it seems like a great read. Hope to be finished by the time Rebel Giants arrives.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Dazzle Toes Follow Up

So, I was pretty pleased about my Dazzle Toes. My toes are great, no chipping, but I had to step up the situation. Faux nail guru, Jaime from my swim class, gave me some integral tips. First of all, she said that I had to use the Kiss brand. I also had to make sure that the nails had tabs on the end.
If the nails have tabs on the end, you can easily put a layer of glue on top of your nail and a layer on the underside of the fake nail. Then, you use the tab to position the nail, and you don't get the nails stuck to your finger and lose skin in the process.
Once the nails are on, you can trim and file them to your desired length and shape. I am told by Jaime that you can also paint them, but I have not advanced to that level, YET!!!
Durability: OK, I will say that the fingernails look amazing for four days at the longest. They will stay on for a week, but might start to look a little dingy around the edges. Though, for the four days that they look like movie star nails, you will think it is well worth the trouble.
The toenails will stay on for like two week and look pretty great. You have to maintain as your nails grow, but as a general rule look really great. So, this is a natural looking beautiful pedicure/ manicure for $6 each. AMAZING, right? You wish I had told you sooner.

Thursday: The Rain is Getting to Me

So today, it was raining so hard that there was no way to run with the jog stroller. All day it was a complete downpour, and we were absolutely stranded in the house. So, I packed Ivan up in his new rain coat and toted him to the pool so that he could work with Kennette for a while on his floating and swimming. While in the pool Ivan inhaled water and choked until he vomited, TWICE. TWICE. I can't even tell you what a leper you become when your child vomits on you in the pool. It is both socially inappropriate and revolting.
Do you get out of the pool, do you stay in? How do you handle it? And how do babies vomit and then behave as if nothing happened? Anyway, Ivan floated and kicked like a champ.
We got home and Ivan napped briefly. I made it through Gilad and part of CoreMax with Cathe Friedrich, while it poured outside. (Coremax, by the way, will make your abs ache for the rest of the week. I have to do it more often)
I pulled myself together and went into work for a few hours. The rain finally stopped at 6:00 PM, and I was able to do a four mile jog stroller run. After the jog stroller run, I was able to finish CoreMax, get through yoga and a 12 count Crane Balance. If all goes as planned, I will be up at 4:30 AM for early swim with Ashley and Dee, as I can't make 8:30 AM swim with Dennis.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Wednesday: HTC DInner means no Double Swim

OK, so I am posting an old picture because it is too late to bother with our scanner and post the group picture from Hood to Coast. It is coming though, look for it.

Anyway, I got up a bit late this morning to a torrent of rain. Made my smoothie and clamored into the car with Ivan to go to swim. I was late, but I think I got in 2900 meters. Dennis' workout as follows:
  • 300 swim/200 pull/ 100 kick
  • 6 x 50 kick (with fins)
  • 12 x 75 (1:30)
  • 6 x 50 kick (no fins: just ridiculous, so slow)
  • 10 x 50 swim (1:00)
  • 6 x 50 kick
Got home, worked and answered emails. Ivan was a pill and refused his alloted time for napping, which means that nothing was accomplished. I gave up and put him in the jog stroller and got in a three mile run in the rain. Came home and prepared for my Hood to Coast dinner. I proudly gave Chris the Tighty Whitey award, and it was truly hilarious. Good times!!!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Tuesday: The Run was Yucky

So today, I was up and at'em at the regular time. I encouraged Ivan into the jog stroller and we started our run. I kicked it off with the Rachel Zoe theme song. Anyway, throughout the run, I felt sicky, like I had not eaten enough food or too much food; all around sluggish/ faint. The worst kind of workouts, because they seem to go so slowly, that you wonder why you have dragged yourself out on the road.
I pulled through and came home for a hearty breakfast of fruit and Kashi (the brand name of fiber and health).
I spent the next 45 minutes hurtling around the house getting ready for Bible study. It never fails that I try to get ready for Bible study and something goes terribly wrong. Today, for instance, we were out of potable wipes. (by the by, YOU CANNOT TAKE A CHILD TO ANY NURSERY WITHOUT POTABLE WIPES). I had to assemble a wipes situation, by putting a bunch of non-potable wipes in a Ziploc bag. Nursery workers look down on this, but it was desperate times this morning.
Anyway, I got to Bible study and attempted to drop off Ivan, but he managed to grab a fistful of my hair in each hand. He then proceeded to twist the hair and scream his tomato red angry scream, until he was pried loose by no less that two nursery workers, who looked at me with a mixture of pity and irritation. I lost approximately 50 hairs; none of which I gave up willingly.
I managed to drop off Ivan and sneak into Bible study. I was officially late by this time. I learned a good bit in Bible study, before hurrying home and getting Ivan down for a nap. I did Gilad and Yoga on mute while talking to my sister (a special talent reserved for harried days) before sneaking into work for a bit and rushing off to dinner.
Dinner with friends and my first good experience with port!!! What a lovely end!! Finishing off with a bit of Pride and Prejudice, just to remind myself that every young man of good fortune is in need of a wife.

Picture is from our wonderful trip to Acapulco. That Delphine can plan a trip!!!!!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Monday: I Took the Day Off

So, Ivan has been nursing some sort of stomach sickness that prevented us from going to swim class this morning. Also, he seemed too sickly for the jog stroller, and I just gave up on everything else in the face of the grumpiness and poor napping that comes along with baby sickness.
I ordered 4 books:
  • Rebel Giants: The Revolutionary Lives of Abraham Lincoln and Charles Darwin
  • The Help
  • The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society
  • The Life of the Party: The Biography of Pamela Digby Harriman Churchill
Until these arrive, I am reading Freedom From Fear: The American People in Depression and War. I will not finish it before the arrival of the more desired books above as it is 900 pages, but plan to keep chipping away at it between books.

Went in to work this afternoon, came home and watched Rachel Zoe behave as if her outfit for a salon opening had the disaster potential of the Bay of Pigs. Why will I love her so??

Pic from our trip to Moab four years ago

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Book Report: Marilynne Robinson's Home: A Worthy Companion Novel to Gilead

In 2006, Marilynne Robinson published Gilead, which won the Pulitzer Prize. It was an exceptionally worthy recipient. It is the story of a congregationalist minister (John Ames) in the small town of Gilead. He has long lived a bachelor, though with a quiet longing for children and companionship. When he marries and has a child in his old age, the realization that he will not see his child enter adulthood compels him to write his son a letter about his life. This writing forces him to look at his righteous life and see the small frustrations within it. It also forces him to look at this relationship with Robert Boughton and his family. Robert is the Presbyterian minister in town, and he is John Ames closest friend since childhood. He is married and has eight children who are all grown at the time of both books.
Two of Reverend Boughton's children have come back home. His daughter, Glory, who has come home to take care of her aged father after the demise of her long engagement. Jack Boughton has also come home. Jack Boughton is described as "one of the great characters in recent literature. A bad boy from childhood, an alcoholic who cannot hold a job, he is perpetually at odds with his surroundings..." Home is told from the perspective of Glory Boughton as she struggles to care for her father and encourage her wayward brother who has come home after a 20 year absence, because he has nowhere else to go.
The struggles in this book deal with predestination and how to start over again when your actions have condemned you over and over. In both books, the crippling love of children, the perpetual goodness of the Lord, and the small interactions with all walks of humanity that profoundly affect our lives are poignantly addressed and examined.
Both of these book are a must read. They are companion novels, so they should be read in tandem beginning with Gilead. I can honestly say that no books have affected my worldview more than these. I encourage you to let them do the same for you!!!

Sunday: Lake Swim

Today, I was out at the lake by 7ish to swim. We swam about 2.5 miles from the shore, past the sail boat marina and out to the edge of the no-wake zone. It was a great swim. The air was cool and the water was warm, though it was a sparse crowd since there was an Ironman in Louisville a couple of weekends ago.
I picked up a coffee on the way and home and found Ivan a bit sickly when I got home, so no church.
I finished my book and was able to do Gilad and Yoga. I held my crane balance for a full 10 count tonight.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Therapy Systems: Line Tox for Eyes

Take a trip back in time with me if you will to the day I met Linda Roberts: I am a sadly attired graduate student (24ish years old), counting out change pilfered from my dad's change jar to buy a turkey sandwich for lunch at Provence. The service is ridiculously slow, which has given me time to study the woman in front of me. She is immaculate in black jeans and a blazer, she has her very own BIRKIN BAG (HER VERY OWN BIRKIN BAG), and huge black sunglasses. Also, great blond hair. I am wearing a mini-skirt that I hemmed myself (unevenly) and a sweater that my sister left at home when she moved out. It has a little moth hole at the collar, and I'm certain I was wearing tights and Dansko clogs.
Anyway, we have been waiting forever, and in frustration the above mentioned woman turned to me and said, "I work in retail and the number one rule is never let people wait like this." I was fascinated and immediately asked where she worked in retail. She said that she owned Private Edition. I could hardly believe it!!!!
My skin has always been my greatest challenge, and I had been longing to try the Therapy Systems products. I read all about them, and had wanted to wander into Private Edition and get the intensive Glycolic and Topical A treatments that were offered. This was a graduate school impossibility, as each product sold by Therapy Systems retailed for $70ish. Meanwhile, my pores were growing larger by the day, and I was resigned to knockoff Noxema products from Walgreens. Walking in the doors of Private Edition was pretty much out of the question.
Anyway, I enthusiastically poured my heart out to the glamorous woman in front of me in line. Just like in a fairy tale, Linda Roberts pulled out a business card and a pen and wrote on the back, and I quote, "Give this cute girl one free Therapy Systems product!!" I felt like Charlie Bucket and I wanted to run shrieking out of Provence that I had the golden ticket!!
I went to Private Edition that evening and bought Topical A, which I absolutely recommend if you are too sensitive for Retin-A. Since then, I have become a devotee. I religiously use the Glycolic in the morning, and I believe that all the line's glycolic treatments are the best on the market. I try to do the peels several times a year.
Anyway, over the labor day weekend, that brilliant Linda Roberts ran a special on the Line Tox for eyes at the Cosmetic Market (this is Linda's younger, hipper, all sorts of fun products cosmetic boutique). It is normally $70, and she had it on sale for $35. It fights both puffiness and crow's feet. I have tried lots of eye creams over the past couple of years: the Oil of Olay Pro-X, L'Oreal Regenerist, two different Clinique things, and some Lancome stuff. The Line Tox really seems to work and is second only to Creme de la Mer (which is just ridiculously thick and creamy). The Line Tox overall, is an exceptional value for high performance. It is great under makeup and I think that I am seeing some decreased eye puffiness, which is the bane of my 33 year old life. It is smooth under make-up and seems to make a visible difference after I put it on right when I wake up. I am a huge fan and really consider it a relative value at $70, though am quite pleased I only had to pay $35!!! Thanks Linda Roberts.
(PS-I have only seen Linda Roberts once since I saw her at Provence. She walked past a window where I was eating lunch with my mother, and she had a Chanel bag!!!!!)

Saturday Workout: HOW 100 and a Run

So today I was up by 6ish and headed out to Leipers Fork for the HOW 100, the Hope on Wheels Fundraiser for breast cancer. I had previously thought that this ride was not going to work for me due to childcare issues, but lo and behold, my husband stepped up like a champ and handled childcare this morning.
The mileage options were 29, 62, and 100 miles. I headed out for the 29 mile ride, but was able to tack a bit more on, so it was more like 40 miles. 40 miles actually might be my perfect distance. It was long enough to feel like I had gotten in a good workout, but short enough that my back wasn't numb and I wasn't resenting the bike. Usually, this is a women's only ride, but they allowed a men's ride to start approximately 30 minutes after the women's ride. I think this was great, because a well supported ride is something everyone wants in on, and it surely allowed more money to be raised for the cause.
The Natchez Trace Parkway comprised the entire route, and the weather was just beautiful. It wasn't too hot, and the sun was hidden in a haze of fog for the first 10 miles or so. I rode with a friend from swim class, and it was so fun to talk and ride. I also felt like I was able to practice many of the concepts taught in Todd Nordmeyer's bike class. I kept my back flat and tried to sit more heavily in my seat and pull in my core muscles. Hopefully, today was the first of my commitment to alternate long run and long bike weekends, instead of focusing only on the run.
The rest stops were just great. They were well stocked with sunscreen, water and cookies from Whole Foods. Honestly, I could eat my weight in the vegan almond cookies from Whole Foods, but after my SERIOUS nutritional excesses at Hood to Coast, I limited myself to only three cookies overall today.
The lunch that Whole Foods provided was delicious: herbed turkey wraps, pita chips, apples, and a sun dried tomato pasta. All in all, I give this ride a big thumbs up.
When I got home, I attempted to load Ivan into the jog stroller for a run, but he was having none of it. I was able to leave him for a nap and get in a three mile run. I set my sight on doing Yoga and Gilad, but I just did a bit of crane balancing, before taking a nap and spending some time reading Home. I will be finished tonight or tomorrow.

Pics are myself and Dee Davis before the ride, a pic of the start line, my bike, and the Jimmy Buffet water stop where they serve virgin margaritas and play Jimmy Buffet music. These guys are at many a bike ride and they are champions of hospitality. If you click on these pictures, you can enlarge them and see more detail.

Friday Workout: I only got in the Swim

I got out of the house and to swim on time. I have gone light on my runs, since I have felt a little depleted after last weekend's race.
PRIZE UPDATE: My great friend Karen was at the awards ceremony, and she claimed my prize for me. It was a $20 gift certificate to Dick's Sporting Goods. Thrilling!!! They carry all sorts of things I might wear at Dicks.
Dennis had a great swim workout for us today:
  • 6 x 100 swim (1:45) Evens IM
  • 8 x 50 kick
  • 4 x 200 swim 3:15
  • 2 x 400 pull with paddles
  • 6 x 100 swim (1:45) Evens IM
3200 meters all together, which is usually what I shoot for. I tried to keep up with Jaime on the 100's, and I made it for about two and my heart was pounding out of my chest.

I tried to take Ivan to swim with his coach, but she was away for the day. We came home and took a walk, put Ivan down for a nap, and I finished watching Frost/ Nixon. Frost/Nixon turned out to be great. It seemed to really convey the brokenness of Nixon as a man as well as the insecurities that seemed to plague him as he competed to be a politician in an an atmosphere that he perceived to be for more privileged individuals than himself. It also showed the desperation with which Frost approached the interviews and the hit he would have taken if he had failed to sell the series of interviews with Nixon. I am hoping to rent the real interviews between Frost/Nixon so that I can compare.
Finally, I headed out for dinner and drinks!!! Fun times on a Friday!!!
Pics are Ivan's first balloon and Ivan's first encounter with Rebound.