Saturday, July 30, 2011

Saturday: Run and Yoga

This morning, my alarm went off to thunder and lightning, and I was actually excited to just turn off the alarm and roll over.  Once out of bed, it rained for 2.5 more hours before I was able to get out and run about the neighborhood.  The going was slow and muggy, but pleasant.   I drank my glowing green smoothie and had some oatmeal before my run and then scurried back into the house to prep Ivan and I for a pool party.

Lately, it is most unpleasant to tote my child about to any gathering by myself.  If not afore-noticed, he is a handful.  There was an accident, some running away, some incidents of not sharing and a final drama of being manhandled to the car which was most unpleasant.

At home, I gleefully put Ivan down for a nap which was short lived as he was quickly woken by more thunder.   It is always a great misfortune when someone does not get their full nap, because you can count on an afternoon of multiple meltdowns.  This was the case, but things did not get really bad until later at dinner.

In the afternoon, Ivan helped me chop up glowing green smoothie ingredients, and helped me pit cherries for my cherry limeades.  It was pleasant, until we hit Riff Burger for dinner and someone had multiple dramas as we ate outdoors.  The pleasant part, is that while I was holding our table and the rest of our party was ordering, I was able to read everything Wikipedia had to offer about George Soros.  I have been sort of fascinated by him ever since he was mentioned in Mountains Beyond Mountains as trying to eradicate TB in the Russian prisons.  I have to admit, he is pretty impressive.   You never know when you will have a chance to research.

After a few public meltdowns at dinner, someone went to bed without his songs.  Ahh well, the earlier the better on a day like today.  Swim tomorrow!!

Friday, July 29, 2011

Friday: Day Off

Normally on Fridays, Ivan and I hit swim, but I took today to decompress.  Yesterday, we had a rather trying morning, that involved potty training and you know, it is too fresh to even discuss it.  That is how awful it was.  Suffice it to say that getting to work was a bit delayed, and I was quite relieved to drop Ivan off with my mother. My work appointment ran long, which put me late to my following appointment, which put me late to my grocery store run, which put me late to a party that was being given in my honor.  Nice.

Following the party, which was so fun, I headed out to spend the night with my parents who still had Ivan. This morning, I watched the new season of Project Runway with my sister.  I took a nap with Ivan, hauled him home for swimming lessons, watched a couple of episodes of Curious George and am now holed up on the couch.

In my head, I am getting up and running with my running group tomorrow morning.  Will I? The past two days aren't really giving me a lot of confidence about tomorrow morning.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Wednesday: Swim and Yoga and Fab Dinner

Today, we were on our mark at the Sloan household.  I was on time to swim, Ivan was interested in getting to the gym, he was pleasant on both entry and exit. I swam 3000 meters and we hit Whole Foods on the way home.  

I think I have mentioned before, that my eating has pretty much cracked out.  As a general rule, I feel great, but having me to dinner these days could be super awkward.  While I do not want to become the type of person that cannot eat in a restaurant, I did purchase both nutritional yeast and dulse flakes at Whole Foods today.  I am officially eating seaweed and whatever, that is apparently what I am doing. 

Anyway, I will say that today, I made a FABULOUS salad for dinner.  

I first made The Barefoot Contessa's easy lemon chicken:

Lemon Chicken Breast (Serves 4)
Copyright, 2010 Barefoot Contessa, How Easy is That?, All Rights Reserved

Lemon Chicken BreastQuentin Bacon
1/4 cup good olive oil
3 tablespoons minced garlic (9 cloves)
1/3 cup dry white wine
1 tablespoon grated lemon zest (2 lemons)
2 tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon juice
1½ teaspoons dried oregano
1 teaspoon minced fresh thyme leaves
Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper
4 boneless chicken breasts, skin on (6 to 8 ounces each)
1 lemon
Barefoot Contessa How Easy Is That?
  View Book

Preheat the oven to 400 degrees.

Warm the olive oil in a small saucepan over medium-low heat, add the garlic, and cook for just 1 minute but don’t allow the garlic to turn brown. Off the heat, add the white wine, lemon zest, lemon juice, oregano, thyme, and 1 teaspoon salt and pour into a 9 X 12-inch baking dish.

Pat the chicken breasts dry and place them skin side up over the sauce. Brush the chicken breasts with olive oil and sprinkle them liberally with salt and pepper. Cut the lemon in 8 wedges and tuck it among the pieces of chicken.

Bake for 30 to 40 minutes, depending on the size of the chicken breasts, until the chicken is done and the skin is lightly browned. If the chicken isn’t browned enough, put it under the broiler for 2 minutes. Cover the pan tightly with aluminum foil and allow to rest for 10 minutes. Sprinkle with salt and serve hot with the pan juices. 

Then, I made Kimberly Snyder's "Dharma's Kale Salad":

This salad is amazing- satisfying and full of protein, beautifying enzymes and nutrition:
  • Curly Kale
  • Sprouts- any kind you like. I like Sunflower sprouts and Clover sprouts best. (According to yogic philosophy, sprouts are the highest prana(energy) food of all since a sprout is gathering as much energy as possible to transition from a seed to a plant)
  • 2 Chopped Tomatoes
  • 2 Avocados (cut up into pieces)
  • Olive oil
  • The juice of 1 large lemon or 1 ½ lemons
  • Cayenne pepper
  • Celtic sea salt
  • Nutritional Yeast (Kal brand is my favorite), 2 or 3 scoops to make ‘cheesy’ and get all your daily supply of B vitamins, plus lots of protein
Recommended Additions
  • Hemp seeds (great for added protein)
  • Dulse (sea vegetable for minerals)
Mix the Kale, Tomatoes, Avocados and Sprouts together

In a dressing container, mix the olive oil, lemon juice, dulse flakes, nutritional yeast and cayenne pepper and sea salt. 

It was a fabulous salad and I have to encourage it!! 

Also got in a great yoga practice and went to work!!


Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Monday/ Tuesday: Swim, Run, and Yoga

Now, yesterday was a day of mental and physical malaise.  I had a bad night's sleep, Ivan melted down about going to the gym, two people told me that I looked "huge", and I had a little brownie meltdown that made me feel physically ill within 30 minutes of the binge.

But back to the two people who told me that I looked "huge" - let's never say that and here is why: I was going on a bad night's sleep and some seriously bad behavior from my child to begin with and telling me that I looked "huge" sort of put me in the state of mind to waltz back out to the parking lot and key cars or slash tires.  Or go all Winston Churchill and say that I will lose this 12 pounds of baby that I have gained, but you will still be: 1) socially incompetent, 2) physically hideous, 3) vile.

Now, here are how polite people have addressed my obvious state of confinement:
"You are so tiny, that I know that must be a baby bump"
"From the back, I would never have any idea  you were pregnant."
"Oh, you are pregnant, I had no idea.  You can't tell." (clearly a LIE, but I LOVE IT)

To those people who have uttered the above statements to me, you have earned a place of love in my heart that will never be quenched.  To those of you who have used the word "huge", don't look to me for help in a post-apocalyptic world.  If I end up with all the canned goods, you are SOL.

Anyway, I had a good swim, but was in a state of malaise that ended in furious needlepointing and an early bedtime.  Today was much lovlier: great sleep, a fun morning at the pool with friends, a great yoga session with Ivan finally perfecting downward dog, and a nice run.  It was good times.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Saturday: RUN

This morning, in a rare feat of early rising, I was up and alert at 5:05 AM.  I dressed for my run, drank my glowing green smoothie, made some oatmeal and a glass of green tea.  I met up with my running group and as is my current habit, I hoofed along pretty well until we had run for about three miles at which point my pace slowed, and I began seriously dragging.  At the point when the group was having to actually wait on me, I turned back and got in three more miles to make six and confession: I walked the last 1/2 mile.  

I think that my goal until the end of my confinement is to run a six mile distance once a week.  It feels pretty good, but would feel a darn site better if it were not so hot.  It is so hot.  It feels like the description in To Kill A Mockingbird when Harper Lee talks about how men's collars wilted and ladies did not come out until four o'clock dusted with talcum like tea cakes.  Once we came home, I badgered my husband and son into going to the farmer's market to get some fresh tomatoes and then hid inside until the heat of the day had passed.  

In the afternoon, we attended the church bar-b-cue.  No swim tomorrow as it is the Music City Triathlon!  Must swim on my own!

Friday, July 22, 2011

Thursday and Friday: Yoga, Gilad, Run and Swim

Now, I did actually work out a bunch over the last two days, but the centerpiece of my news is that I loaded Sloan IV up and went to consult with the pediatrician about potty training.  Now, my pediatrician (the fabulous Dr. Bastian) is pretty laid back, yet very attentive and he is one of my favorite people.  I sort of hoped that he would say that there was a potty training boarding school somewhere in the Cotswold, and we needed to send Ivan there for two weeks.  Needless to say, no one is going to potty train my child for me, and I pinned way too much hope on this Dr.'s appointment.  My mother came with me, so that Dr. Bastian and I could speak privately about potty training.

However, Dr. Bastian sort of took the wind out of my sails by telling me we did not really need to speak privately.  He really thought I just needed to back down, not make an issue, and maybe get Ivan a portable potty.  He said what EVERYONE and their brother has said to me, that Ivan's bathrooming is the only thing that he can control and if I continue to push, he will continue to control.  SO, I am not pushing and whatever.  My pediatrician assures me that Ivan will not wear a diaper to prom and probably not even to kindergarten.

So, potty training ad nauseum aside, I got in a great Gilad workout as well as some yoga yesterday.  I ran in the evening and popped up early for swim today.  I swam 3000 meters this morning and am setting my sights on getting up early to run!!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Wednesday: Swim

You know, I guess we all have hair brained ideas about activities we will participate in with our children.  I, Betsy Sloan, thought that this morning, Ivan and I would have a lovely morning of rising early and picking blueberries together.  As you can imagine this was a disaster of someone losing their wagon in one of the rows of blueberry bushes (trees? these were huge), someone running away, someone becoming bored after 15, nay, 10 minutes, someone wanting to go home.  It was not unexpected really.  

I just finished a great book, The Shadow of the Wind, and in it there is an interesting character who makes the comment that children are like lottery tickets.  They have the potential to house all your hopes and dreams and make them come true. I think there is a lot truth to that, and when I have these days where I plan a fun thing that falls apart, I have to sort of think it is more me than Ivan.  The blueberries were my thing, not his.  

We left from the blueberry farm to go to swim, and while we did make it to swim, there was much post-blueberry grumpiness and someone might have taken off their shoes and thrown them.  Swim was great, but I was late and I did not get in the yardage I wanted.  I think we will forgo the blueberry farm next Wednesday and have some extra Sesame Street time before making a stab at arriving to swim on time.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Tuesday: Day Off

So today, I had to eat on a time-line and fast for 2 hours, and then go to the doctor and have a blood-glucose test to check for gestational diabetes.  I do not have gestational diabetes, but the test itself is most unpleasant as it is like eating 1000 gummi bears on an empty stomach and getting that feeling of having eaten all your Easter candy at once.  I just felt low blood sugary.

Also, I had child-care drama this morning, so I entered the blood glucose testing situation with elevated blood pressure.  There was the meeting of my husband, the dropping off of Young Sloan in the middle of the Publix parking lot like so much chattel, and speeding off late to my doctor's appointment.

I chose the orange glucose drink and was able to work while I sat for 1.5 hours waiting to see if my blood sugar was going to spike dangerously.  As I sat there while my body tamped down a potential blood sugar spike, I was able to do some paperwork and decompress amongst all the other gestating women.

Now, unlike the usual situation, my doctor's appointment was cut rather short and I was hustled out the door so that the office could get to lunch.  I sped off to pick up some sushi and retrieve Ivan.  Actually, I met my parents at the Chic-fil-A, and eventually had no choice but to drag all 7ish months of myself (in a skirt!!!!) up to the top of the Chic-fil-A plastic playground and dredge my child out of the cow car, from which he was refusing to descend.  The cow car is really the only place where I can't see him, and he knows it, and when he does not want to come down he scurries there and hides.

I wish I could express in human words the ire that fills my soul when my child hides in the cow car, and I realize that I am going to have to climb to the top to retrieve him.  An image that comes to mind is something like a bull pawing at the ground before a matador crossed with a rabid dog with a dash of the exorcist tossed in.  I was all sorts of furious.

Anyway, once Ivan had been purged from the cow car and the entire fast food establishment had seen my underwear as I crawled to the top and back down, I stalked out to the car huffing and puffing and thinking many a negative thing about parenting.

At home, Ivan spent the rest of the day in his nap and then behaving with relative docility until his bedtime.  He even used the potty of his own accord in a clear effort to give me false hope that this potty training nightmare will end.

I made Glowing Green Smoothies for the rest of the week and curled up on the couch with more paperwork.  Blueberry picking and swim tomorrow!!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Monday: Swim

Today, I got in some great swimming.  We were there sort of on time, though I find it is taking longer and longer to get from the car to the gym. My estimated time of departure probably needs some alteration.

Ivan walks in, sees various bugs that he wants to stop and discuss, tries not to step on cracks as some terrible person told him all about "break your mother's back".  He takes it very seriously, and if I could remember who that person was, I would write them a long email about things not to tell three year olds.  Today, to add to our burden of time, I had to have a long conversation with the nursery workers and swim personnel so as to assure everyone that what had happened on Friday would not happen today.  When I walked to the pool deck, the lifeguard that had had to chase me down on Friday, wanted to know all about the situation and tell about his own potty training experiences with his own children.  When I finally made it to the pool deck, I was running late and I only got in 2500 meters.  I really like to get in 3000, but it has honestly not been the year for that.

At home, I got ready like a whirlwind and jetted off to work, before using a bit of my babysitter time to take an Ivan free trip to the grocery store.  At home, I am third trimester exhausted, and I am getting into bed.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Sunday: Swim

Oh, how I love to pat myself on the back when I make it out of bed at the crack of dawn to get in a workout.  It is so enjoyable to sing my own praises; to casually mention to people at church that I got in a two-mile lake swim before ever darkening the doors of the house of the Lord.  To waltz into Whole Foods as it is opening to pick up my coconut yogurt, and say to the cashier, why yes, my hair is wet.  I just showered off after my two mile lake swim this morning.  It is about all I have to brag about these days, as it appears that "brilliant at potty training" and "svelte" are currently off my list.

I really did have nice swim.  I am pretty slow, but it is so placid at the lake in the early morning and you swim straight into the sunrise.  The water was slightly warm after a bit, but all in all, it did not seem worrisome.  I glided in an out and apart from seriously shaving the skin off one of my feet on a jagged rock, all was well.

Also, I enjoy the morning drive to swim.  There is no one on the roads and I eat my oatmeal and drink my Glowing Green Smoothie without talking to anyone.  It only takes me about 10 minutes to get out the door, and once I have dragged myself from the bed, I am pleased to be awake.

Now, as usual, Saturday night turned into a read-a-thon, as I am just loving The Shadow of the Wind.  It is all about mystery and Barcelona and odd little characters.  It is great, and I read and read and read all night until I noticed that I was going to be miserable when my alarm went off.

I made it home from my swim, packed Ivan and myself off to church where things went quite well.  I took a nap at home, headed out for a visit, took Ivan to a playground, and planted myself on the couch to while away the rest of the evening.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Friday and Saturday: Swim and Run

So, I figured out this week that the third trimester of my confinement is rolling in by way of debilitating tiredness.  Yesterday, by 5:00 PM, I was almost catatonic.  It took all my physical strength to transport Ivan home from a pool swim and stagger into the house, turn on Sesame Street and lay on the couch.  It was ridiculous.  I was in bed at 8:00 PM, because I am CLEARLY 102 years old.  To make matters worse, I slept fitfully, as my bladder propelled my from bed at regular intervals.  Can I wear Depends? Would that help?  Do I have too much pride?

Anyway, as I ask the question "do I have too much pride?", I know that I do not and here is why.  On Friday morning as I was swimming laps at a good clip, I noticed one of the lifeguards racing down the length of the pool.  Now, I of course assumed that someone was drowning or worse, maybe worse, but then he stopped at the end of the lane and yelled at me, and I knew the worst had happened.  Things were so bad in the gym nursery that the nursery workers could not even leave.  They had to send Carl the lifeguard, and I had to drag all 6.5 months of myself down to the nursery in a bikini and survey the damage.  I will just say that it was rugged, and I have to hand it to the nursery workers for being totally kind and patient and not making my child ashamed in any way of his excretory functions.  Ivan looked totally fine (even pleased?) with the situation.

The nursery floor was wrecked with three different accidents, and Ivan had gone through all of his underwear, all of his changes of clothes and all of his diapers, but for the one that I luckily had left to put on him.  In my sad bikini, dripping wet, Ivan and I went into the bathroom and began the task of giving him a sink bath, scrubbing down the floor with wet wipes, scrubbing the toilet with wet wipes, washing Ivan's shoes, and packing the mountain of soiled clothing into a plastic bag to transport home.  It was hard times.

After that, I had to take Ivan straight home.  I did not get to shower and I just drove us home in my bathing suit, looking longingly at liquor stores as we drove.  At home, I resigned myself to just making it through the rest of the day.  I survived.  By the time I took Ivan swimming and made it home on Friday evening, I was just a shell of myself.

This morning, I just did not get up when my alarm went off, and I slept a little later and devoted myself to getting all my paper work finished and listing some things on Ebay.  I ran in the afternoon, but it was slow and I actually walked the last mile.  I cooked in the evening and made Glowing Green Smoothies for the week.  Ultimately, however, I need something stronger than a Glowing Green Smoothie to cleanse Friday from my system.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Wednesday and Thursday: Double Swim, Run and General Potty Training Progress, and SILVER POLISHING

So Wednesday, I swam in the morning AND I swam in the evening.  I really enjoyed both swims and got in 5100 meters overall, which was pretty exciting.  Yesterday, Ivan's modus operandi was to be un-potty trained in public and completely potty trained at home, about which I have mixed emotions.  Peeing in a pubic place normally means that I do not have to clean it up, which is a plus.  There is always some kind janitorial person with gloves and a mop who irritably handles it, however you do end up in public holding the hand of a person who free pees (HOWEVER, let's all be glad it was pee.  It could be SO much worse).  Today, Ivan's modus operandi was to ignore the potty almost completely, until I left for work at which point he became an avid user of the potty.

Anyway, last night when I came home from swim the internet was down so there was no blogging for me.

Today, I had a long and difficult day, wherein I was late for work due to my own mis-scheduling, then work ran late, then it started raining and I had left my windows down, and I had to leave a session and slog out to the car to roll up my windows.  It was not my best work, and I guess we all have those days. I ran after I got home, and I still felt a little tense.

Anyway, to relieve the stress of a stressful day, I knew I could immerse myself in polishing silver.  It takes a special kind of dork to relieve stress by polishing silver, and just so you know, I am that dork. Our candle sticks are shining like the top of the Chrysler Building, the hot dish serving piece is gleaming and our egg nog bowl looks like royalty is en route.  I think that polishing the silver (sometimes I dip and sometimes I use Wright's or sometimes I do both) is reminiscent of something that the Bennet's would do hurriedly when the Bingley's were popping over from across the moor.  Would anyone care to come to tea?

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Tuesday: A Little More Hopeful

So this morning, Ivan and I hung out at home.  I had a myriad of things to accomplish, and I had a whole new plan for potty training.  Last night, I made a whole sheaf of charts and got up this morning with my game face on and positive reinforcement in my back pocket.  Ivan and I had a discussion this morning, and he was pretty excited when I showed him the charts.  He got to use a green hi-liter and put x's in the pee blocks on his chart.  Every time he put an x in the pee box, he got 5 minutes of hide and go-seek play time with me.  It was like heaven.

We had no accidents in the morning, Ivan napped with his diaper and then no accidents until about 10 minutes 5:45 PM when he just informed me that "no more chart".  He peed freely on the floor three times, and it was a real blow to my morale.  BUT, compared to the last week, the improvements are so huge that I cannot complain.  Eight out of eleven times is not bad.  It is an improvement.

In other news, I did a yoga/ weights workout today, but felt rather lazy about the whole thing.  It was not my best effort. I ran at about three miles at 7:30 PM when things really cooled off.

Double swim tomorrow!!

Sunday and Monday: Not Our Best

So on Sunday, we had some schedule mixups and my husband had a bike race that started quite early which halted my plans to swim at the lake on Sunday morning.  This actually turned out to be all right as I was feeling faint and yucky, and it was probably not the best thing to haul myself into open water with any possibility of loss of consciousness.  Also, the heat has officially settled in, and it is oppressive.  SO, I spent most of the morning reading The Shadow of the Wind, and lazing around on the couch while Ivan played about and road his bike in the house and watched Sesame Street.

All in all it was not the worst day ever, but we literally did nothing.  My husband did not arrive home until 6:00 PM and I finally got out for a run at around 7:30 PM, but the day was really a wash in terms of any constructive accomplishments.  I did not even make the bed until 5:30 PM.

Yesterday, was a day of frustration, and let me tell you why: the potty training, if you have not already picked up on it, is really getting to me.  I am losing at every turn, I have talked to everyone I know, I have read everything there is to read, I have been in chat rooms online.  I feel that I need a support group and a prescription for Xanax if I am to survive this.  Anyway, I am totally sensitive about it.  For instance, our neighbor stopped to talk to me on my run on Sunday, and she told me that their son, nine months younger than mine, had just "decided to start using the potty", "he has pooped in the potty 6 times this week".  Well, the first thing that popped into my mind as a reply was, "Your mother's a whore, so that must be hard for you".  No, I did not say this aloud, but the mere fact that it leapt into my head as a reply is an indicator that I am cracking.

I ordered Ivan some plastic bloomer pants to go over his underwear, so that if he wet his pants, he just had to sit it.  I was sure that this would be the game changer, but I have this sinister feeling that there is no way to change the game.  I feel that I put on the plastic pants, and Ivan thought to himself "Aha, round 42 in the potty training ring, Oh Yes, I will go there". Ivan peed his little pants all day and happily, if not gleefully, sat in it.  He moseyed up to me at one point, and wiggled his hips like a hula dancer so that I could hear the pee sloshing back and forth inside the plastic pants.  He had been seated on the toilet SECONDS before and had refused emissions.  He seemed to think the sloshing urine was pretty funny, and I almost came out of my skin.  It is hard times.

Anyway, yesterday, I went to swim, and Ivan went to the nursery and kept dry pants the whole time.  It seems to be just at home now that he shows no interest in using the indoor plumbing.  I got in a yoga session in the afternoon as well as many many mundane household chores.  Did someone pee on my yoga mat as I was in downward dog?  Why Yes, they did.  Whatever.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Book Report: The First Tycoon: The Epic Life of Cornelius Vanderbilt, by T.J. Stiles

My brother bought me this book for Christmas, and I have been chipping away at it between other books and travel and everything else, and just finished it last week (which this reminds me that I have three other books to report!  eeek!!)  Anyway, I normally read non-fictions about presidents, kings, queens, and prime ministers all of whom bear the weight of some massive social responsibility.  Cornelius Vanderbilt is really the first non-fiction that I have read that was none of that.  Cornelius Vanderbilt was an animal.

In The First Tycoon: The Epic Life of Cornelius Vanderbilt, T.J. Stiles opens with the court case about Vanderbilt's will.  The case was between William Vanderbilt and most of the rest of Vanderbilt's children.  Here is why: when Vanderbilt died, in an effort to keep his wealth together, he left everything to William, his most dependable son.  The other children received around $500,000 in company stocks, except for his namesake and alcoholic, gambling son who inherited around $200,000.  It was not enough to cover Corneilius, Jr.'s debts, though in my opinion it was too much for such a squanderer to be trusted.
As you can imagine, his children banded together and sued the eldest son.  They lost.

The stunning part of Cornelius Vanderbilt is that though at a time one out of every 20 dollars in America belonged to him, he came from nothing and started his career on Long Island as a boatman, saving desperately and working 20 hour days to afford his own vessel.  He felt his mother taught him intense shrewdness and accountability.  In a time in America when significant wealth was inherited and made by men whose families could afford to educate them in America's elite universities, Vanderbilt was able to shatter that glass ceiling.  He was an affront to the wealthy, but it quickly became evident to them that they had no choice but to deal with him, accept his family or be trampled.

Vanderbilt was able to overthrow America's social order really as an afterthought, in his fight to the top.  He did not always behave as a gentlemen, and early on, he sometimes chose the wrong friends in an effort to get in with the right crowds, but he always behaved true to himself and he was never at any time above manual labor and getting the best deal.

I think that my favorite story in the book was about when Vanderbilt built his huge steamer, The Vanderbilt.  He planned to take his entire family to Europe, but at the last minute, assuming they could get higher pay, the crew and fireman who manned the steam went on strike for higher wages.  Vanderbilt never blinked.  At the age of 60, he fired them all and hired men who barely knew how to crew a boat, paid them less, and when they ran into problems, they came to him and he rolled up his sleeves and marched down below and manned the steam and steered the boat.

He did the same countless times when he was bushwhacking a steamship through Nicaragua to take miners to San Francisco for the gold rush.  He loaned his family's steamer, The Vanderbilt, to Lincoln to stand down the Merrimack for which he was given a medal of honor.  He did not even get into railroading until he was 69, when he bought a tiny money losing railroad called the Harlem and used it to start a monopoly.

He is really just a stunning person.  Now, I will say that another consequence of reading presidents, kings, queens and the like is that presidents, kings and queens write a lot of letters.  They or someone else writes down everything they say.  They are public figures and even their private lives are often public record.  This is not the same of Cornelius Vanderbilt who generally thought that the less written down the better.  He rarely spoke to reporters, he did not write letters, he avoided signing contracts, and his children were told to keep quiet. Not one word is written down that came out of the mouth of his first wife, though they were married until her death after 50 years of marriage.  When debt collectors came to him to try to collect his son's debts, he was heard to silence them once and for all by saying that if someone was using his name as collateral for debts, then he was surely and impostor and that it had no bearing on he, Cornelius Vanderbilt, and was certainly the fault of the debt collectors for accepting such collateral.

I thought this book was great.  I was proud of Cornelius Vanderbilt the whole way through, and though I can see that there are aspects of him that would be off putting, to say the least, I thought he was generally fair and kind to his children (the will thing was admittedly weird in the end). He seemed to be a good husband to his wife.  He expected everyone to work as hard as he did and handle things as concisely and rightly as he did, which must have been daunting.

Now, as a general rule, his kids kind of fell to pieces when he died.  Cornelius Vanderbilt was the opposite of extravagant and his son, William, who inherited most of his wealth, started spending like a madman.  The lifestyle became lavish; William for instance built two mansions side by side and filled each with excessive art from around the world, as well as other homes, his son Corneilius committed suicide, deeply in debt, 8 years after his father died.

When Cornelius Vanderbilt, Vanderbilt's, oldest grandson, died, the Vanderbilt dynasty pretty much ended.  The bulk of the wealth had been spent and no one in the family had worked for years.  They died in their early 50's, where Cornelius the elder had lived to 90.  He drank very little, he ate very little, he worked always.

I recommend this book!!  It is a testament to human will!!

Saturday:Day Off

So last night I felt all sorts of funny and ended up getting in bed with my new book, The Shadow of the Wind at 9:00 PM and being asleep at 9:30.  I slept until after 7:00 and felt better this morning, but still spent a considerable amount of time lounging about in bed.  When I emerged from my bedroom, I found that my unattended home looked like the wrong side of Calcutta.  It became evident that without me to set things to rights, my son and husband would languish in third world squalor, and you would be able to trace the resurgence of cholera directly to my doorstep.

Anyway, we toted Ivan off to a birthday party where it was so hot, just so hot, and I am still trying to replenish my bodily fluids.  Since I have no activity to write about, I would like to say more about my Kimberly Snyder healthy lifestyle foods that I have incorporated into my diet.  The glowing green smoothie is rocking my world.  I make a batch of three smoothies at a time.  I freeze them and then drink them early in the day.  They are amazing, and I am maxing my vegetable intake.

I have also incorporated millet and chia bread, as well as a probiotic and enzyme salad.  Here is my sad sad verdict on the probiotic and enzyme salad: It is super gross.  I have to choke it down and I am certain that I did something wrong. I have emailed Kimberly Snyder about this directly, and I am hoping that she will let me know what I have done wrong.  She may however, tell me straight out to get over the taste and I feel that this is just not an option.  It is revolting and is accompanied by terrible heartburn all sorts of other things that I just refuse to talk about.

SO, I have spent all day researching Kimchi, which is a cultured and fermented cabbage that is ready made and available at Whole Foods and supposedly Walmart.  Tomorrow, I am going to invest in some and HOPE HOPE HOPE that it is better, as I am a firm believer in its benefits and the expertise and attractiveness of Kimberly Snyder.

Also, Ivan's plastic potty training pants came in the mail today, so tomorrow morning we are starting the day off right by sitting in our own urine if we happen to wet our underwear.  Tally-Ho!!

Friday, July 8, 2011

Friday: Swim

So today, my regular pool was closed, and I was sort of at a loss about what to do.  I slept rather late and then made breakfast smoothies and piddled about until Ivan and I made a mutual decision to purchase a guest pass at a local gym that has superior child care facilities that include a bouncing area, a ball pit and computer options.  Ivan was pretty excited about it, and I was able to get in my swim.

I swam 2800 meters in my standard swim by myself format:

  • 400 swim
  • 400 pull
  • 400 IM by 100's
  • 400 swim
  • 400 kick
  • 400 swim
When I swim by myself, I always do the above things in sets of 400, I rarely watch my time and I just go.  It was sort of enjoyable today, and I was eventually joined in my lane by an odd little character in full scuba regalia who swam along in the lane with a giant snorkel, giant mask, and the largest flippers known to man.  It was strange.  

At home, I engaged in mundane household chores while Ivan took a nap, we went to a swimming lesson, and at home my first ever maternity bathing suit arrived from Pez d'Or which is both depressing and tasteful at the same time.  It is appropriate for poolside with my elders.  

In the evening, we had several potty training disasters as Ivan tried to exert his control over the situation. I am waiting desperately for his plastic training bloomers to arrive, so that when Ivan refuses to use the potty he can sit in the full effects of his emissions.  I. CANNOT. WAIT.  I will eventually win this potty training war, and sadly enough, at the age of 35, it seems to be about winning to me.  

Thursday: Run and Yoga

So today, Ivan and I were at home all day and potty training went reasonably well.  The only thing we had on our calendar was family night at Cheekwood to see a band and the train exhibit.  I got in a really good yoga session and I pathetic run with the jog stroller.  Today was officially the last run with the jog stroller that I will have until the end of my confinement.  My jog stroller run was PATHETIC.  It was more like a hopping from side to side with minimal progress forward.  Ivan asked several times (with confusion) what we were doing.

All day, Ivan was BESIDE himself about family night.  He kept calling it a party and asking when it was going to start.  When we arrived at Cheekwood, and he saw the trains, he was more thrilled than maybe I have ever seen him, and he never stopped running.  He ran in circles for two solid hours.  He ran up and down the hill.  He got in the pond before I could stop him; he jumped in the creek.  He sprinted back up the hill and around the trains three times.  There was a point when I could not physically keep up with him, and I vowed to never take him anywhere that was not specifically caged by myself again.

If next week I am brave enough to take Ivan on a return trip to Cheekwood, I will be hiring or begging help.  Tonight was intense, and I am pretty sure that Ivan is going to have wrist burn where he tried to repeatedly twist away from me to hurl himself down the big hill.  At one point, when he did twist away from me, I had a heart stopping second where I was sure that he had broken his neck.  He gave me a soul searching look as to whether or not he should melt down, decided against it and then continued sprinting away with his little legs turning like windmills.

When I finally muscled him in the car sobbing at high volume as if his heart would break and crawled into the car with my seatbelt on, I felt like I needed a tranquilizer or a a stiff drink or maybe even just to shut Ivan in the car and sit for a minute and do some deep breathing or a quick downward dog.   I just needed some time.

At home, my head is still throbbing, and I have never been so glad to put anyone to bed.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Wednesday: Double Swim

Yes, Ivan did ignore the sign above his head.
So after sleeping the day away on the Fourth of July, I was completely unable to sleep on Monday night.  I pretty much stayed up all night with my reading glasses and my Kindle reading The Little Stranger.  It was so scary that I had to really brace myself to get up and go to the bathroom.  It is just the creepiest book and I have to say that the Kindle says I am 90 percent finished and I have no idea how it is going to end.

Anyway, I actually felt great on Tuesday until about 5:00 PM, at which point I began to feel like a person who had taken heavy cold meds, and I looked like I had aged 10 years.  I went to bed uber early, and slept like the dead.

This morning, I was up and ready to begin my swim life again.  Ivan and I made our morning smoothie (which I am now making with almond milk and coconut yogurt), and headed off to meet my swim group.  Ivan was testily behaved at the gym, as there was a bit of pop tart throwing and underwear wetting and crying.  We were at the pool on time, but by the time I had disciplined Young Sloan and slogged myself to the pool deck, I was late.  In the pool, I swam about 2500 meters, and I truly swam it.  I only kicked about 400 meters at the end, and I felt great about the workout.

When I picked Ivan up from swim, he had wet through his underwear and was happily playing in redneck toddler attire consisting of Toy Story underwear and his red sandals. We had to make a grocery stop at Whole Foods on the way home, and everyone just had to get over it.  I did not have time to drive home to get a a set of clothes, and then go back to Whole Foods.  It is always dangerous to go to Whole Foods after swim as it always means a few superfluous items in the grocery cart. Today it was guacamole and kiwi melon juice.

I have to say that since I am the proud owner of a Vitamix blender, I am completely unimpressed by Whole Foods juices.  Ivan and I enjoyed the kiwi melon juice, but I blended the rest of our Fourth of July fruit when we got home and it is the smoothest and most delicious smoothie I have ever had.

After Ivan's swim lesson and nap, I got ready and headed out to evening swim where I swam really hard and actually slunk out a bit early.  I am crawling in bed with The Little Stranger.  

Monday, July 4, 2011

Monday: Run

This morning, I was up early to run with my running group for the Fourth of July.  We had a great run.  I am so slow and so prone to stopping at available port-a-johns, that there was a time that I went it alone, but I so enjoyed hopping along and actually getting in 7 miles.  I had great talks and visits and ate a whole lot of watermelon.  There is a slight possibility that I ate an entire watermelon today, now that I think about it.  

At home, I had eggs, a small potato chip meltdown and bided my time while needlepointing for Ivan to take his nap.  Once he did, I got in bed and read a bit before SLEEPING FOR FOUR HOURS.  This most likely makes me completely nocturnal, and I have for sure ruined my sleep for a week.  Once awaking, I staggered around pulling myself together to go watch Ivan briefly at a pool party, before packing and getting home for friends to come and watch fireworks.

You know, when you sleep for four hours, you do not get to clean up your house.  The kitchen might be a wreck, your son may be dressed half in pajamas and half in a swimsuit and you have no idea when anyone took him to the potty.  

I am clearly COMPLETELY cut out for the night shift, with my sleeping.  Last night, while I was awake at odd times, I finished my biography of Cornelius Vanderbilt, and as a general rule, I only have good things to say.  Review to follow.  

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Sunday: Lost Day

So this morning, I made the decision to sleep in as we had been out a bit late last night, and it is Fourth of July weekend and I figured I could swim at the gym later in the afternoon.  Really, it is always dangerous to wait until the afternoon to get in a workout, because there are so many things that can go terribly terribly wrong as the day progresses.  Today was significantly worse than usual, and it should serve as a reminder to me to always do the early workout.

Pretty immediately after I plugged in my hot rollers to make myself church ready, a drain in the kitchen exploded unleashing a scary substance the color of mud that smelled somewhere between a chicken coup and raw sewage.  It was revolting and required the opening of all doors and windows while cleanup ensued.  It involved gloves, bleach, pine sol, multiple sponges which were then thrown away, multiple towels which were put immediately into the wash, more gloves and much harshing at Ivan to stay out of the mess.  Much like a puppy, when something smells awful looks really muddy, Ivan would like nothing better than to jump in it.  He could barely contain himself from running right in the middle.

Cleanup was extensive and left me light headed and sicky.   Church was long over by the time cleanup was finished, and the house still smells relatively rancid.  I still thought, however, that a workout would happen until I got a phone call that my husband's alternator had gone out in a most inconvenient location, which is apparently the only place that alternators go out.  There was much driving and waiting and driving and waiting and poor Ivan had to take a car nap.  I not only did not get in a workout, I did not get to prepare my Fourth of July party food.  We were, or course, late to the Fourth of July party and Young Sloan whipped himself into an un-napped frenzy of running about the house of our hosts and was only quieted when fireworks began at 9:00 PM.

Naps must abound tomorrow.  Meeting running group tomorrow morning.  Valuable lesson learned about sleeping in.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Saturday: Run and Great Sleep

Last night I was in bed at 9:00, and slept soundly until my alarm went off at 5:45 AM.  I have to say that having slept poorly a few nights this week and having an emotionally grueling week of potty training, I was not completely well rested.  Even as I walked out the door with my oatmeal, I could foresee a nap in my future.  
I arrived at the park on time, and I have to realize that I am coming to a time in my confinement where I am so slow as to be a hinderance to my running group.  My lungs immediately compress when I am running uphill, and I am like a snail.  I have a pretty good go on the flats, but on a hill I am immediately several yards behind, and then have to be circled back and picked up by members of my running group who are kind enough to wait on me.  

In my last confinement, I think that my sciatic back pain was so extreme at this point that I was not running, and then when I could run again at around 8 months, I could only hop along for about a mile, so I was not really torturing my running group in this way.  I sort of assumed I would run the whole way, but may have to rethink.  

So, I ran nine miles and felt really good the whole way, but for my debilitating slowness.  At home, I drank my Glowing Green Smoothie and had a kale salad with some avacado and papaya.  It was crazy delicious.  I spent some quality time with my son who peed freely through his underwear, before congenially taking them off, throwing them in the laundry and getting new underwear. I read some more about Cornelius Vanderbilt, and then crawled into bed for the longest nap in the world.  I feel that I have never been so well rested.  I put on my peeper sleeper and earplugs, and the world ceased to exist.  

Had great dinner at the Capitol Grille in the evening and am home to spend more time reading Cornelius Vanderbilt.  

Friday, July 1, 2011

Friday: Bleak Friends. Thing are Bleak

SO, the LOW LOW point of my day was when Ivan urinated freely through his underwear onto the floor, then looked at me and said stonily, "Are we still potty-training?".  He said it like a grown man to a slightly less intelligent underling whom he realizes that he controls.  "Are we still potty training?", AKA, "Really mother, you still persist in this foolishness?", AKA, "You and I both know that I am running this show.", AKA "I am the king of this castle, and your attempts at domination will never succeed."  It almost, sort of, and I hate to say this about my own child, reminded me of Stewie from The Family Guy.  

It gave me a deep insecure feeling that maybe I am not in control.  Maybe Ivan and The Beast are really in cahoots, and I am running myself ragged and sleepless while being toyed with by a maniacal genius.  This is what potty training is doing to me.  I have a graduate degree and wrote a very difficult thesis in Child Psychology and none of it prepared me for this.  NONE OF IT.

Today, we did not have even one successful potty training incident.  I did get in a nice run, and I made a probiotic and enzyme salad to ferment in its own juices for 5 days before I am able to eat it.  The house is reasonably clean, and I made a new batch of Glowing Green Smoothie.  I will say more about it when I have time, but Kimberly Snyder is altering my life.