Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Tuesday: Day Off

So today, I had to eat on a time-line and fast for 2 hours, and then go to the doctor and have a blood-glucose test to check for gestational diabetes.  I do not have gestational diabetes, but the test itself is most unpleasant as it is like eating 1000 gummi bears on an empty stomach and getting that feeling of having eaten all your Easter candy at once.  I just felt low blood sugary.

Also, I had child-care drama this morning, so I entered the blood glucose testing situation with elevated blood pressure.  There was the meeting of my husband, the dropping off of Young Sloan in the middle of the Publix parking lot like so much chattel, and speeding off late to my doctor's appointment.

I chose the orange glucose drink and was able to work while I sat for 1.5 hours waiting to see if my blood sugar was going to spike dangerously.  As I sat there while my body tamped down a potential blood sugar spike, I was able to do some paperwork and decompress amongst all the other gestating women.

Now, unlike the usual situation, my doctor's appointment was cut rather short and I was hustled out the door so that the office could get to lunch.  I sped off to pick up some sushi and retrieve Ivan.  Actually, I met my parents at the Chic-fil-A, and eventually had no choice but to drag all 7ish months of myself (in a skirt!!!!) up to the top of the Chic-fil-A plastic playground and dredge my child out of the cow car, from which he was refusing to descend.  The cow car is really the only place where I can't see him, and he knows it, and when he does not want to come down he scurries there and hides.

I wish I could express in human words the ire that fills my soul when my child hides in the cow car, and I realize that I am going to have to climb to the top to retrieve him.  An image that comes to mind is something like a bull pawing at the ground before a matador crossed with a rabid dog with a dash of the exorcist tossed in.  I was all sorts of furious.

Anyway, once Ivan had been purged from the cow car and the entire fast food establishment had seen my underwear as I crawled to the top and back down, I stalked out to the car huffing and puffing and thinking many a negative thing about parenting.

At home, Ivan spent the rest of the day in his nap and then behaving with relative docility until his bedtime.  He even used the potty of his own accord in a clear effort to give me false hope that this potty training nightmare will end.

I made Glowing Green Smoothies for the rest of the week and curled up on the couch with more paperwork.  Blueberry picking and swim tomorrow!!

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