Sunday, February 28, 2010

YouTube: Ivan's Swim Final

Over the summer, Ivan took Infant Swim Resource which is a class that teaches him to flip over and float on his back if he falls into a pool or body of water. It is basic survival swimming. He began the class three days after his first birthday. Attendance is every day (Monday-Friday) for about 15 or 20 minutes for at least 6 weeks. It actually took Ivan 8 weeks to pass. In the final swim, Ivan had to come to class with all his clothes and a hooded jacket. He had to be able to float and flip over with all his clothes. He was a champion, and we were really proud. I take him to touch up his swim most every week, for just a few minutes.
His teacher is Kennette Pyles, who is truly fabulous, and she is now in my swim class.

Hope you enjoy watching the Swim Final!!!!

Sunday: Surprise T-30

So, today Ivan and I hustled ourselves out to church, where Ivan was a champion of good behavior. We arrived home at 12:30 and by the time I got Ivan down to nap, running wasn't really an option if I was going to get to swim on time. I have to say though, that regardless of the missed long run on Saturday, I am pretty thrilled with my long bike yesterday. I feel like I really moved up a level in the discipline of my training.
Anyway, I left for swim, and when I arrived, it was surprise T-30 day. This means that with no preparation, I had to swim as fast as I could for 30 minutes. I forgot my watch and had to borrow a swim cap, so I was not completely on my game. Four people swam in our lane: Myself, Nick Nicholson, Diane Boggs and Richard Baker (Triswami). Now Nick and I are typically commiserate in our swim; I might even say that Nick is my swim nemesis. We are always neck-in-neck, and sometimes I have beaten him. A few weeks ago however, he beat me by a full 50 yards in the mile swim. It really hurt me.
Today, I did start out in first place with a 10 second lead, and I maintained in to the end, but I think that means that Nick and I swam the exact same time today. SO, this was good. I was even able to pick up the interval and get faster towards the end and middle. We both swam 1700 meters in 30 minutes, and that was reasonable.

NINA, the German Au Pair, who comes to swim, swam 2100 meters in 30 minutes. She lapped everyone in her lane three or four times. It was impressive.
I finished Andrew Jackson last night. It was great. Jackson was the greatest outsider of any president in my opinion, and quite solitary, with no family of his own. Will write book report later in the week.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Saturday: I Flaked, but Pulled It Out in the End

So this morning, I hit snooze and then slept through the alarm the second time. I saw the clock at 7:00 AM when Ivan woke up, and realized that my whole running group was leaving out for the second round of their run. I flaked, and I don't usually flake on Saturday morning runs.
It has only happened maybe a couple of times, and usually when it does, I sit around on the couch all day feeling guilty and accomplishing nothing. Today, however, was different. Very different. I got up at 7ish and had breakfast (steel cut oats from the crock pot) while Ivan watched The Wiggles, and I read Andrew Jackson. I read Andrew Jackson for three episodes of The Wiggles, and then Ivan and I played around the house until it was time for his nap.
When it was time for Ivan's nap, I placed him in the crib and then I crawled onto the trainer for one hour and 45 minutes. I did the entire Spinervals Endurance Boost. It was not completely pleasant, but I was thrilled with myself that I made it the whole way through. Coach Troy had many intervals set up. As best I can remember it went like this:
  • 5 minute warm-up
  • 15 minute big chain ring interval with the back chain at 15
  • 15 x one minute interval with 15 minutes rest in between each interval
  • 10 x 90 second interval with 20 second rest in between
  • 7 x 3 minute interval with 30 second rest in between
  • 3 x 5 minute interval with 2 minutes rest in between
  • 15 minute interval in the big chain with alternating cadence and postures
  • 5 minute cooldown
It was a hardcore workout, and by the end I was hurting and really having to push to maintain Coach Troy's instruction. Also, Ivan woke up one hour and 15 minutes into the workout, and the final 30 minutes of the workout were somewhat compromised. I was forced to stop the bike on three occasions to chase down Ivan and firmly encourage him not to stand on the dining room table, dump Mommy's purse upside down, or terrorize the cat. I let him sit (bounce from knee to knee) in my lap while I rode my 5 minute cool down.
The second time I got back on the bike, I forgot to restart my Garmin and I cut off 15 minutes of my ride. So frustrating. All in all, I would say I rode 27 or 28 miles, which is really impressive right? It is the most I have ever ridden on the trainer, even in one of Todd's classes. I do have to say that I almost cannot fathom riding the 2 and a half hour Spinerval DVD. Good grief! Maybe I can recruit someone to ride with, because it would certainly help to have company so that we could gripe at Coach Troy and make up funny life stories about the people riding in class. Hhhmmm, must think hard about possible recruits.
After my ride, I loaded Ivan into the jog stroller and ran an easy three miles. It was really just to show my legs that I could run after a significant bike ride, and I could. Though I have to say, running with a jog stroller after a pretty hard bike ride does not see like an easy three miles.
Now, at home, my husband had brought home a Betty Crocker Brownie Mix, because a Publix grocery employee informed him that "if you like chocolate, you will like this". I have been trying to think of an analogy that I think is similar to this statement, and here it is: "If you like alcoholic beverages, then you will love Pabst Blue Ribbon". Pabst Blue Ribbon may be fine, but there are many alcoholic beverages that you may want to enjoy, and, truth be told, many that are better than Pabst Blue Ribbon. So I felt that the Publix employee statement was some sort of sarcastic oversimplification of the love of chocolate. Not that this stopped me from making the brownies and eating so many of them that I think there is a good chance that I will have to destroy the ones that remain, lest I eat them all. My husband has not eaten one, just so you know.
As for my goal of getting in some yoga, I achieved it. I am not yet finished with Andrew Jackson, but it is only 10:00 PM and I only have 35 pages left!!

Pics are of my leash walk with Ivan yesterday!!!

Friday, February 26, 2010

Friday: Swim and Gilad and I Are Reunited

So this morning I was up and at 'em at an appropriate time, and I got to the pool for my first morning swim of the week. Steven was not in attendance as he was coaching at a swim meet, so Dee, one of our evening coaches was at the side of the pool. Now, Dee had just been to Sara McLarty's Swim Camp, so when I saw her on the side of the pool, I was sort of filled with dread.

I find that when my coaches have been to camp or on vacations, they have learned things, AND they want to teach me these things and make me a better swimmer. When Steven first started coaching us, I was also filled with dread.

I really enjoy getting a nice dull 3600 or so meter workout. I don't want all this drilling and sculling and kicking without fins. Anyway, today we did about 1000 meters of drills. Not just our same old kick on your side drills, but there was sculling involved. Sculling means you don't go anywhere, you just wave your arms in mini-circles and kicks your legs off. When the sculling drill was announced, I was forced to lead a fins mutiny, so that I would be able to make it to the end of the pool before the rec center closed for the night.
The workout was as follows:
  • 150 warmup
  • 12 x 50 various kick drills
  • 4 x 40 sculling drills
  • 50 easy
  • 3 x 100 pull with paddles @ 1:40
  • 3 x 100 pull without paddles @ 1:50
  • 3 x 100 swim @ 1:50
  • 4 x 100 swim
  • 300 kick cooldown
So, I feel like I might be leaving something out, because I am feeling pretty sure that the total yardage count was 2700 meters. A lot of drills in a workout mean that you do not get in much yardage, which is a bummer, because I often gauge the success of my day, by the amount of yardage I get in in the pool. I will let it go, however.

After the pool, I took to Ivan Kid to Kid, a local consignment shop. I was on a shoe mission, and I was finally able to find Ivan some tennis shoes, some more crocs, and some splurge loafers by Jack and Lilly that had a jolly roger on the front. We are set for spring. We do need some classic sandals, but other than that, I was able to buy a whole season's worth of shoes for $50 dollars, oooh and I bought ahead some fall tennis shoes. It was pretty exciting.

At home, I hopped in the car to buy some power food for tomorrow's 15 mile run. At home, Ivan and I took about a mile walk with the leash, which is fast becoming my best friend. The leash allows us both to walk at leisure without the hand holding fight. It was nice.

When Ivan and I got back to the house, I got in a great Gilad workout. I have missed Gilad. He is so corny, but so positive, with so many interesting twists in the workout.

Meeting the running group at 6:30 AM. In my dream world, the running group meets at 10:00 AM, and my husband never minds keeping the baby!!!

I have two goals tomorrow:
  1. Finish American Lion; Andrew Jackson and I have got to part ways.
  2. DO YOGA
Pic is of Ivan's shoes and my lovely Christmas amaryllis collection

A Word on Chafing and My Secret Product

It is important to note that the more activities you participate in and the more close fitting clothing that is necessary, and the longer the duration of the activity, the more chafing is involved. The most painful shower I have ever taken was the shower after I complete the Vineman in California. My wetsuit had a velcro closure in the back and it chafed into the back of my neck. Throughout the bike, sweat was dripping into the open wound and after the run, the enthusiastic volunteers at the finish line threw a wet towel around my neck, and I was briefly paralyzed with pain. Chafing is brutal.
Every expensive piece of clothing that you buy may become a chafing culprit. All of my bathing suits chafe until I break them in, my sports bras, the waist band of my tights, my heart rate monitor, my favorite Nike wicking turtleneck inexplicably chafes at the neck seams, and some running shorts that have too much fabric will chafe between your thighs. Sometimes there is stealth chafing that you don't notice until you get in the shower, and the water hits you at full blast.

Anyway, people use all sorts of things for chafing: Vaseline and Aquaphor are both available at the drugstore, but I have a secret anti-chafing tool that I discovered while I was breastfeeding. It is called Lansinoh Lanolin, and I can put it on under the armpits of my new bathing suits, and it stays put in the water. It is my favorite. I wish I had known of it at my half-ironman because I could have saved myself some pain and what is probably going to be a scar.

Now I know that this is something that breast feeding women rub on their lactating boobs, and you might feel a bit pansy having it in your tri bucket, but you need to get over this. It will change your life.

Try Some!!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Thursday: Run, Trainer Ride, and I Have Forsaken Gilad Since Monday

So, I have just not slept well the last couple of nights. Someone told me today that it could be the full moon. Hhhhmmmm, I have no response to that, but I may keep an eye on the moon situation next month. For this reason and the fact that Ivan did not get a good nap yesterday, he slept quite late, which meant that we all slept late. I greatly dislike sleeping late, but I greatly enjoy getting a good night's sleep. It is a conundrum, and I just have to let it go sometimes.
Anyway, I had eggs and cereal this morning, while blearily watching The Wiggles, all of whom I greatly dislike. Ivan refers to the as "Higgles", and he begins diligently asking for them as soon as I get him out of bed in the morning. Now, you or I might mention once that we would like to watch a particular television program, but our adult social skills have taught us that to repeat one word, rapid-fire, in an increasingly greater volume is more than any one person can bear. At the age of 23 months, Ivan does not have these skills and he is completely unabashed about getting nose-to-nose with me and doing just this. It is a great invasion of space this early in the morning, and honestly I resent it and The Wiggles. I could write a book about it, but I will spare you.
Anyway, after breakfast and Wigglefest, I got out for a run, which was great, but did not load into the Garmin program when I returned home. This has happened twice now. I get home, and the Garmin doesn't transfer my info. It doesn't really matter on a neighborhood run, but I really hope it never happens on one of my long, rather competitive Saturday runs. It was a reasonable three mile run.
Back at home, I got Ivan down for a nap and climbed onto the trainer. Now, I can only ride the trainer while Ivan is napping and this gives me about an hour to get in a ride. I ordered a Spinervals DVD that is 65 minutes long called Extreme Threshold Training. It is hardcore, it consists of a warm-up and as far as I can remember 5 three minute intervals and 3 five minute intervals and then 5 one minute intervals with various levels of rest and riding in between. Coach Troy tells you to stay in the big chain ring and the middle of the back chain ring at 85 RPM's. The first time I did this workout, I didn't make it all the way through. This time, I was determined, and it was hard. By the end of it, however, I really felt myself fall into a pace and I wasn't having to struggle to stay there. My legs were just riding of their own accord, albeit they were asking to quit. You can look at my splits and calorie burn and such.
After Ivan woke up, I piled him into the car to go to swim. He was great and he floated like a champ. He even lost his balance and fell into the 12 foot water and just floated. I was so proud!!
Next we headed off to a consignment store to hunt for some warm boots for Ivan to hike in next week, but there were none. NOW, the whole time I was in the consignment store, I thought the whole place smelled seriously rancid. I was wondering if there was something dead or something rotting or if the devil was breathing through the heating ducts. It was a terrible, terrible smell. Now, when I picked Ivan up to carry him to the car, I discovered the inevitable: Ivan was packing one of the dirtiest diapers EVER. It was such a revolting smell, and we were right around the corner from the house so I just tossed him into the car and drove home. Sometimes, when a diaper is terrible, you know that it can really only be addressed at home with a garden hose type spray down situation.
We had to ride all the way home with the windows down, as I feared certain asphyxiation from the stench. Now, half way to the house, I had planned one of my only responsibility avoiding behaviors to date. I dashed into the house and asked my husband if he could grab the baby, my hands were full. He asked if I had noticed the smell, I attempted to look innocent, he more than attempted to look doubtful, and then he took Ivan and had to strip him down in the bathtub and douse him with Dr. Bronner's. Ivan's bedroom smelled like a combination of a chicken farm and something dead, with a dash of skunk. Anyway, I did not have to change it!!!! A triumph!!!!
Pic is Ivan and I on a more spotless day!!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Wednesday: Hike and Swim and I Forgot Gilad

This morning, I slept in a bit as I was sort of wound up and didn't get to bed at a timely hour last night. When I did get up, I started loading up the car with a baby hiking backpack, the baby bjorn and the leash. I got my hiking clothes together and loaded up to meet the Bambino Brigade. Now, Ivan started off the day in rare form, and I feel that the terrible twos are upon us. After I loaded the packs and such into the car, I laid out chicken to defrost for dinner and then went to wash my face. While I was washing my face, Ivan had a meltdown about nothing, there was some stamping of feet and waving of hands which I ignored as I was in a rush. Then, OUT OF NOWHERE, the chicken that I had lain out to defrost came flying into the bathroom at me.
WHO DOES THAT? Who throws frozen chicken at their mother? Ivan had to go to time-out while I loaded up everything else into the car and dug Ivan's boots out of the depths of his bedroom (they were of course broken). After retrieving Ivan from time-out, we were on our way, where I took a wrong turn and was late. It is so embarrassing to be late the first time you are meeting a group of people, though everyone was very gracious. We had a great hike really. My friend, Ashley, came on the hike, and all the other women were fun. I think we hiked about two miles. Ivan was a champ until the end, and I actually felt really bad because his little feet were like blocks of ice. I want to go again, but will probably wait until it is warmer.
Also, I need to practice a bit with the baby hiking backpack, because when I took it off, I had to lay Ivan in the road to figure out how to disengage him. I was a rookie hiker. Next time will be better.
At home, I really didn't get all that much accomplished and somehow it was suddenly time to make dinner and get ready for swim and Gilad fell by the wayside. I will have to work it in tomorrow.
Swim workout as follows:
  • 300 warmup
  • get out of pool and jump in feet first to begin the following
  • 200 swim @ 3:40
  • 10 x 25 swim with descending stroke count
  • get out of pool and jump in feet first to begin the following
  • 200 swim @ 3:40
  • 10 x 25 swim with arms wide and windmill on alternating 25s
  • get out of pool and jump in feet first to begin the following
  • 200 swim @ 3:40
  • 10 x 25 swim (tarzan with fins and paddles)
  • get out of pool and jump in feet first to begin the following
  • 200 swim @ 3:40
  • 10 x 25 swim pull w/ buoy between ankles
  • get out of pool and jump in feet first to begin the following
  • 200 swim @ 3:40
  • 12 x 25 swim (fastslow/slowfast/fast/slow)
  • 100 cool down
It was a good workout and the jumping in and out of the pool was exhausting, but good practice for an individual dock start at a triathlon. On the way home, I hit Yogurt World for a vanilla, chocolate and butter brickle flavor combination with Andes Mints and sprinkles. It was very good. Also, I am listening to Pride and Prejudice on my iphone. It is so well read, and though I have read it before, I am hearing new things and loving it.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Vanity Watch: Product Update

Product Update: Over the summer I had a conference with my dermatologist about how I could have supermodel skin and I was very interested in the Obagi skin care regimen. This is a super abrasive product alignment that peels your skin down to the new skin. My dermatologist is against it as he says that are using glycolic acid, benzoyl peroxide, and straight retin- A, which are all products that you could buy on your own for less than 400 dollars a month. This was music to my cheapskate ears, and I promptly asked him for a retin-A prescription. I finished with the 0.5 level Retin-A/Tretinoin and have now upped myself to a 1.0, or double strength prescription. Also, I have invested in Clinique's Even Better Sunscreen moisturizer and their Even Better Skin Tone Corrector. I also use a Clinique Benzoyl Peroxide Product, and I use a Therapy Systems Glycolic that I have used for years. I know this sounds like a lot of product, but I am liking the results after a week. (Also, I am using a great moisturizer at night.) I am a little peely and red, but overall my skin tone is more even and my skin less oily. I will be reporting back to you about how I like these products long term. I may have to change my sunscreen situation in the summer for something with zero grease factor.
The number one reason that I have made the Retin-A/ Tretinoin commitment is that my grandma used it, and she had this remarkably translucent skin. Just amazing. I feel we have similar skin types, and I could benefit similarly. One of my top ten goals is to age as she did. Like I said, I'll keep you posted.

On The Hair Front, I have a couple of new elements in my system that have made my hair situation fabulous. It is growing longer and has been healthier and held color longer.
  1. I always completely saturate my hair with water in the shower before I put on my swim cap. This fills my hair strands with less abrasive water than the chlorine/bromine situation in the pool.
  2. I have started using the Aveda Sun Care Hair Cleanser after swim.
  3. For my after swim conditioner, I am using the Arbonne Seasource Detox Spa Fortifying Hair Mask.
  4. At home I am using a Frederic Fekkai Glossing shampoo and conditioner
  5. I usually use some sort of styling mousse before I blow dry.
It seems that following this hair regimen has eliminated my hair damage breakage, and I have not had to use my hardcore avocado hair mask at night while I sleep in a swim cap. I have to say, I really hated having to sleep in a swim cap and a hair mask, because it made me feel like a dowdy Telly Savalas. I don't like to look that heinous even when I sleep.

AND, most important: If I had to vote on the best of all the 5 steps above, I vote on number one. DO NOT get in a swimming pool without soaking your hair with shower water. It is the best protector of all. Even if you are late to swim and you are rushing in at the last minutes, 5 more minutes in the shower will ensure lovely hair. Lovely hair is worth the time, friends.

Finally, I am really loving all the Frederic Fekkai products. The Phyto line used to be my favorite, but Frederic Fekkai is stepping up and taking their place.

Tuesday: Run and Yoga, but More Importantly: Hot Mess

So this morning was only the second speed session that has actually occurred in the morning because of the snow situation which is apparently about to come down the pike again. Anyway, may I just begin to tell you about this workout by letting your know about my track fashion situation: I was a hot mess.
Now, at the track workouts there are lots of cutie girls in coordinated track outfits at 6:00 in the morning. For instance, this morning this adorable girl wore black capri leggings with fuschia piping trim and a fuschia fitted pull-over, with pink mittens and ear warmers. Some of the girls have track pants that they warm up in, then when it is time to run fast, they snap off their track pants like strippers and stalk up to the starting line in capris or shorts. CUTE.
I had in my head that I would also rock the track in something cute this morning. SO, I laid out my black Nike short shorts with a fitted long sleeve technical tee. Though I have no snap-up track pants, I do have a ratty pair of Lululemon loose fitting yoga pants which I thought might have the same effect. So, I left my house wearing my short shorts under my loose fitting Lululemon yoga pants, a long sleeve tee and a vest and a jacket. I did notice as I left the house that the shorts under the yoga pants gave me the appearance of a the worst panty line in the entire world, as if I had never heard the words Hanky Panky. This did not worry me, however, because I knew that I would be pulling off my pants and looking svelte in my short shorts by the time it was daylight.

Here is what really happened. I ran my warm up in my ratty yoga pants and when the time came to start the speed work, I could not get my yoga pants over my shoes and so I was forced to hop around on one foot in front of the starting line making the other runners despise me. When I finally gave up, I was stuck at the starting line with my ratty yoga pants and a panty line wedgie like I have never had before. It was bleak. Also, my eyes were puffy because it was so early, and my pony tail looked as if I had fixed it in a wind tunnel. All in all, not a good look for me. My vanity is pretty wounded, and this is a dangerous place for me. This is the place where I go to Lululemon and hock my savings into cute work out apparel and try to meet you for lunch while wearing capri tights, a pushup bra and a workout top. It is bad.

I mean some days I can nail it. I can wear the cutest outfit at the party and some days, it is "Saints Preserve Us, Betsy must have watched a Miley Cyrus video, two episodes of Sex in the City and dipped into the bourbon before she put that getup together".

Anyway, the speed workout was brutal as 400s are always painful. Workout as follows:
  • 1 mile warm up
  • 8 x 400 meter repeats at 1:32 which is my fast pace
  • jog 400 meters between each fast 400
  • 1 mile cool down
I only made the interval on the first few 400's. I set my watch wrong and it was really just not my best speed workout, much like Saturday was not my best long run. I did get to do some much needed yoga, which is really a must after a speed session. It just has to be done.

I think I am skipping early morning swim, to go hiking with Ivan in the back pack or baby bjorn. There is a Bambino Brigade in Nashville that does this every week, so I am going to try it out. I will be going to evening swim tomorrow night!!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Monday: A Day To Myself

Today, my mom had minor surgery, and I spent the day in the waiting room with my dad, so that I could run out to get lunch and provide general moral support. This sounds terrible, but it was the most fabulous day ever. Ivan stayed at home with his dad with the understanding that I would come home WHENEVER.
There was no stipulation on my time. I packed two books, a magazine and some knitting. There is no way to describe to you the freedom I felt as I easy-wheeled out the driveway. The surgery took place in an outpatient facility on Vanderbilt's campus, and I was able to park my car and walk through campus amongst a generation of people who had not yet given thought to procreation. I sauntered out to get lunch without a care in the world, and I mulled over the menu at the counter without trying to half-read and half-chase my child.
It might have been the freest day I have had since I have had the baby, because I had finished my workout early (neighborhood run with the jog stroller and Gilad) and there was nothing I was obligated to do but sit and knit. Now, here is what I want to know, what sort of deal can I make with the devil to get more WHENEVER days. Does he want part of my soul? How bad would it be to just give the devil part of my soul? To just Dorian Gray out. It would be really bad. I know it would be really bad.
Sometimes, before we had the baby, I would go visit my college roommate and we would stay up watching movies, and I would then just decide to spend the night rather than drive home. I would just spend the night away from home ON A WHIM. Who does that?? I used to do that. ME in another lifetime.
At home, I would describe my house as having a Calcutta level filth rating. It is amazing how seriously dirty the house can get when my husband is left to fend for himself.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Saturday and Sunday: Swim and Run

Saturday was a big day in terms of necessary accomplishments beginning at 5:45AM. There were a few wrenches thrown in and I might have had a small meltdown, but I survived. I was up at 5:45 AM to meet my running group for an 18 mile run. We started at 6:30 today instead of 6:00 which gives me about 30 extra minutes of sleep, which feels like three extra hours as a general rule. Lately I am having an issue where I wake up every hour on the hour after 1 AM until the alarm goes off. It is super terrible as I end up getting out of bed feeling as if I have been up since two in the morning to run a ridiculous amount of mileage.
So, I arrived at the park feeling rather grumpy, but I was on my nutrition with a big bowl of oatmeal with protein powder and soy milk and lots of green tea as well as an Odwalla bar. I also packed a Cliff Quench for my midway power fuel. This sounds like an adequate amount of food, am I right. I did not feel hungry while I ran today, but I FELL APART during the last two or three miles. Just couldn't keep up. I got separated from my running group, because I was so far behind. It was demoralizing.
I think that in lieu of talking about the rest of my day, I will discuss my concerns about my current inability to keep up with my running group. Undeniably, I am running slower than I was at this time last year. I maintained sub-eight minute miles in a marathon last year. This year, I can't do it, AND I am doing speed work.
There is a rumor and I guess some research that states that a women's athletic performance in the year after she has a baby is significantly better. What I know is summed up in this linked Huffington Post article. I have read the same in Runner's World and The New York Times.
What if I had a stellar running year last year with little effort on my part, and now, I am training significantly, have added speed work to my regimen, and am really rather diligent all to little avail? It is all quite frustrating and exhausting, but on to swim.

At swim (Sunday), there was an emphasis on kicking before we started our main set.
  • 400 warm-up
  • much kicking (including one set where we partnered up, grasping a kick board between us and kick-battled to try to push our partner further than our partner could push us. This reduced me to a fit of giggles and a lung full of water.)
  • 3 x 100 easy
  • 4 x 100 pull
  • 8 x 25 pull with buoy between ankles
  • 4 x 100 pull
  • 8 x 25 with kickboard between thighs
  • 4 x 100 pull
  • 200 cool down
The attached pic is of me swimming. Check out my arm hooking in. This is what I need to focus on this week.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Friday: Swim, a Consult, the Mall and Dinner Disaster

So today, Ivan and I were reasonably on time for swim and Steven had a pretty good workout for us. I will try to recount it, but it was quite varied, so I will leave a lot out:
  • 200 warm up
  • 8 x 50 kick
  • 400 swim
  • 300 swim
  • 200 swim
  • 100 swim
  • 4 x 100 swim withe paddles
  • 3 x 100 IM with fins
  • 6 x 75 alternate breath by 25's (3/5/7)
It was a great swim, though I felt rather silly when I dove in because the pool lanes were turned so that we were swimming from an alternated end of the pool and their was no ledge under the edge of the pool. It looked so high when I dove in and I kind of freaked out and stood in my dive position like a five-year-old paralyzed by fear. I managed to dive in, but I am really going to have to start diving off the blocks, because this diving fear is just ridiculous.
After I got home, my great friend Anne Rice came by the house to give me some advice on paint colors for my kitchen and drapes for my dining room. I was thrilled with the info and it made me feel that Sloan manor may be moving up to snuff.
When Ivan woke up from his nap, we loaded up to meet my mom and sister at the mall. Now today was a rather successful mall trip. I took both Ivan's leash and his stroller. Ivan did pretty well on the leash as he could run around, and I had my mom to help with damage control. When Ivan got really worn out, I locked him down in the stroller. It was the perfect plan. Also, I dressed Ivan in an over-the-top cute outfit, so that no matter the behavior, surely the mall population could not completely hate him.
Now after the mall, I was feeling pretty confident, so we took Ivan to dinner at Chef Paul's. It is a restaurant in Franklin, and it was crazy delicious. They bring hush puppies to the table as soon as you sit down, and I have a love affair with hush puppies. I ordered salmon on a bed of wilted spinach flavored with grapefruit and pecans. It was perfect and the salmon was wild. I can't say enough good things.
Ivan, however, was like a man possessed. He tried to leap over the seat, he threw his dog, he stabbed a hush puppy with a table knife he somehow got within reach of. It was really a drama. I finally gave up on eating, and I followed Ivan as he danced and hopped and played with the door lock. He shook hands with multiple restaurant patrons who were innocently trying to enjoy a a Friday night meal.
You know, I am not sure what happens to me. I don't know if I have amnesia or I block out our terrible dining experiences OR if I am just a gambler. I keep betting that the next meal will be a good experience, because odds are they can't all be bad. BUT, they are all bad, and we just keep taking Ivan to dinner in situations where he will ruin dinner for myself and others. I would totally understand if I restauranteur came to us when we walked into his establishment and said, "You know, let's just call a spade a spade and admit that this isn't going to work for any of us. Why don't you just peruse the takeout menu, while someone walks the tazmanian devil outside away from the peaceful diners". All night a child sat next to us in his high chair like a small saint. I wanted to park myself at their table and ask for a full criticism from his parents of what I was doing wrong. WHAT AM I DOING WRONG? I am clearly doing something wrong.

Pic is of Ivans super cute mall outfit and me doing the butterfly today.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Thursday: 6AM Speed Workout on the Treadmill and Not A Lot Else

So today, it was a little easier to drag myself out of bed and get to the gym. I had my food laid out and the car backed in so I could just drive straight out. It was a good strategy. Even with a road closed, I was there on time at 6AM.
I completed the same workout as last week, because we are running a week behind based on last week's weather. So, workout as follows:

  • one mile warmup
  • 6 x 800 meter intervals at 6:23 pace
  • 5 x 400 easy (400's came came in between the 800's)
  • 800 cool down (was supposed to be a mile, but I left early)
At home, Ivan and I hit the grocery store before getting home in time for me to hop in the shower and get ready for work. It was a long day. I had a full plate at work and had to be in early.
At home, I am watching Wanted, which has more action than film has a right. I really needed to hop on the bike for my Spinervals workout, but I am finding that I am three kinds of bushed after I have a workout this early, so I have just sacked out on the couch with a movie and some knitting.
Swim tomorrow, and I MUST do some Yoga.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Recipe of the Week: Steel Cut Oats

OK, this post is so not all that exciting, but it has pretty much changed my life. Cooking steel cut oats really wears me out. You have to stand around for about an hour stirring the oats like a witch at a caldron. If you do not stir constantly, your oats will stick to the bottom and burn just enough to make the whole pot taste funky.

Now recently, a brilliant person whose name I cannot remember, but wish I could so that I could give them credit, told me this brilliant strategy:
  1. Get out your crock pot
  2. pour in four cups of water or more
  3. pour in one cup of steel cut oats
  4. put the top on the crock pot
  5. set the crock pot on low
  6. go to sleep
  7. wake up in the morning to absolutely perfect steel cut oats
Can you believe it????? So easy and it works like a charm every time. I do it about once a week these days. I then add a scoop of protein powder and a splash or two of soy milk for a great hot breakfast that slow cooked all night. Ooooh, I remember who told me, it was Allan Horner. Which reminds me that one day I am going to post his recipe for whole wheat chocolate chip pancakes. They will knock your socks off!!!

Wednesday: Swim and Gilad

Now today, I had a great morning. I was up before seven, had breakfast and tea before Ivan ever stirred. It was quite nice. I even made Ivan's breakfast (grilled cheese) and filled all his milk bottles. We were at the gym for swim right on time, which honestly seems to happen less often that the appearance of Halley's Comet.
I was able to get poolside in time to ask Steven all my swim/ weightlifting questions. Steven feels that the free weights I am doing at home are not making any difference at all outside of some basic toning. He says that my swimming cannot help but bulk my upper frame to some extent. Also, he told me that my "bulk" was really not bulky and then proceeded to tell me countless horror stories of over bulked women swimmers who looked like male Russian weight lifters. This assuaged my concerns, so I will continue with my Gilad weightlifting, though I am still set on owning the Pure Barre DVD. Swim workout went as follows:
  • 2 x 100 @ 1:45
  • 3 x 200 @ 3:15
  • 8 x 50 kick
  • 3 x 150 @ 2:30
  • 8 x 50 drill
  • 3 x 100 IM @ 2:00 (without fins - I swear I thought my heart was going to explode)
  • 8 x 50 swim
  • 4 x 75 kick/ drill/ swim
  • 4 x 100 kick
  • 100 kick cool down
As usual, it was a great workout. Steven is coaching our Sunday swim as well, so I will be interested in seeing the workout!!
In other news, my Spinervals DVDs arrived today, though I felt like it was too much to swim and do a Spinerval DVD, before getting up at 5:30 AM to do a pretty hardcore speed workout. Hopefully, I will get to do a bike workout tomorrow night after Ivan goes to bed.
I was thrilled to get to go into work, where in a fun coincidence, Ben Caldwell (who is just a great local artisan who does wonderful work with copper and silver) was visiting. I had a chance to hear all about his education and accomplishments; such fun. At home, I am crawling into bed early. My alarm is going to ring while it is still dark.

Pics are Ivan and a piece of Ben Caldwell's copper serving collection.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Tuesday: Run, Gilad and Surely There Will Not Be Any More Snow

So just for today's tally, both Bible study and my track workout were cancelled. I ended up running here at home, again without my watch so as not to press for time in icy conditions. It seemed a little warmer than yesterday, and the snow was not blowing as hard. Maybe later in the week there will be a thaw. I am trying not to worry about my level of fitness and was very pleased when my track coach sent out an email detailing how long it takes to lose fitness. The information went as follows:

Jeff Galloway gives a rule of thumb about losing fitness:

Rest Time
Without Exercise % Fitness Lost

1-5 days 0-1%
7 days 10%
14 days 35%

First of all, I had never heard of Jeff Galloway, but he is a writer for runners world and has trained all sorts of runners and the above is his personal philosophy about running fitness. I guess this makes me feel better, but I am so worn out with being trapped at the house. I was so pleased when I got to go to work today. It was just thrilling to get out of the house.
On the upside:
  • Swim should not be cancelled tomorrow, and I will get in a good workout, as well as talking to Steven about my weights routine.
  • I had a great hair day today
  • I think I will go to Yogurt World tomorrow

Monday, February 15, 2010

Monday: RUN and Snow and Gilad Issues

OK, the weather is killing me. KILLING ME. It snowed a blizzard all day today. I finally managed to get out to run during a lull, and there were quite a few ice patches. It was President's Day, however, and the gym was closed, so there was no treadmill or pool option. I could have gotten on the trainer, but that just didn't happen. (Also, my Spinervals DVDs have not arrived yet. Where are they? Hmmm, must check tracking.)

Getting on the trainer takes a tremendous amount of timing, as I have to get on right as the baby goes down to nap. Today, I centered all my timing around the run. My run was fine, but I did not wear my heart rate monitor or watch. I did this because there were ice patches, and I did not want to risk getting more concerned about my time than my safety.
Back at home, I worked on a few house errands, finished my Bible study for tomorrow, though it will undoubtedly be cancelled due to weather. Just checked, it is cancelled for tomorrow. OF COURSE. (I would have been a TERRIBLE pioneer, by the way.) Also, Speed Sessions for tomorrow are cancelled AND the gym is opening late due to the weather. This means that I will have to meet at the rec center on Thursday morning for another treadmill workout, just assuming the weather is better. Assuming. For the love of Mike.

So, tomorrow, I am looking at another day of nothing. Hopefully, I will at least get a closet cleaned out or a grocery trip accomplished. I may take Ivan to McDonald's play place, but WOW, I dislike going there.

OK, and now I will openly discuss some Gilad issues I am having. This weekend at Pure Barre as I was positioned in front of a full length mirror for an hour, I had ample time to observe my arm situation. Now, compared to the rest of the women in the class, I looked a bit like Hulk Hogan or Mr. T. All the swimming and weights have given me a little more definition and girth in my upper body than I anticipated. SO, I am going to drop arm weights from my Gilad routine and see what I think. Also, I am going to talk to Steven, my swim coach on Wednesday morning, assuming that this dreadful winter weather allows me out of the house. I am just going to gather a few expert opinions to find out how much arm weights are helping my swim/ bike/ run. If there is no need, then I might as well stop. I think I will always keep up with my Gilad lunges and abs and such. Also, I am going to add some Pure Barre stuff just for variety.

Pics of me running in the snow!! I wore my Elmer Fudd hat.

Confession: Sometime the dramatic facial expressions made during pairs figure skating make me nervous.

Pure Barre = +A

It has been a long time since I have taken a women's oriented workout class. It has definitely been since before the baby, AND I was taking rec center strength training classes back then. A rec center class is VERY different than a class at a private club or an independent studio like pilates or yoga or Pure Barre.

At a rec center class, people roam in wearing any old thing. For instance, I would usually show up for my class after a long run wearing exactly what I had worn to run. I would be completely sweaty and my running clothes usually consisted of my last remaining Wave Country t-shirt and a grungy pair of shorts. It just wasn't a big deal. It typically only cost me $3, and a senior citizen took my money while drinking rec center coffee out of a cat mug she brought from home and wearing a sweatshirt that had been decorated by her grandchildren for her birthday. I didn't have to make reservations, I just showed up in the dregs of my workout drawer.

Pure Barre, on the other hand, was a little different, which I assume is generally the case with all private facilities. I had a coordinated Lululemon outfit to wear, AND I washed my face and brushed my teeth before I went. Also, I applied a discreet amount of makeup, just enough to make my skin look great. At Pure Barre, you wear socks and no shoes. SO, I made sure I had great socks, though they were not the special Pure Barre socks with grippers. You also need to wear pants, no shorts.

The instructors are impossibly great looking and all wearing super-cute edgy Lululemon apparel and headsets. The inside of the facility is carpeted and otherwise looks a lot like a ballet studio. The walls are mirrored and have ballet bars down the walls. They sell Lululemon workout clothes and Pure Barre balls, mats, socks and such.

My sister, Caroline, and Jeanna and I got there early to secure a good spot. I was feeling pretty confidant as I am in relatively good shape, AND Caroline and I had done a Pure Barre DVD the day before to make sure that I knew what I was doing. The instructor even noted that I looked fit and gave me the heavier set of weights when handing out my materials for class. Materials for class are a mat, a pure bar ball (which is a red rubber ball that is about 5 inches in diameter), and weights.

At Pure Barre, there are four sections: the warm-up, seat work, thigh work, and ab work. I must say that each section was pretty hardcore. While doing most of the exercises you are trying your hardest to squeeze the rubber ball between your thighs while squatting, thrusting and tucking. Also, when you are doing your squats, you are standing on your tip toes (as if in your highest heels) and squeezing the ball with your thighs. During the thigh workout, I thought I was going to have to cry "uncle". My muscles were shaking and felt as if they were on fire. Pure Barre, without a doubt, gave Gilad a run for his money. I had to set down the heavier weights and go lighter, as the workout became more intense.

The class lasted one hour and I burned 136 calories and my heart rate did not get any higher than 67% of my max. It was not a cardio class at all, but I did work out muscles I did not know that I had. My thighs and rear were incredibly sore on Sunday, after a Saturday class, though in a good "I definitely hit some unused muscles" sort of way.

Overall, this workout was very difficult, but doable. I never had a Hot Yoga moment, where I thought I was going to have to quit or leave the room. I thought the workout was much harder and more targeted than my usual Gilad strength training workout, and I really enjoyed the challenge. Also, I felt like the instructors were great about giving feedback and making sure you were getting the most out of your work out.

I give this workout an A plus, and I fully plan to buy the DVD that goes along with the program so that I can work on it at home. I think the thigh portion might change swim suit season for me!!!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Sunday: Drive Home and Valentine's Dinner

So this morning, I slept in for the second morning in a row, before getting up and sitting on my sister's couch and drinking coffee for the duration of 17 Again. 17 Again is a movie starring Zach Ephron and Chandler Bing from Friends. It is a movie that is geared towards a tween crowd and is the PERFECT movie for watching in your yoga pants while you guzzle gallons of coffee. My sister and her husband and I had a long and serious discussion about the movie before deciding that it was a perfect combination of Freaky Friday, The Parent Trap, It's a Wonderful Life and maybe a dash of Back to the Future.
After this I loaded up the car for an uneventful drive back to Franklin, and I am rather ashamed to admit that I spent most of the trip listening to Twilight. I have listened to it before, and I found myself listening to it again on the way home. I have no excuse other than that it is just mindlessly compelling, and I can't even stop myself. Good grief.
At home, we had a great visit from my parents, and a delicious Valentine's day dinner: steak, sweet potatos, broccoli and polenta. Ivan was out of sorts as is his habit when separated from any of his parents for more than a couple of hours. He seems not to know how to react to the authority of the returning parent and spends a lot of time testing his limits, losing his temper and spitting like a camel. Seriously, bless his heart, he spits when he is mad.

The pool is closed tomorrow for President's Day!! Will run tomorrow, but three full days off of cardio. Feeling good about it!!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Saturday: Pure Barre and the Flip Burger Heisman

So today, it was a real novelty to wake up at my leisure on a Saturday morning. Normally, I am cursing as the alarm goes off and peeling myself from between the sheets to run in subzero temperatures. This morning, I woke up and there was no workout obligation or childcare obligation. It was like the first Saturday after I graduated from college, and there was absolutely nothing to do. It was both heavenly and eerie, with more emphasis on the heavenly.

Now after I had been up for a while vegetating in front of the television, I had a bowl of cereal and a copious amount of tea and coffee. Then I gussied myself up in my very best Lululemon, and put on a natural looking amount of make-up and headed out to Pure Barre with my sister. Now, I found Pure Barre to be a hard core workout, and it totally deserves it's own post. So, that will be my plan for later in the week. Today, suffice it to say that I will wake up tomorrow with the serious soreness of a person whose athletic arrogance has led them to think that because they are quite in shape a women's fitness class will not be hard for them.

After Pure Barre, we headed over to the The Broken Egg for brunch, before shopping around a bit. We headed to a boutique called Lulies where they sold FAKE CHANEL JACKETS. Now, my secret dream (so of course I am telling you) is to own a black tweed Chanel jacket. So, when I saw this one in a legitimate looking boutique, my heart skipped a beat. BUT, after looking at the seaming and closely questioning the employees at the boutique, I learned that they had purchased the "Chanel" jackets at market and were "told at the time" that they were real Chanels. Now, I didn't even know that anyone made fake clothing. I was familiar with the idea of fake handbags and fake watches, but jackets?? It was too bad, and I was forced to console myself with a Dreamcakes Oreo Cupcake.

At home, we sat around and watched reruns of Parks and Recreation. After a Parks and Recreation marathon, we discussed where we were going to eat dinner and decided unanimously to eat at Flip Burger. Flip Burger has a multitude of delicacies including a chickpea burger wrapped in lettuce and an ahi tuna burger. They also have a Krispy Kreme milkshake. So, my sister and I bundled up the baby and dressed in our Saturday night finest, only to find an hour and 45 minute wait when we got to the door. Yeah, so I would go home and eat cereal before I waited an hour an forty-five minutes for the Hope Diamond, let alone a gourmet burger. For this reason, we went to Anthropologie to find the perfect belt for my summer dresses and hit Surin for sushi. It was a great meal, but not the uber cool burger restaurant that had been dancing in my dreams.

Sushi was great, and I was thrilled to get back home and into my pajamas to watch the Olympics!!!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Friday: A Day Off of Sorts

So today, I skipped swim and slept in a bit, before waking up and making a smoothie and tea and showering in preparation for my big drive to Birmingham. I kissed Ivan goodbye and hopped into the car where it started snowing about halfway down. It snowed and snowed and snowed in ways that made me think there was a slight chance I was going to have to check into a motel in Ardmore and PRAY that they had HBO and a Wendy's in walking distance.
Fortunately, I arrived in Birmingham safe and sound with only one bathroom stop at a very clean and neat Hardee's. In Birmingham, the snow was pretty intense for that far south, and the natives were concerned to say the least. For this reason, all of the fun boutiques were closed early due to weather, and we were even denied cupcakes at Dreamcakes. As I have replaced all sweets splurges with Yogurt World, it is rare that I have a real bleached flour/refined sugar treat, and I felt the loss of my cupcake deeply. We had to console ourselves with a trip to Forever XXI, where I found a denim jacket that I have been desperately needing.
It is a rare treat, when you can run out to Forever XXI and pay $20 for something that you will wear consistently all summer. Granted, to achieve that item, you must haul yourself across town to a mall you would rather not frequent and fight 14-year-old girls for merchandise while Abercrombie rivaling music thumps at such a volume that you fear your heart might palpitate out of rhythm. My sister talked me out of a tailored tux jacket, called the Ringmaster Jacket that could have ABSOLUTELY MADE the right outfit. She forced me to admit that the jacket would languish away in my closet being pulled out only to prance around the house as I dreamed up imaginary venues where I might wear it, and then whipping it off my body before my husband saw me acting so ridiculous.

After this we headed home and practiced Pure Barre for our morning class so that I would not look like a novice in front of the seasoned veterans. Then, my sister, friend Jeanna and I headed to Maki Fresh for takeout sushi and watched the opening ceremony of the Olympics while having fun talks!! A great day!!!!

Pure Barre and brunch tomorrow!!!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Thursday: 6 AM Speed Work and a Lot of Nothing and Such

So, I was up at 5:30 AM to go and get my track workout in on a treadmill at the gym. Honestly, let me tell you that getting up to start my track workout when it was still dark, and I was all sniffly felt pretty bleak. It felt even bleaker when I ate five Girl Scout cookies while waiting for my oatmeal to microwave. I then pulverized the rest of the box of Girl Scout Cookies and trashed them, because I can tell you right now, those cookies were destined for a blood sugar spike that would not leave me with enough energy to crawl through the rest of my day. I had no choice but to be proactive in response to my lack of control over slamming Girl Scout Cookies at 5:30 AM in the morning.

After scalding my tongue on both my oatmeal and my tea, I said several expletives that it was a luxury to say while I was all alone in the kitchen. It is so rare that I have the opportunity to really express my misery, and it felt pretty great. I froze in the car all the way to the gym and was honestly so tired that I babbled at poor Stephen. You know those sleepy mornings where you just can't articulate? That was me this morning. ANYWAY, workout as follows:
  • 1 mile warmup
  • 6 x 800 @ 3:10
  • 400 jog in-between each 800
  • mile cool-down (though actually I just cooled down until Stephen left, and then I slunk off the treadmill after a mere 800 instead of the mile cool down that was prescribed)
This ended up being 6 and three quarter miles, and the last two 800's were not pleasant. As per usual, it felt great to get it over with before 7:00 AM in the morning, and to have a gross cup of rec center coffee on my way home. Why am I so loving rec center coffee? I swear, I know it isn't good.

At home, I watched The Wiggles with Ivan, made some breakfast and headed out to take Ivan to practice his swimming and run some errands. At home, I got ready and headed into work. My husband made sweet potato pizza for dinner, and I curled up on the couch to watch Project Runway.

While so curled, I have made the decision to take a few days off. I have been doing a lot and going pretty hard. I will be taking a Pure Barre class in Birmingham on Saturday, and I MIGHT still go to swim on Sunday, but nothing else.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Wednesday: Double Swim, Gilad, Girl Scout Cookie Time and Yogurt World Coupons

So today, was overall a stellar day. I had a slight morning swim disappointment, but overall a stellar day. I made it to swim reasonably on time anticipating my mile swim. Workout as follows:
  • 500 warm-up
  • Mile Swim for time (26:19)
  • 400 easy swim
  • 8 x 100 swim on 1:45
  • 300 kick
Now, I have been pretty excited about my mile swim. I swam in a swim meet three or four years ago and I swam a 27 something minute mile. Since then, I have been swimming a lot, AND I have assumed that I am getting faster all the time. I decided to see if I could swim fast enough to qualify for master's nationals in Atlanta. I needed a sub 23 minute time, and I thought maybe I could make it. Now, Nina, the German Au Pair, swam it in about 19 minutes. I swam it in 26:19 and NICK, who I used to swim with , beat me my 50 yards. What is wrong with me? Am I getting slower OR is everyone getting faster and leaving me behind?
At home, I got in a Gilad workout and accomplished some routine stuff around the house. The laundry was just about it take over, I swear.
In the evening, I headed back out to night swim. I was going to skip, but then I got word that I was picking up Girl Scout cookies tonight from Shelley in my swim class from whose daughter I bought the cookies. I am not one to let Girl Scout cookies sit unattended, so I headed into swim. Workout as follows:
  • 6 x 100 swim
  • 400/300/200/100 @ 1:50 per 100
  • 2 x 25 pull with no buoy and no kick (oh so hard)
  • 300/200/100 @ 1:50 per 100
  • 4 x 25 pull as above
  • 200/100 @ 1:50 per 100
  • 6 x 25 pull as above
  • 100 @ 1:50 per 100
  • 8 x 25 pull as above
Now after swim, two great things happened. I picked up my Girl Scout cookies and Diane gave me three coupons for Yogurt World!!!! I was thrilled. SO, the Girl Scout cookie situation is already out of control, and there is a very good chance that I am going to dump them under my car wheel and crush them to bits in the gravel. Now, after I get enough willpower to say "Get behind thee, Satan" to the Girl Scout cookies, I am going to go straight to Yogurt World with my coupons, because it is my favorite place.

Treadmill Speed Session tomorrow (with Stephen, A SAINT), because it is going to be 8 DEGREES tomorrow, and that is where I draw the line at running outside, friends.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Tuesday: Misspent

Oh today my time has not been used wisely. Last night I realized that Bible study, schools and most of life in the Nashville area would be cancelled because of the snow. Normally, I do a speed session on Tuesday morning, but it was cancelled based on the snow situation.

I got in a Gilad workout and watched my computer vigiliantly for weather and speed session updates. Every Tuesday there are two speed sessions: 6 AM and 6 PM. I attend the 6 AM session, or I have once. There have been three speed sessions and only one has actually happened at 6 AM. Weather has cancelled the other sessions. The cancellations are a real kink in my day. For instance, today the morning speed session was cancelled and the evening speed session was pending cancellation depending on the weather.
Now, when I got to work without my track clothes assuming that the evening session had also been cancelled today, I received an email that the evening speed session was officially on. There is no way to get from work, to my house for my track clothes and then to the track to run on time. SO, I am out of a track workout for today and must figure out a way to do it on my own later in the week.

It was a serious bummer of wasted time. I could have gotten on the trainer, BUT was afraid that the speed session would happen and was afraid to wear out my legs. BUT, now am not going to speed sessions, so I should have ridden the trainer. I will now end up on the trainer after Ivan goes to bed tonight and will hope to run early on Wednesday morning.

I mean, until I went into work today, I honestly wandered around the house playing with Ivan and watching the computer for news and emailing other people in my track group complaining about the weather. So frustrating. I should have at least cleaned out a closet.

So, after work, I headed home where my husband had a made a whole wheat sweet potato pizza for dinner. It was very delicious. As soon as Ivan went to bed, I hopped on the trainer and rode for 30 minutes. My Spinervals DVDs have not yet arrived, and I had to ride while watching Valentino: The Last Emperor. I can tell you right now, Valentino Garavani is no one I want to meet in person. And, it is rather interesting to be riding a stationary bike at top speed sweating profusely and slightly miserable while watching a tiny Italian queen announce with passion that "a women's ankles in an evening dress is the most disgusting thing I have ever seen".

Aaahhhh perspective!!
Timing the mile swim tomorrow!!!