Monday, February 1, 2010

Monday: Swim and Gilad and My First Spinerval

When I started triathlon-ing, I was just a runner looking to cross-train. I could dog paddle and I knew how to ride a bike. Running was always going to be my thing, and I figured I would end it there. Of course, it did not end there. I am on a quest for super-dorkdom, and I just keep piling it on. I mean, I had a swim today, where I practiced technique and I have just ridden my first Spinervals workout. I am slowly being overtaken by the notion that all three disciplines must be equal ability.
Swim was sort of a disaster today, because I had car-seat mix-up number one cajillion; Ivan woke up in the middle of the night, so I was up between the hours of 1:00 AM and 2:30 AM; I had to scrape my front windshield and back window (the ice was seriously two inches thick). These mornings just happen, and I have to roll with it. Swim was great today, because there were only two of us there and Steven (THE GREAT) took my stroke completely apart.

My head was spinning a bit, because it is hard to incorporate five different things while swimming down the lane: hand goes in flat, wrists stiff until release at the end of stroke, a-line off the wall, head and neck motionless and ankles flexible during the kick. So difficult to remember everything, but I think that my stroke is really improving in bits and pieces. I was quite late to swim, but I got in about 1000 meters with Steven. This was absolutely no yardage, but I spent a lot of time listening, trying and coming back to try again. After practice, I stayed in the pool and swam another 1000, before getting Ivan from the nursery.
At home, I had lunch and two petit fours. There is only one petit-four left, and I think I am going to pound it tomorrow morning and just have it done with. Then it will be out of the house, and I can get back to my Yogurt World routine. This is my strategy.
I got in a Gilad workout and then ran a bunch of errands, the last of which was picking up a few Spinervals DVD's from a friend. I have to get better about the trainer. I have to get better about the trainer, so I am reaching out to improve. Let me just tell you, Spinervals workouts are intense. INTENSE. Overall, I was really impressed.

There is a heart rate counter in the top left corner of the screen and at the bottom of the screen there is a spot to tell you where to keep your cadence and where to keep your gears. SO, I had my Garmin hooked up to the handlebars and I kept my heart rate, my cadence and my chain rings at the spot where the coach, whose name I forget, said it needed to be. I was dripping sweat and I felt myself get into a groove with the interval work after a while. It was impressive, and I was able to get to the correct intervals. I am going to try it again later in the week. I totally recommend them to anyone training at home.

Morning speed work is cancelled for tomorrow, have to go to the evening session. Four mile repeats.

1 comment:

Jill Ann said...

I was wondering what Spinervals you're doing? Do you know the name of the DVD? I am going to buy one and everyone says to get Have Mercy?? Just curious.

Those petit fours are beautiful...I'd eat every single one of them too. Love sweets...Joe brings home candy all the time. What is it with men and's a non issue for them - but for us, it's like crack cocaine or something?? Go figure. I'm blaming that on my parents as they limited my sugar/candy when I was little and I feel that's why I have a problem with it at 42. Ha ha.