Thursday, February 25, 2010

Thursday: Run, Trainer Ride, and I Have Forsaken Gilad Since Monday

So, I have just not slept well the last couple of nights. Someone told me today that it could be the full moon. Hhhhmmmm, I have no response to that, but I may keep an eye on the moon situation next month. For this reason and the fact that Ivan did not get a good nap yesterday, he slept quite late, which meant that we all slept late. I greatly dislike sleeping late, but I greatly enjoy getting a good night's sleep. It is a conundrum, and I just have to let it go sometimes.
Anyway, I had eggs and cereal this morning, while blearily watching The Wiggles, all of whom I greatly dislike. Ivan refers to the as "Higgles", and he begins diligently asking for them as soon as I get him out of bed in the morning. Now, you or I might mention once that we would like to watch a particular television program, but our adult social skills have taught us that to repeat one word, rapid-fire, in an increasingly greater volume is more than any one person can bear. At the age of 23 months, Ivan does not have these skills and he is completely unabashed about getting nose-to-nose with me and doing just this. It is a great invasion of space this early in the morning, and honestly I resent it and The Wiggles. I could write a book about it, but I will spare you.
Anyway, after breakfast and Wigglefest, I got out for a run, which was great, but did not load into the Garmin program when I returned home. This has happened twice now. I get home, and the Garmin doesn't transfer my info. It doesn't really matter on a neighborhood run, but I really hope it never happens on one of my long, rather competitive Saturday runs. It was a reasonable three mile run.
Back at home, I got Ivan down for a nap and climbed onto the trainer. Now, I can only ride the trainer while Ivan is napping and this gives me about an hour to get in a ride. I ordered a Spinervals DVD that is 65 minutes long called Extreme Threshold Training. It is hardcore, it consists of a warm-up and as far as I can remember 5 three minute intervals and 3 five minute intervals and then 5 one minute intervals with various levels of rest and riding in between. Coach Troy tells you to stay in the big chain ring and the middle of the back chain ring at 85 RPM's. The first time I did this workout, I didn't make it all the way through. This time, I was determined, and it was hard. By the end of it, however, I really felt myself fall into a pace and I wasn't having to struggle to stay there. My legs were just riding of their own accord, albeit they were asking to quit. You can look at my splits and calorie burn and such.
After Ivan woke up, I piled him into the car to go to swim. He was great and he floated like a champ. He even lost his balance and fell into the 12 foot water and just floated. I was so proud!!
Next we headed off to a consignment store to hunt for some warm boots for Ivan to hike in next week, but there were none. NOW, the whole time I was in the consignment store, I thought the whole place smelled seriously rancid. I was wondering if there was something dead or something rotting or if the devil was breathing through the heating ducts. It was a terrible, terrible smell. Now, when I picked Ivan up to carry him to the car, I discovered the inevitable: Ivan was packing one of the dirtiest diapers EVER. It was such a revolting smell, and we were right around the corner from the house so I just tossed him into the car and drove home. Sometimes, when a diaper is terrible, you know that it can really only be addressed at home with a garden hose type spray down situation.
We had to ride all the way home with the windows down, as I feared certain asphyxiation from the stench. Now, half way to the house, I had planned one of my only responsibility avoiding behaviors to date. I dashed into the house and asked my husband if he could grab the baby, my hands were full. He asked if I had noticed the smell, I attempted to look innocent, he more than attempted to look doubtful, and then he took Ivan and had to strip him down in the bathtub and douse him with Dr. Bronner's. Ivan's bedroom smelled like a combination of a chicken farm and something dead, with a dash of skunk. Anyway, I did not have to change it!!!! A triumph!!!!
Pic is Ivan and I on a more spotless day!!

1 comment:

caroline G said...

hilarious! Glad Elliot doesn't read the blog! :)