Friday, February 26, 2010

A Word on Chafing and My Secret Product

It is important to note that the more activities you participate in and the more close fitting clothing that is necessary, and the longer the duration of the activity, the more chafing is involved. The most painful shower I have ever taken was the shower after I complete the Vineman in California. My wetsuit had a velcro closure in the back and it chafed into the back of my neck. Throughout the bike, sweat was dripping into the open wound and after the run, the enthusiastic volunteers at the finish line threw a wet towel around my neck, and I was briefly paralyzed with pain. Chafing is brutal.
Every expensive piece of clothing that you buy may become a chafing culprit. All of my bathing suits chafe until I break them in, my sports bras, the waist band of my tights, my heart rate monitor, my favorite Nike wicking turtleneck inexplicably chafes at the neck seams, and some running shorts that have too much fabric will chafe between your thighs. Sometimes there is stealth chafing that you don't notice until you get in the shower, and the water hits you at full blast.

Anyway, people use all sorts of things for chafing: Vaseline and Aquaphor are both available at the drugstore, but I have a secret anti-chafing tool that I discovered while I was breastfeeding. It is called Lansinoh Lanolin, and I can put it on under the armpits of my new bathing suits, and it stays put in the water. It is my favorite. I wish I had known of it at my half-ironman because I could have saved myself some pain and what is probably going to be a scar.

Now I know that this is something that breast feeding women rub on their lactating boobs, and you might feel a bit pansy having it in your tri bucket, but you need to get over this. It will change your life.

Try Some!!

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Anonymous said...

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