Saturday, February 6, 2010

Saturday: 16 Mile Run at 25 Degrees and a Bit of Yoga

It was a great Saturday morning because we started our run at 6:30 AM instead of 6:00 AM giving me 30 minutes of extra sleep. It was not great because it was 25 degrees outside, and it was sleeting. It was a great Saturday because I ran some really fast miles, but a bad Saturday because I dropped off after the first 7ish miles, and I clocked a 9:30 something mile on 9 mile hill.

Today, we ran a 16 mile hill run that covered both Percy and Edwin Warner Parks. It was a serious bummer that I got slower and slower as the run progressed. It is true that I had a cold this week, and really only ran on the day I did my speedwork. Also, my nutrition was poor. I needed more than the Cliff bar that I had before the run. You know, it sometimes seems that all the elements that have to be perfectly coordinated for optimal performance at whatever planned event are rather impossible to achieve.

I really need to put in some longer midweek runs and get up even earlier on Saturday and eat something more substantial. BUT, whenever I talk about doing more than I already do, I begin to feel overwhelmed. If I, a low-level athlete who participates but does not place, puts this much effort into my training, it must be a full-time job to do all the preparation to actually do well. Do those people have more hours in their day or do they have time-turners like Hermione Granger in The Prisoner of Azkaban? If I had a time turner, the sweater I am knitting would have been finished three weeks ago.

Anyway, at home I have eaten all kinds of healthy foods, as I was starving but determined not to go to the dark side that results in me eating a box of cookies and all of Ivan's gummi-vitamins in one fell swoop. We headed out to a party tonight and had loads of fun and a quick sushi pit stop at Shintomi on the way home. A bit of yoga before bed will hopefully negate all the tightness that a sixteen mile run in sub-freezing temperature will give you.

Super Bowl party tomorrow!!!

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