Thursday, February 18, 2010

Thursday: 6AM Speed Workout on the Treadmill and Not A Lot Else

So today, it was a little easier to drag myself out of bed and get to the gym. I had my food laid out and the car backed in so I could just drive straight out. It was a good strategy. Even with a road closed, I was there on time at 6AM.
I completed the same workout as last week, because we are running a week behind based on last week's weather. So, workout as follows:

  • one mile warmup
  • 6 x 800 meter intervals at 6:23 pace
  • 5 x 400 easy (400's came came in between the 800's)
  • 800 cool down (was supposed to be a mile, but I left early)
At home, Ivan and I hit the grocery store before getting home in time for me to hop in the shower and get ready for work. It was a long day. I had a full plate at work and had to be in early.
At home, I am watching Wanted, which has more action than film has a right. I really needed to hop on the bike for my Spinervals workout, but I am finding that I am three kinds of bushed after I have a workout this early, so I have just sacked out on the couch with a movie and some knitting.
Swim tomorrow, and I MUST do some Yoga.

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