Saturday, February 13, 2010

Saturday: Pure Barre and the Flip Burger Heisman

So today, it was a real novelty to wake up at my leisure on a Saturday morning. Normally, I am cursing as the alarm goes off and peeling myself from between the sheets to run in subzero temperatures. This morning, I woke up and there was no workout obligation or childcare obligation. It was like the first Saturday after I graduated from college, and there was absolutely nothing to do. It was both heavenly and eerie, with more emphasis on the heavenly.

Now after I had been up for a while vegetating in front of the television, I had a bowl of cereal and a copious amount of tea and coffee. Then I gussied myself up in my very best Lululemon, and put on a natural looking amount of make-up and headed out to Pure Barre with my sister. Now, I found Pure Barre to be a hard core workout, and it totally deserves it's own post. So, that will be my plan for later in the week. Today, suffice it to say that I will wake up tomorrow with the serious soreness of a person whose athletic arrogance has led them to think that because they are quite in shape a women's fitness class will not be hard for them.

After Pure Barre, we headed over to the The Broken Egg for brunch, before shopping around a bit. We headed to a boutique called Lulies where they sold FAKE CHANEL JACKETS. Now, my secret dream (so of course I am telling you) is to own a black tweed Chanel jacket. So, when I saw this one in a legitimate looking boutique, my heart skipped a beat. BUT, after looking at the seaming and closely questioning the employees at the boutique, I learned that they had purchased the "Chanel" jackets at market and were "told at the time" that they were real Chanels. Now, I didn't even know that anyone made fake clothing. I was familiar with the idea of fake handbags and fake watches, but jackets?? It was too bad, and I was forced to console myself with a Dreamcakes Oreo Cupcake.

At home, we sat around and watched reruns of Parks and Recreation. After a Parks and Recreation marathon, we discussed where we were going to eat dinner and decided unanimously to eat at Flip Burger. Flip Burger has a multitude of delicacies including a chickpea burger wrapped in lettuce and an ahi tuna burger. They also have a Krispy Kreme milkshake. So, my sister and I bundled up the baby and dressed in our Saturday night finest, only to find an hour and 45 minute wait when we got to the door. Yeah, so I would go home and eat cereal before I waited an hour an forty-five minutes for the Hope Diamond, let alone a gourmet burger. For this reason, we went to Anthropologie to find the perfect belt for my summer dresses and hit Surin for sushi. It was a great meal, but not the uber cool burger restaurant that had been dancing in my dreams.

Sushi was great, and I was thrilled to get back home and into my pajamas to watch the Olympics!!!

1 comment:

FLIP said...

Awww so sorry you weren't able to get in to try us out. I hope you'll try again sometime soon. Happy Valentines Day