Sunday, January 31, 2010

Sunday: A Baby Shower

As mentioned yesterday, Tennessee has a serious ice thing happening. Now that I think about it, I should really have been taking it more seriously. We got an email yesterday that church was cancelled and Yogurt World was closed. If Yogurt World is closed, I feel that things must be dire. My husband diagnosed the roads for me yesterday as "not bad".
Now, my husband is both wise and experienced. He has slept in a snow cave that he dug himself and melted ice to make coffee. I swear he could start a fire with two sticks. (In fact, we may have been included on various camping expeditions not on the strength of our friendships or our serious coolness, but the fact that if you are forging into the abyss, taking along my husband means that you will survive and survive well.) Anyway, when my husband (whom I would describe as one part Jeremiah Johnson, one part Jack London with a dash of MacGyver) says that things are "not bad", I should remember the rest of the general populace, myself included.

When asked if we should postpone the baby shower that we were hosting at my home today, I said no, because things were not bad. Oh dear. Five attendees cancelled due to the weather, everyone else arrived without incident except the guest of honor who was stuck in an ice ditch on the side of the road with her husband. Nice. I actually felt like a gigantic ass about the whole thing. I mean it wasn't the worst thing in the world, it just seems RATHER thoughtless to put a pregnant woman in peril over her own baby shower. RATHER. Anyway, my husband took chains down to the ice ditch, the honoree arrived and it really was a nice time.
The food was great, and I had both fruit tea and petit fours, along with multiple dips and cheeses. So, I haven't worked out today, and I have seriously junked out. It's not a bad thing every once in a while. I will pull it together tomorrow.

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