Sunday, January 24, 2010

Sunday: Swim and a Most Unfortunate Dinner

I have to say that today was just off on several levels. For one thing, Ivan woke up before 6:00 AM. Luckily, I had gotten into bed quite early. It is my opinion as an often early riser, however, that there is no bedtime that is early enough to get up before 6:00 AM. I was fast asleep at 9:00 PM-ish, but when Ivan woke up it seemed pretty awful. For this reason, I staggered around groggily, accomplishing nothing while drinking tea and rubbing my eyes.

Also, I thought several Sabbath inappropriate murderous things about The Wiggles. The Wiggles are the only television show that Ivan will watch for a few minutes in the morning, yet I am beginning to view The Wiggles with greater and greater antipathy. For this reason, I have a parenting conundrum, which I realize is duller than dull. Do I halt The Wiggles all together, because I genuinely dislike all of them and their limited personalities and their inordinate cheeriness (especially the vile Captain FeatherSword)? OR, Do I continue with The Wiggles because they buy me approximately 20 minutes of solid free time in the morning? I can tell you right now that I am going with the latter, but I OFTEN THINK of the former.

After I was sufficiently woken up, Ivan and I headed out to church. Today, the Sunday school lesson was the first of four Sunday presentations of our minister's sabbatical in the Holy Land, Romania and Scotland. It was a very interesting Sunday school and we headed home after Church.
After lunch, I headed into swim and let me just tell you that there was some serious pool temperature drama. I am most comfortable when the lap pool is about 83 degrees. Usually the lap pool is 82 degrees, any colder that that and, I swear, it feels like the Pacific Ocean with a few ice cubes thrown in. When I arrived at the pool, everyone was whispering amongst themselves that the pool was 80 degrees. It took me a while to nerve up and dive in, and I never got warm.

Every time we stopped to start a new set, all eight people in my lane would quibble back and forth about the exact temperature of the water. Nick felt like it could be 79 degrees; Suzanne felt like it was just barely 80; Gretchen told us the water was NOT 79. I asked if anyone was getting warm; David said he was not getting warm; and on, and on, and on. Anyway, swim workout as follows:
  • 400 warm up
  • 4 x 150 kick/ drill/ swim (with fins)
  • 6 x 50 swim
  • 10 x 100 swim
  • 600 pull with paddles (alternating freestyle, breast, and backstroke)
This was just 2900, but it was a hard workout (in terms of our intervals which I cannot remember) and pool temperature.
After swim, my husband and I made the seriously ridiculous decision to take Ivan with us out to dinner with my running group. It took my own personal folly to a new level as Ivan alternated between tantrum and tears for two solid hours. I ate some pizza, but have no memory of it. My running group was patient, but I was indeed a party foul.

Pic of Ivan and the vile Captain FeatherSword


caroline G said...

:( I am sorry Ivan was a pill at dinner. Boo.

scott said...

It's them or Spongebob. Odds are you'll fall to the darkside of the sponge. We did. iCarly saved us.