Saturday, January 9, 2010

Saturday: Things I Did Not Do Before 6:00 PM

Now, I fully intended to run on the treadmill at the gym today, maybe hop on the elliptical for cool down, and get in a yoga session. It seems that the actuality of my intentions was that I slept late, ate oatmeal, and parked myself on the couch with my knitting.
There are several things that did not happen until 6:00 PM this evening:
  • the brushing of teeth
  • the washing of face
  • the combing of hair
  • the making of a meal
  • the changing of my child from his PJ's
  • the changing of myself from my PJ's
  • the fetching of the mail
I have not had a day like this since the last time I was sick WITH A FEVER and that was in July of 2008. I did not even do things like this in college. I knew people that lived like this in college, and I will admit to you that I thought less of those people. Typically, I accomplish things, and I always start out my Saturday mornings with a copious amount of exercise, followed by a huge breakfast and a soy latte.
Today was a monumental mismanagement of time. I guess my knitting is an accomplishment. The sleeves of my cable-knit bolero are looking very lovely. I also watched The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou, which is a movie I have tried to watch before, as I am a huge fan of Wes Anderson. Should my life be made into a movie, I don't care about the actors or the rest of it, I just want Wes Anderson to direct. If nothing else, he could get the music right. You just can't go wrong with a Wes Anderson soundtrack.
Anyway, this was not my favorite Wes Anderson film, because that hallowed echelon belongs to The Royal Tenenbaums with Rushmore running a close second. Best Line in Rushmore. "These are O.R. scrubs." Max Fischer: "O.R . they?"
While I watched The Life Aquatic, I allowed Ivan to pull all the Kleenexes out of a box of Kleenex and shred them blissfully on the floor, because this bought me two peaceful hours of knitting on the couch. I very much enjoyed it, and helping Ivan clean up the mess later, seemed like a bargain price for sitting like a lump on the couch and not chasing anyone as they tried to grab the cat by the tail and stick their fingers in a light socket at the same time. It was nice.
My only other accomplishment today was that I was able to learn how to use our cappuccino maker. I found it in the linen closet when I moved into our house, and the instructions had been lost since it was unpacked as a gift for my husband's first wedding. That was five years ago, and today seemed like the perfect time to devote myself to figuring out a piece of equipment to which the instructions had been lost. Honestly, on a day like today, even if those instructions had been available, I probably would not have used them. It was just one of those days.
I am going to read my one year Bible tonight, but that it about all I am committing to. I am staying up late to watch SNL while I continue knitting. Charles Barkley is on tonight.

1 comment:

Jill Ann said...

No way...wait til I tell Joe!! I also enjoyed the Royal Tennenbaums. He believes my choice in movies is completely sickening. Refuses to watch them. So, what a lovely discovery...I am not as twisted as he says!! You made my day!

PS Your Saturday, sounded like my Sunday. But, I went out of the house - to Green Hills grocery shopping and in fact, a man in a car BARKED at me. So, I must've really looked horrid. That is still funny...almost 3 days later!