Friday, January 15, 2010

Friday: 3600 Yard Swim and Visiting

Confession: Maybe I am not meant to wake up on time. Maybe when Ben Franklin encouraged "Early to bed/ Early to rise", he did not mean me. Maybe I can get the worm as I am running about the house frantically trying to get somewhere on time. Am I a grasshopper?
Anyway, I overslept and honestly vaulted out of the bed like "Four Weddings and a Funeral". (Ivan also is oversleeping, so maybe my 22 month old child would like to shoulder a portion of the blame for my oversleeping. I feel that if he would wake at the crack of dawn like many toddlers, it would start our day off better. He has been sleeping later, which means I need to move his bedtime. I will not bore you with bedtime maneuverings. I apologize)
For whatever reason, we made it to swim on time and I completed the entire workout:
  • 500 swim/ 3 x 100 kick / 200 IM/ 200 swim
  • 12 x 200 @ 3:40 1-4 free/ 5-8 IM/ 9-12 choice
This was 3600 meters. This was not an uncommonly long workout, but the IM actually makes everything take longer as my butterfly and breaststroke are oh-so-slow. I did not make the interval on the IMs.
It was a great workout, and I had a new razor for the shower. Very exciting.
After swim, Ivan and I loaded up and headed in to Green Hills to have lunch with my dad at McDonald's play place. It was a common disaster. Ivan inexplicably wet through a freshly changed diaper, and I of course forgot to have a change of clothes. So, he played in the play place, completely unabashed, with wet all around his middle.
Oh, yes, friends, that's how I roll. I take my urine wet child to play at a McDonald's play place, and that is why you should never go. If I, Betsy Sloan (responsible mother who believes in bedtimes, regular servings of milk and love, sweet love), take my child, who is wet with urine, to play at a McDonald's play place, I CAN GUARANTEE YOU much worse goes down in that hotbed of germs and misery.
At this particular hotbed of germs and misery, they were giving away a terrible terrible Alvin and the Chipmunks doll. It was Theodore, and when you pressed his HAIR, he screeched "My name is Theodore" before laughing maniacally. Every child in the play place had one, and it resounded over and over in the play place. Ivan kept setting his doll down, and then thinking that the other children had taken his doll and chasing other children down to steal their doll, causing mass wails to resound from the tallest plastic slide. My dad and I staggered out like victims who had been trapped in a very loud, germy cave. I don't know that I can do it again. I'm scarred, and I didn't even tell you about the food. It is not good for you at all.
After this Ivan and I loaded up and went to visit his babysitter Kaitlen in her new home. Her home was lovely, and we had a great time. After this, we had a visit with my parents before heading home. I am watching 30 Rock for the second time. It made me laugh out loud. Out Loud.
Running long tomorrow.
Pic is of Ivan and Rye, together at last!!!

1 comment:

Missy said...

OUCH McD's Playplace...I just stop in every once in a while for a little birth control/reminder. Every once in a long while I might think it's a good idea, then I remind myself that I'm not cut out for that biz niz.