Sunday, January 3, 2010

Saturday:The Worst Run of All, Gilad and A Fabulous Party

So, as mentioned on Friday evening, my plan was to wake up at 5:15ish AM and meet John at the park for an early 6:00 AM run. Of course, my alarm did not go off, and I left poor John to wait in his car for 15 minutes as I raced to the park late. I really don't like lateness at all, and I try to ascribe to my friend Fras' motto on punctuality: "If I am not there at one-minute till time to meet you, I'm not coming". This does not always work out, but it is my feeling.
Anyway, John was totally gracious about my being late when it 12 degrees outside. He was waiting in his car of course, BUT IT WAS 12 DEGREES OUTSIDE. 12 DEGREES. I cannot even explain to you the abject misery of 12 degrees. It was like I was in some horrible Jack London story. John and I ran, and he was so pleasant and ran a good pace, and I was just staggering along. I was not even holding decent splits. (Though, you should ignore my 4th and 5th mile where I forgot to turn off my watch). I had a Balaclava with me, which is a face mask type of knitwear. The Balaclava can be great, but today, I pulled the mask over my mouth and nose, and it got wet with my breath, and then froze. The frozen Balaclava chaffed my skin, so I pulled it down around my neck, where it melted. When I pulled it back up to put around my nose and mouth, it was wet and quickly froze and started the whole cycle over again. It was soooo Jack London.
So, John and I ran 5 miles and then met the group at 7:00 AM and ran 9 more miles. I was running slower and slower, and the greatest shame of all came when I was running with Allan, who had also dropped back from the main group. Allan told me that he had DOUBLE GIVEN blood. DOUBLE GIVEN; which means that you give twice the usual amount. The blood bank needed it and Allan had given, because he is amazing. Anyway, it seriously fatigues you. Allan, however, was still out running, and I, Betsy the Weather Intolerant, could not even remotely keep pace.
The sun wasn't out, there was a head wind: It just never got better, and I was thrilled to jump in my car and head home. At home, it also really never got better. I could not shake the cold. My husband made a fire, and I spent the rest of the day hovering in front of the fireplace, wearing my Uggs, and being generally miserable.
In the afternoon, I toted Ivan out to my parents' house as they were keeping him while we went to a party in the evening. I was able to get in a Gilad workout before we left. The party was a 60th birthday party for a running group friend. I got to catch up with all my favorite runners and some I had not see in a while. It was a costume party, and it was very fun. My husband dressed up as Lewis or Clark and I dressed up as Sacagawea. We had loads of fun and lots of great food. My husband was most definitely Meriweather Lewis by the end of the evening. SO FUN, and we were baby free. Pics of our costumes are above.
I do, however, think that I was allergic to that dastardly pelt I am wearing as I sniffled all night at the party. Serves me right for wearing a dastardly pelt!!

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