Monday, January 18, 2010

Monday: Run, Gilad, Yoga and My Cadence Sensor Will Not Work

Today, Ivan and I hopped out of bed at a reasonable time - 7:30ish AM, which I realize is not in the parameters of my New Year's resolutions, but it is a holiday. Also, I slept rather poorly last night and ended up spending too much time with Andrew Jackson. Tomorrow, my goal is to be up within the parameters of my New Year's resolutions and get to the gym for a speedy treadmill run. I'm pretty psyched about it.
Today, Ivan and I had breakfast while we watched the wiggles, then I got in a Gilad workout, and Ivan and I loaded up the jog stroller for my first jog stroller run with the Garmin. Now, I have always thought that the jog stroller slowed me down maybe 30 seconds a mile; try at least two minutes slower a mile. TWO MINUTES SLOWER. For the love of Mike. I am like a snail with that jog stroller. I always assumed I would be one of those women who won races while pushing a jog stroller. Clearly, that is not me. Athletic arrogance strikes again!!!! It took me 40 minutes and twenty-six seconds to run four miles. That is over ten minute miles. Oh my goodness.
I clearly have a lot of work to do. Maybe, I was a little slower because of my long run on Saturday. Who knows, but this is an area to work on for sure.
Back at home, I had a reasonable yoga practice while Ivan ran about and eventually had a blissful time playing with kitchen implements. Being back into the yoga is helping me a lot, and I must stick with it. So a great day!!

Great eating for me today as well. Salmon, Cabbage and Broccoli for lunch. Several servings of soy, blueberries, yogurt, flax sweet potatoes and whole grains. Lot of green and white teas!!! Thrilling!!

My husband just got my cadence sensor working!!! I am about to multi-sport out the wazoo.

Pic is of my running group on New Year's day. Fun times. I am in the front left with a lavender hat and hunter green jacket.

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