Friday, January 8, 2010

Friday: 4000 Yard Swim, Yoga, and Gilad

This morning, I slept in a bit as I stayed up late watching the national championships. I will confess to you now that I really only learned how football is played about two years ago. Before then, if attending a game (Titans/ Vanderbilt), I generally took binoculars and watched the cheerleaders. Cheerleaders truly amaze me, as I cannot imagine having it all together to dance/ cheer in unison, look cute, and chant something or other in unison. It is astounding. It is a skill that I do not possess on any level. The tanning alone would keep me from being a professional level cheerleader, and maybe the boobs. I might just need to admit that to myself.
How did I take a left on cheerleader street? Anyway, in the past couple of years, I have realized that many people are very interested in football, and it is nice to be able to speak intelligently about it. Also, the games can be really enjoyable if you have some idea of what is going on. I like the feel of college games better and my sister and her husband are big Alabama fans. For this reason, the National Championship seemed worthy of moving my resolution bedtime back an hour or so for.
I really enjoyed the game, I was sad for he Texas quarterback who was injured so early, but I was proud for the freshman who played well, despite it all, was pleased for Alabama, ect. ect. ect. All this got me to bed late and I woke up late. Our thermometer said that it was 10 degrees outside AND, the car thermometer said negative two. NEGATIVE TWO. Misery!!! I know that people in Chicago do this every winter, but geez!!

I had a smoothie (banana, greek yogurt, ground flax seeds, protein powder, frozen blueberries, soy milk, and 5 ice cubes. I love it!!) and some green tea and water with lemon. I left Ivan at home with my husband, as it was so cold, I could not even imagine installing him into his cold car seat and having him tramp through the parking lot at the gym.
I got to the pool late, but this did not matter as class did not start on time. There were only three of us there. John Maple, Lucille and I were the only swim participants. So our coach left us with a workout and signed off.
Now, this put me in the catbird seat. I could swim as long as I wanted, because class did not end at the usual time and we were swimming in the public lanes. Also, since Ivan was at home, I did not have any time constraints in terms of picking anyone up from the nursery. SO, I swam 4000 yards. Workout as follows:
  • 200 swim/ 200 kick/ 200 pull / 200 swim
  • 2 x 400 pull
  • 5 x 200 swim (Odds freestyle/ evens IM)
  • 3 x 400 pull
  • 200 cool down
Now, Lucille swam in her own lane, and John Maple and I shared a lane. John Maple is a great swimmer, and he is not one for idle chatting (which I am OFTEN prey too). Also, he is first chair violinist in the Nashville Symphony. He kept us on workout and really did not speak to me at all until he got out of the pool and gave me a quick rundown of his current concert series. His diligence and refusal to have any long discussions with me about inane topics that help me shirk my swim are exactly what I needed to persevere all the way to 4000 meters. Caps off to you, John Maple!!!!
After my swim, I bundled up and headed back home where I hung out with Ivan and looked longingly at Lululemon clothing online. Why am I so overwhelmed with lust for Lululemon?
After such a productive afternoon, I got in a Gilad workout and some yoga (not Hot Yoga today). My husband picked up take out from J Alexanders, and it was a lovely dinner. I had their veggie burger accompanied by their seasonal side dish, braised cabbage with goat cheese. I saved half to eat for lunch tomorrow.
Reading American Lion!! Going to bed a bit late, but did get in my one year Bible read!!!

Too cold to run outside tomorrow, so I am sleeping in and running on the treadmill.

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