Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The State of Our Economy in Relations to My Magazine Subscriptions

I am finding that the state or our economy is inversely proportional to the amount of magazine subscriptions coming into my home. Magazine subscriptions are RIDICULOUSLY cheap right now, and I love myself a glossy magazine. Sometimes, a sneaky magazine will just start showing up at our house, then I will get a postcard that says "For $10 you can have this subscription all year". Am I crazy, or was it two years ago that a subscription to Vogue cost $20 something?
I usually, have two subscriptions a year:
  1. I always get The New Yorker. I have had a subscription since I was in college, it is my favorite thing. I read the movie review, the music review and the fiction every week.
  2. Vogue - this sometimes changes. Generally though, I think Vogue has the best articles and travel features.

This year, I have recklessly and sometimes inadvertently expanded my carbon footprint. I can't even say I really wanted to, it is just happening. This year I am getting several subscriptions. They are as follows:
  1. The New Yorker - as per usual
  2. Vogue - my favorite article this year was about the Queen Mother
  3. InStyle - I got a special subscription offer for $12
  4. Vanity Fair - $8, it just started showing up and I LIKE IT. So Glossy.
  5. People - This came to my house for four weeks for reasons unknown, then just stopped coming. It was addressed to me. I received a bill, which I sent back as unsolicited and have not received any more issues.
  6. Runner's World - This also started showing up. I liked it relatively well, but Runner's World never does it for me. It either makes me feel like an ultra-runner or an ultra-loser. It never hits the nail on the head of my running life. It is telling me how to make it through my first half-marathon or telling me about some hell-crazy who lives in Carpathia and runs 50 miles 6 days a week and then saves whales. I swear, I can't handle more than two issues in a row.
  7. Southern Living - I have stopped this subscription, though I kind of miss it as I love their recipes. They are easily found on-line.
  8. Gourmet - My husband subscribed to this for me, and I did make a fabulous pear/fennel/turkey salad that is AMAZING!!!! I stopped it though, as the salad was really the only thing I ever made.
  9. W. - I just love this super-sized glossy mag. It is so avante garde and I quite like it. I stopped this subscription as well, as it is only really photographs.
So, I know this is quite a list, but as I said, some of them just began to show up and the other I terminated. I am down to four subscriptions, three of which are fashion magazines. For this reason, you would think that I would know what to wear on all occasions, but I often change clothes three or four times and fret over my hair. It is unfortunate.


Bets said...

I think you hit runners world on the head. I remember an article about how to train for a 5k. Seriously??

Bets said...

this is caroline. I think you are still signed in on moms computer. I have been leaving comments all over blog land as you. sorry.

Carrie, The Modern Housewife said...

this is a ridiculously long list of magazines! and by the way...what did KATE DO TO HER HAIR? IS IT POSSIBLE TO MAKE IT LOOK WORSE???