Friday, January 22, 2010

Friday: Swim, Gilad and Can One Go Bankrupt At Yogurt World?

This morning, I was up on time, and eating steel cut oats with protein powder, drinking tea and taking my vitamins. It was nice. Ivan and I were ready on time to leave for swim class, but were FOILED, by a car seat mishap. My husband had taken the car seat out of my car last night and did not put it back in my car. It was on the opposite side of the dining room, and I didn't see it. So, I marched Ivan out to load up in the car IN THE RAIN, and no car seat. Back inside and both Ivan and I were running in different directions. I found the car seat, but Ivan found a long lost toy under the china cupboard, so I got the car seat in the car, chased Ivan down, he ran with his toy and chaos and much scrambling ensued before we both were strapped into our respective seats panting. Ivan was giggling, and I was wishing I had a nail to bite in two.
Anyway, this only caused us to be 10 minutes late to swim class. Not so bad. At swim, it was another great workout with Steven (the fabulous). He picked at my stroke again, reminding me to keep my fingers closed and to overcompensate for my tendency to put my thumbs in first by putting my pinkys in first. THEN, he pointed out that I was coming out of my flip turns like Superman and I needed to come out like I was doing the "A" part of the "YMCA" dance. This would allow for a longer and more forceful glide off the wall. Steven is right about everything. It is just amazing that I had no idea that I had fallen into all this swim ridiculousness. I will try to recount our workout from memory. Steven does not hand out our workouts, so here goes:
  • 6 x 100 swim 100/ kick 100
  • 8 x 50 swim 25/ drill 25
  • 3 x 100 @ 1:25
  • 3 x 100 @ 1:35
  • 3 x 100 @ 1:45
  • 200 easy
  • 8 x 50 swim 25/ drill 25
  • 3 x 200 swim
  • 300 cool down
So this was 3400 meters. Now, the workout was not that hard, but Jonathan was there today, and he suggested that we go out on the first 100 (of the 9 x 100's) as fast as we could. To be honest, I kind of thought I could probably beat him (another case of my really obnoxious and delusional athletic arrogance). So we headed off on the first 100 and I swam it as fast as possible, so fast I was having to take extra breaths. I came in at 1:17, and Jonathan came in at 1:14. He is decidedly faster. Needless to say, I could not hold this interval for more than one, but I am proud to say that I held all the rest of the assigned intervals.
Interesting, there is a German Au Pair in our class right now, and she held 1:15s for nine 100s.

After swim, Ivan and I loaded up to go home, and I had the rest of my sweet potato/ spinach soup for lunch. Ivan took a nap, and I got in a Gilad workout. After Ivan woke up, I took him to the Little Cottage (75% off sale today) , this children's store in Franklin and bought him three outfits involving Peter Pan collars and smocking. This, friends, is because I plan to dress my son like a girl in the style of the Victorians and the French until he is seven years old or until he can physically stop me.
At home, I got ready and headed out to dinner with Linda and Genie (THE GREATS). Had a lovely tuna ahi salad at The Crow's Nest, which has such a good menu for somewhere that I consider to be a bar.

On the way home, I went to Yogurt World. Two nights in a row. I have cut out my Starbucks runs. I am making lattes at home. I have cut back my grocery expenditures, not for a great vacation, not for a luxury handbag splurge, not for a bigger house, not for a faster bike. I have done it to justify my Yogurt Worldaholism. Sugar free vanilla and chocolate swirl with Andes Mints and sprinkles. Heaven. I felt all the tension of this morning car seat scramble drain out of me at the first bite. Can one go bankrupt at Yogurt World? Nobody goes bankrupt at Yogurt World, right?

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