Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Wednesday: Single Swim, Run, Gilad and Yogurt World

This morning, I was approximately 15 minutes late to morning swim. This 15 minute lateness cost me 700 yards in the pool. This means I got in 3300 yards (just over 2 miles), when I could have gotten in 4000 yards (just over 2.5 miles). I mean who knows how much yardage I am missing in lateness over the course of the year. This seems to be a regular occurrence with me, and I am beginning to place more importance on getting to swim on time than I am on getting up on time. The two do go hand in hand, however, so maybe I should just add "get to swim on time" to my list of three resolutions. Surely, I can do that. Anyway, workout as follows:
  • 3 x 200 pull @ 3:10
  • 3 x 200 IM (I do not time myself on IM)
  • 9 x 100 free descend 1-3/ 4-6/ 7-9 @ 1:45
  • 800 kick (because Jaime and I were talking books and education and such)
  • 300 cool down
It was a great swim. The water was pretty warm and Ivan and I headed home. At home, we had lunch and cleaned up the house. My sister came by for one last visit with the baby before she headed to Birmingham. I made a soy latte with the cappuccino machine, and my sister and I had a great visit.
After Caroline got on the road, I went to meet my friend Sara for a long run in the park. My husband was at home, so he was willing to watch Ivan while I went for a long run. Sara is moving to Korea in a couple of weeks, so we are going to get in park runs today and next Wednesday. We had a great run on the 11.2. Sara is training for Mountain Mist, so we walked two hills in keeping with her training strategy. As a pretty dedicated road runner, walking made me really nervous. It was a pain to my ego and a blow to my pride. When we saw other people while walking, I wanted to duck in a bush or limp in an attempt to appear injured in some way. I endured this mental hardship by mentally pep-talking to myself that walking was no reflection of my true running abilities. This makes me a superfreak. I can't even help it.
Mountain Mist is a 50K trail run or 30 miles, and walking some of the steeper hills helps to have more momentum and better recovery for the flats. Honestly, I think that I would never in my right mind do a trail run that was a longer than a marathon, but I am so proud of Sara and will miss her terribly when she moves.
So normally on Wednesday I do double swim. Ivan goes with me in the morning, and then he and my husband hang out while I head out to evening swim. I usually get in around five swim miles on Wednesday, and I get pretty excited about it. I would kind of like a gold star or some sort of recognition, a billboard, a shout out on the local news. Just whatever.
I was hoping that my husband would encourage me to go to swim again when I got in from my run. This, however, was not the case. He seemed to think that two significant workouts was enough for today, and while I understand, I still wanted to go to swim. I had new goggles. NEW GOGGLES. Anyway, no dice on that front. I stayed at home, made spaghetti and got in a Gilad workout. I used my bland meatloaf from last night in the spaghetti, which felt rather depressing, but not wasteful.
After putting Ivan down to bed, I hopped into the car to head to Yogurt World. I actually had two different sugar free flavors (chocolate/vanilla), and they were crazy delicious. Oh, Yogurt World, you have made my late night tenure oh so pleasant.
I have already read my one year Bible. The new season of Project Runway Starts tonight!!!! I can't even tell you how much I've missed Tim Gunn.

1 comment:

Jill Ann said...

Husbands are real poopers to wives that like to keep up there endurance aren't they? Ugh...I totally sympathize with you. Luckily, Joe is not home much and I can "hide" how much I've done on a particular day so I don't get the "thumbs down." Hated to read that for