Monday, January 4, 2010

Wednesday: Swim, Gilad and Ivan Masters the Slide

A word about my New Year's Resolutions: I am maybe not off to the most successful start. Resolutions are as follows:
  1. Wake Up at 6:00 AM every morning
  2. Go to bed at 9:30 or 10:00 in order to facilitate above
  3. Read one-year Bible throughout the year
Now, on New Year's Day, I was a CHAMPION of resolve. I was in bed the evening before at 9:45 AM, I was up at 6:00 AM eating oatmeal and reading my one-year Bible. Now, January Second, I was up early and had gone to bed early, but I completely forgot about my One Year Bible (ON DAY TWO, for heaven's sakes). Now, on January 3, I slept in, because we had gone to a party and were out quite late. I read both my one-Bible entries and then I got involved in my knitting and a particularly great installment of Cranford, which is possibly the best mini-series ever. My knitting had been languishing in the wake of my post-Christmas thank you note frenzy, and I worked on it a bit too long.
Anyway, I ended up in bed late and this morning I was up a bit late. So, tonight, I will try again. I am determined to get up earlier, but enough about that.
I made it to swim today and swam about 3600 meters. Workout as follows:
  • 300 swim
  • 3 x 100 free @ 1:45 + 50 back easy
  • 3 x 200 free @ 3:20 + 50 back easy
  • 3 x 300 free @ 5:00 + 50 back easy
  • 3 x 200 free @ 3:20 + 50 back easy
  • 3 x 100 free @ 1:45 + 50 back easy
  • 200 cool down
I had a great swim, and did not feel as slow as yesterday. I have not taken my Garmin 310xt to swim yet, because I have been worried about its survival in the water. All my reading tells me that my particular Garmin is made for the water, so on Wednesday, I am trying it out!! It will be exciting, because I will be able to imbed Garmin posts of my swim workouts. At home, I got in a Gilad workout.
When Ivan woke up, we headed off to shop for groceries and then I took him to the germ bin at the mall in Franklin. The mall in Franklin has a children's play area with a slide and various things to jump on. It has been too cold for Ivan to run about outside, and I just gave up and took him over to the mall. I mean that play area has got to be a hotbed of germs and airborne illness (thus, I have dubbed it "the germ bin"). There are kids coming in and out all day, and it seemed that the majority of the kids were sneezing and coughing and wiping their hands on all of the play equipment.
Ivan, however, had never been happier. He ran around in circles, and then finally mastered the slide. He was ever so proud of himself, and I have to admit that it was pretty cute.
At home, I made a vegetarian chili with green rice. If ever you eat at the Bronte Cafe at the Davis Kidd in Green Hills Mall, there is a delicious vegetarian chili on the menu. It is just really great and is served on top of a green rice. Now, the last time that I had lunch there, they gave me the recipe for it. THRILLING!!!! Tonight, I made it and the green rice (which involves pureed spinach and cilantro to give it its flavor and color). It tasted just like Bronte's, and I really am quite proud of myself. It was just so good and I think that I got all my vegetable servings!!!! So exciting!!
Pics are of Ivan sliding!!!


caroline G said...

CUTE Pictures!!

Jill Ann said...

Ok, I, too, am reading the One-a-day Bible. Had it for over 10 years and your goal inspired me! However...Day Two..blaming woman? Come on...that really irritated me. I probably need to read it in the morning rather than before bed so I don't ponder rather than sleep!

PS Your 310XT will be fine in the water. Garmin says so...and they warranty everything. I just sent back my 305 that failed after I had it for over 6 years and they sent me a brand new unit. I love GARMIN!!!