Sunday, January 17, 2010

Sunday: Bike, Swim, Yoga, and Gilad

So, the litany of exercise in today's title sounds a lot more impressive than it is. I woke up sore from my long run and still hungry. How can I POSSIBLY still be hungry after my smorgasbord yesterday? It is truly baffling to me. Anyway, I had some oatmeal and tea and such with Ivan, before I got right into some ab work with Gilad and then did some Namaste yoga. Really, I should have done the yoga yesterday. I would have been less sore today, and I felt great when I finished.
After my unusually productive morning, Ivan and I headed off to church and got home in time for lunch and a nap. While Ivan napped, I started working with the cadence adaptor that goes with my Garmin. As are all things Garmin, this will require some research. I rode for about 20 minutes and my Garmin watch never picked up the cadence sensor, though the red and green lights were flashing and all indications were that it should work. Uuuggg!!! Why must there be so much work required??
I will be spending the rest of the evening perusing the Garmin manual, which seems to happen at least two nights a week. I am sure that it will all come to rights within the week. My 20 minute bike ride hardly merits mentioning, but I was glad that I began work on the Garmin situation. There was no choice but to hop off rather quickly and head out to swim.
Swim was a great workout:
  • 600 warm up
  • 40 x 50 swim (12 swim/ 4 butterfly kick on back/ 12 swim/ 12 swim)
  • 400 IM cool down
Now, today we were in 50 meter lanes, which means that IM required a 50 meter butterfly. Fifty meter butterfly is hard times. By the time I hit the second row of flags, I was absolutely heaving. I really feel quite determined about the butterfly. There is no doubt that I will succeed in mastering it.
Martin Luther King Day tomorrow. No swim and No work. Ivan and I will have the whole day!!!!
Pic of me on the trainer!!!

1 comment:

Carrie, The Modern Housewife said...

are you training for something, or are you just insane?