Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Wednesday: Double Swim

Yes, Ivan did ignore the sign above his head.
So after sleeping the day away on the Fourth of July, I was completely unable to sleep on Monday night.  I pretty much stayed up all night with my reading glasses and my Kindle reading The Little Stranger.  It was so scary that I had to really brace myself to get up and go to the bathroom.  It is just the creepiest book and I have to say that the Kindle says I am 90 percent finished and I have no idea how it is going to end.

Anyway, I actually felt great on Tuesday until about 5:00 PM, at which point I began to feel like a person who had taken heavy cold meds, and I looked like I had aged 10 years.  I went to bed uber early, and slept like the dead.

This morning, I was up and ready to begin my swim life again.  Ivan and I made our morning smoothie (which I am now making with almond milk and coconut yogurt), and headed off to meet my swim group.  Ivan was testily behaved at the gym, as there was a bit of pop tart throwing and underwear wetting and crying.  We were at the pool on time, but by the time I had disciplined Young Sloan and slogged myself to the pool deck, I was late.  In the pool, I swam about 2500 meters, and I truly swam it.  I only kicked about 400 meters at the end, and I felt great about the workout.

When I picked Ivan up from swim, he had wet through his underwear and was happily playing in redneck toddler attire consisting of Toy Story underwear and his red sandals. We had to make a grocery stop at Whole Foods on the way home, and everyone just had to get over it.  I did not have time to drive home to get a a set of clothes, and then go back to Whole Foods.  It is always dangerous to go to Whole Foods after swim as it always means a few superfluous items in the grocery cart. Today it was guacamole and kiwi melon juice.

I have to say that since I am the proud owner of a Vitamix blender, I am completely unimpressed by Whole Foods juices.  Ivan and I enjoyed the kiwi melon juice, but I blended the rest of our Fourth of July fruit when we got home and it is the smoothest and most delicious smoothie I have ever had.

After Ivan's swim lesson and nap, I got ready and headed out to evening swim where I swam really hard and actually slunk out a bit early.  I am crawling in bed with The Little Stranger.  

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