Saturday, July 23, 2011

Saturday: RUN

This morning, in a rare feat of early rising, I was up and alert at 5:05 AM.  I dressed for my run, drank my glowing green smoothie, made some oatmeal and a glass of green tea.  I met up with my running group and as is my current habit, I hoofed along pretty well until we had run for about three miles at which point my pace slowed, and I began seriously dragging.  At the point when the group was having to actually wait on me, I turned back and got in three more miles to make six and confession: I walked the last 1/2 mile.  

I think that my goal until the end of my confinement is to run a six mile distance once a week.  It feels pretty good, but would feel a darn site better if it were not so hot.  It is so hot.  It feels like the description in To Kill A Mockingbird when Harper Lee talks about how men's collars wilted and ladies did not come out until four o'clock dusted with talcum like tea cakes.  Once we came home, I badgered my husband and son into going to the farmer's market to get some fresh tomatoes and then hid inside until the heat of the day had passed.  

In the afternoon, we attended the church bar-b-cue.  No swim tomorrow as it is the Music City Triathlon!  Must swim on my own!

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