Sunday, July 3, 2011

Sunday: Lost Day

So this morning, I made the decision to sleep in as we had been out a bit late last night, and it is Fourth of July weekend and I figured I could swim at the gym later in the afternoon.  Really, it is always dangerous to wait until the afternoon to get in a workout, because there are so many things that can go terribly terribly wrong as the day progresses.  Today was significantly worse than usual, and it should serve as a reminder to me to always do the early workout.

Pretty immediately after I plugged in my hot rollers to make myself church ready, a drain in the kitchen exploded unleashing a scary substance the color of mud that smelled somewhere between a chicken coup and raw sewage.  It was revolting and required the opening of all doors and windows while cleanup ensued.  It involved gloves, bleach, pine sol, multiple sponges which were then thrown away, multiple towels which were put immediately into the wash, more gloves and much harshing at Ivan to stay out of the mess.  Much like a puppy, when something smells awful looks really muddy, Ivan would like nothing better than to jump in it.  He could barely contain himself from running right in the middle.

Cleanup was extensive and left me light headed and sicky.   Church was long over by the time cleanup was finished, and the house still smells relatively rancid.  I still thought, however, that a workout would happen until I got a phone call that my husband's alternator had gone out in a most inconvenient location, which is apparently the only place that alternators go out.  There was much driving and waiting and driving and waiting and poor Ivan had to take a car nap.  I not only did not get in a workout, I did not get to prepare my Fourth of July party food.  We were, or course, late to the Fourth of July party and Young Sloan whipped himself into an un-napped frenzy of running about the house of our hosts and was only quieted when fireworks began at 9:00 PM.

Naps must abound tomorrow.  Meeting running group tomorrow morning.  Valuable lesson learned about sleeping in.

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