Friday, July 8, 2011

Thursday: Run and Yoga

So today, Ivan and I were at home all day and potty training went reasonably well.  The only thing we had on our calendar was family night at Cheekwood to see a band and the train exhibit.  I got in a really good yoga session and I pathetic run with the jog stroller.  Today was officially the last run with the jog stroller that I will have until the end of my confinement.  My jog stroller run was PATHETIC.  It was more like a hopping from side to side with minimal progress forward.  Ivan asked several times (with confusion) what we were doing.

All day, Ivan was BESIDE himself about family night.  He kept calling it a party and asking when it was going to start.  When we arrived at Cheekwood, and he saw the trains, he was more thrilled than maybe I have ever seen him, and he never stopped running.  He ran in circles for two solid hours.  He ran up and down the hill.  He got in the pond before I could stop him; he jumped in the creek.  He sprinted back up the hill and around the trains three times.  There was a point when I could not physically keep up with him, and I vowed to never take him anywhere that was not specifically caged by myself again.

If next week I am brave enough to take Ivan on a return trip to Cheekwood, I will be hiring or begging help.  Tonight was intense, and I am pretty sure that Ivan is going to have wrist burn where he tried to repeatedly twist away from me to hurl himself down the big hill.  At one point, when he did twist away from me, I had a heart stopping second where I was sure that he had broken his neck.  He gave me a soul searching look as to whether or not he should melt down, decided against it and then continued sprinting away with his little legs turning like windmills.

When I finally muscled him in the car sobbing at high volume as if his heart would break and crawled into the car with my seatbelt on, I felt like I needed a tranquilizer or a a stiff drink or maybe even just to shut Ivan in the car and sit for a minute and do some deep breathing or a quick downward dog.   I just needed some time.

At home, my head is still throbbing, and I have never been so glad to put anyone to bed.

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