Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Double Swim Wednesday!!

Today, I took the day off of running so that I could rest my first-in-my-age-group legs. I thought that I would sleep a bit late, but that rarely works out and today was no exception.
I was up before 6:00 drinking green tea like a mad man in hopes that it would prop my eyelids open enough to stagger into the kitchen and fix Ivan some breakfast.
Ivan and I headed out to swim, we arrived late as is our habit, but I did get in 3200 meters of Dennis's workout, as my friend Nick was there to spur me on. Workout as follows:
  • 400 swim/ 200 pull with paddles
  • 5 x 150 swim 2:15
  • 5 x 200 swim (first three on 3:00, last 2 on 3:15)
  • 5 x 150 2:30
It was a pretty hard-core workout, after which I got Ivan home for his nap and called Splish. You see, I am up a creek as I lost my superstar bikini top. How do you lose a bikini top? I am assuming there was some locker room mishap, or the baby ate it. Anyway, the girls at Splish are going to send me another, because they are champs.
When Ivan woke up, we sprinted in town to have a meeting at work, where Ivan did not even remotely behave. I turned my head at one point and he had pulled open a file drawer and was tossing manilla files onto the floor. I hit the grocery on the way home and grabbed some of my new favorite Sweet Leaf Tea. It is delicious and 60 calories per serving. It is sweetened with honey. Also, I had a cookie and I might have eaten Ivan's kiddie cookie after he threw it on the floor. Maybe.
Came home and worked for a couple of hours, before heading out to swim. On the way to swim, I went to McDonald's. I NEVER GO TO McDONALD'S. I did not have time to squeeze dinner in between work and swim, so I had a desperation dinner. I meant to order a cheeseburger and small fries, but the vile McFlurry led me astray.
Swim workout went as follows: 3,050 meters
  • 200 warm up
  • 12 x 100 on 1:45 (evens IM, odds freestyle)
  • 4 x 25 swim
  • 6 x 50 backstroke
  • 4 x 25 breast stroke
  • 40 x 25 pull with paddles 0:50
  • 50 butterfly cool down
No Yoga, No Gilad.

1 comment:

Missy said...

That's it, 2050 for that stupid workout?!?!

Congrats on your WIN, that rocks. I can picture you running in my head any time I start falling apart. You always look so freakin graceful.