Wednesday, September 9, 2009

What I am Watching: I am sorry, John Adams

I tell you what I am watching with a bit of guilt. I just finished reading John Adams, and John Adams has this amazing quote towards the beginning of the book, which goes as follows:
I must study politics and war that my sons may have liberty to study mathematics and philosophy. My sons ought to study mathematics and philosophy, geography, natural
history, naval architecture, navigation, commerce, and agriculture, in order to give their children a right to study painting, poetry, music, architecture, statuary, tapestry, and porcelain.

Isn't that a great quote? It really does sum up what John Adams did with his life and what he tried to encourage his sons towards (though he was really only successful with John Quincy). I feel that if John Adams were here today, seated on my couch in front of my television, he would turn to me and say, "Really, I studied politics and war, to give my sons the luxury of mathematics and philosophy, so they could give their children a right to study painting, poetry and music, so that they could give you the right to waste away in front of the television watching Rachel Zoe, Project Runway, 30 Rock, Jockey's , The Soup and Parks and Recreation?"
John Adams, I know that you are disappointed in me. I know that. I had a McFlurry today and watched Rachel Zoe behave as if Anne Hathaway's Oscar Gown was a way bigger deal than war with France, which you thankfully kept us from. I am counting the minutes till Project Runway tomorrow night, and the summer has been drab indeed without new episodes of 30 Rock and Parks and Recreation.

  1. Monday - Rachel Zoe. I love her assistant Brad and her husband Roger, but could watch it on mute just to see the clothes. GREAT theme song: Odyle by Heloise and the Savoire Faire
  2. Thursday - Project Runway - I get excited about it every year!
  3. Thursday - 30 Rock - Alec Baldwin at his best.
  4. Thursday - Parks and Recreation - So much better than I anticipated
  5. Friday - Jockeys - Great documentary filming; what reality television should be
  6. Friday - The Soup - Joel McHale is so clever, yet so cruel. His victims are so deserving.

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