Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Will Sloan Manor Never Be Complete???

I know that I mentioned SEVERAL weeks ago that we were having some work done on Sloan manor. I took for granted that this work would be finished by now, by three weeks ago for that matter. NO, friends, my house is still boarded up like hurricane Katrina is on its way, waiting in vain for our specially made windows to arrive. The first set came, and were the wrong size; the second set came and were broken; the third set seems like a dream that I would compare to peace in the Middle East or me enlarging a cup size overnight: a fairy tale of tomfoolery.
Mind you that after the windows, we are getting new molding in the kitchen and bathrooms, but this can't be started until after the windows. So, currently, our kitchen is in stacks and shambles: our tiny kitchen island is sitting in the dining room, most kitchen accessories are in the dining room, the microwave is on top of the washing machine, and I haven't seen the coffee maker in a while, so your guess is as good as mine.
We have a hanging rack, which hung over the island when the island was there, now it just hangs forlornly in front of the window devoid of pots, as they all had to be moved for the window project. I have gotten used to them not being there, so much so that this morning, I was standing under the rack, where someone, who shall remain nameless, had hung a pot without warning me. I stood up under the rack and hit my head so hard on a pot that it knocked the pot upwards and off the hook, the pot fell directly onto my head, forcing me to utter a heinous expletive and see stars and call my husband to tell him to call back in 5 minutes and come home if I didn't answer, as I would surely be passed out. MISERY.
While I was sitting on the kitchen floor recovering from my pot to head incident, I watched the inane reporting on the Today show. I have neutral feeling about Matt Lauer in general, but I feel he is a smart man and I wonder how he gets through the Today show EVERY DAY. Today, I watched him carry on an interview about women who have high-powered jobs, who wear stilettos to the office and come home and smoke pot at night. REALLY?? REALLY, Matt Lauer? How ridiculous. Then, bless his heart, he donned a huge Chefs hat and asked the visiting chef all about fried meatballs. The chef stated that they were healthy because they were deep fried in olive oil. Right, visiting chef, kind of like spinach queso is healthy because of the spinach. Poor Matt Lauer just stood there with his silly chef's hat falling over his eyebrows and nodded.
How does he get through it? Does he drink heavily off camera? Does he go home and smoke pot at night or gorge on meatballs in the privacy of his dressing room. Anyway, my parents were in New York at the Today show and they saw Matt Lauer outside and took his picture, which is the picture above, and I think that the look on his face here, must be the look he wears all the time as soon as he gets off camera: a mixture of self-loathing and humanity loathing. A desperation for a drink to make it all go away.

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