Saturday, September 19, 2009

Saturday Workout: No Mercy for the Abs

I was in bed early last night, to get a good night's sleep before my run this morning. In bed early, however, means less than nothing to a toddler teething in his molars. Ivan was up three times before 1:00 AM; not finally asleep until 2:00 AM. This means I got almost 5 hours of sleep before getting up to get ready to run. Today, I had to take the baby along to run six miles with my college roommate. We hit the 5.8 a Percy Warner Park at 7:30.
Running at Percy Warner anytime after 6:00 AM on a Saturday is a huge hassle. HUGE. Parking is impossible. I had to PARALLEL park, which is just not in my range of abilities. This great guy from my run group actually stopped me and took the wheel of my car and parallel parked for me. I totally appreciated it, but I felt like a complete stereotype of a woman. I then got out the jog stroller and assembled it. Of course it was raining, so I had to put all the rain guards on the jog stroller before we were finally ready to run.
The 5.8 was great, and we had lots of good talk time, and when we finished, I got to introduce Ivan around to some of my running group. I took the baby home, and was able to do Gilad and Cathe Friedrich's abs workout. Cathe Friedrich was killer, and I used the stability ball and the medicine ball for all sorts of planking and piking.
I took a nap and received two more books in the mail:
  • Rebel Giants: The Revolutionary Lives of Abraham Lincoln and Charles Darwin
  • The Life of the Party: Pamela Digby Churchill Harriman
I am making good progress with The Help, so I should be into Rebel Giants by the end of the week.
I co-hosted a baby shower for my sister in the evening, and came home to a quiet night watching Jockey's.

The Pic is My husband's grandmother, holding Ivan and me last Halloween.

1 comment:

Missy said...

I totally missed Jockeys - love those little dysfunctional people.