Thursday, October 8, 2009

Thursday: Knit Wittery

Oh yes, knit wits, I am tackling another project. This time it is Vogue's cropped bolero. I have been salivating over it for several months, though I was determined to finish knitting the baby's sweater first. You all saw how that turned out. It was not a triumph. The bolero is knit on larger needles, but is rather complicated. Enlarge the picture and see how lovely. I could not turn it down as my next project.
I picked up the yarn today, and I am about it get it started. Also, today, I rode the trainer, got a flu shot, and went into work. It was a hectic day, and I finished it off by having a quick meeting at Starbucks with my book club. We decided our next read, which I will reveal at a later date.
Also, my heart rate monitor petered out today. I put it on and the whole screen went blank. I had to ride today with only my stop watch. It significantly diminished my feelings of accomplishment and self-satisfaction.

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