Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Tuesday: Back on Track

Today, it was of course monsooning outside. It is the way of a Tennessee fall. My eye seems to be healing, so I felt like I could run today, though not before Bible study, due to the monsoon. I made it to Bible study, which was great. I put Ivan down for a nap when we got home and was able to get in lunch and a Gilad workout and some yoga. When Ivan woke up, I loaded him into the jog stroller in his new snow suit and mittens. The mittens and snowsuit were a bit of an overkill on a day like today, but there is nothing like a cold baby to make you feel abject cruelty as a parent. Ivan was not exactly sweaty when we got home, but he was warmer than necessary. Great run though, and I was able to get home in time to take a quick shower and get ready for work. At work, I was a Superfoods failure, well I take that back. I did have a piece of pumpkin pie, which is just a real Superfoods luxury. Pumpkin contains alpha-carotene, beta-carotene, high fiber, low calories, Vitamins C and A, potassium, magnesium, and pantothenic acid. Carotinoids are cancer fighters, and pumpkins have the highest supply available. SO, I might have another piece tomorrow. The chocolate cake, however, WAS NOT A SUPERFOOD. Chocolate is a real problem for me, and I need to psyche myself up for avoiding temptation. The pumpkin pie was fine, why did I have to walk the diabetic coma line with chocolate cake. It is a sickness. I almost can't remember what the chocolate cake tasted like, I ate it so fast.
I arrived home and played fetch the dog with Ivan, which is a new and easy game that is becoming a nighttime ritual. I sit on the couch and throw Ivan's dog really far. He runs to get the dog and brings it back to me and the cycle continues. It is a low impact activity for me and we thoroughly enjoy it. Had delicious spaghetti for dinner and am sitting down for the season premier of The Little Couple.

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