Sunday, October 4, 2009

Sunday: My Workout is on Target

So, one day I will post a picture of myself on the trainer. Today is not that day, because my vanity cannot handle it. Being on the trainer is rather depressing for more reasons than the vileness of being trapped on your road bike in a locked-down stationary position.
Another reason the trainer is depressing is that I wear my oldest paint-the-house, lock-the-doors-so-no-one-sees-me, I-wouldn't-be-caught-dead-in-that clothing. You get revoltingly sweaty on the trainer, so it is necessary to pull your hair back and wear a sweatband `a la 1973. Then I wear the oldest t-shirt and sports bra I can find. Today, for instance found me wearing the last of my bright yellow Wave Country staff t-shirts (complete with bleach spots and a suspicious stain that could be blood or something worse) and a pair of bike shorts so old that the back was completely transparent and the elastic cracked as I pulled them on.
If you ride on the road, you wear your nice stuff: your cute riding tank, the good shorts, the helmet with your hair in pigtails, and the socks that match your helmet. I climb on the trainer looking so heinous that What Not To Wear would not have me. Tim Gunn would cry himself to sleep for three weeks. I caught a glimpse of myself as I walked past my mirror today in full slack biker regalia and shuddered. Yellow is not my color.
Anyway, I rode the trainer for 45 minutes. I stayed in zone 2 on my heart rate monitor during the scheduled television programming then rode in zone 3 during commercials. I watched the exciting finale of Jockeys. It was the Derby episode and I watched the actual Derby race twice, because it was so exciting. It was a great episode with lots of unexpected twists. As usual, Mike Smith had a lot of wisdom to offer and there was some great music. Joshua Radin, always amazing, had the finale closing song called No Envy, No Fear. It was completely inspirational.
After biking, I did a Gilad workout. It was a good set of lunges and a weak set for ab work, I thought. Most of the ab work today was plank position, and it was challenging, but did not leave my abs screaming as it typically does.
I made myself a late lunch and headed out to our first Sunday pool swim for fall. Workout as follows:
  • 300 warm-up
  • 6 x 200 (swim, back stoke, six-kick-switch, fist drill, and some others I can't remember)
  • 3 x 200 (25 fast/25 easy/25 easy/ 25 fast/ 50 fast/ 50 easy)
  • Then we did several relays with our feet tied together, where we left from the middle of the pool-EXHAUSTING
Headed home, and had healthy enchiladas for dinner. Only two more days of sugar bust. Worked on my Bible Study, which is just great. Studied Romans 2:17-3:8.
Went to Church this morning where the minister preached on Matthew 5, a killer passage and it deals with divorce and also Job, another killer passage as it deals with the persecution of one of the Lord's faithful. Ivan came back into the sanctuary with me for communion, and was reasonably well behaved.
Today was a lovely day!!!
Picture is from Thee Blind Wines, a fundraiser for Franklin's Heritage Foundations

1 comment:

Missy said...

Woohoo! Great to see you yesterday for a bit. I just couldn't hang, I was exhausted - mentally, physically.