Thursday, October 29, 2009

Thursday: Run. Bike. Gilad and Denim Leggings

Today, I ran 3.5 miles with the jog stroller at a rather slow pace, though it was a great run. After I got back home, I put Ivan down for a nap and hopped on the trainer for a 30 minute trainer ride. I then showered and got ready to go in to work. I wore my new denim leggings. Does everyone out there have a pair of denim leggings for the fall? Maybe, should your closet still be lacking, run right out and get some. I am a member of both Gilt and Hautelook. These websites have infinitely increased my wardrobe satisfaction and reminded me yet again, that there is never a reason to pay retail. Gilt and Hautelook are great websites that host sales of high end clothing at heavily discounted prices. My first dip into the kitty was a pair of denim leggings. Now, when I pulled them out of the box, I was dubious, BUT, when I tried them on with my fabulous new boots, they were a bit life-changing. They look like the perfect pair of jeans tucked into my boots with a grey t-shirt and blazer. It is my best fall look, and I am taking it everywhere. It was great at work today and I am most definitely wearing it to trick-or-treat with Ivan and to my halloween party. I feel like the best denim leggings are the ones with the pockets and zippers!!! I am thrilled with them for fall. I will post pictures of us on Halloween!!
Home from work and I did a Gilad workout, which was really hard, but great for my abs. Swim tomorrow!!

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