Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Wednesday: Double Swim Plus Pumpkin Pie

I got to swim on time this morning, but was sabotaged as I walked in the gym by a dirty diaper. It is both rude and gross to hand over your baby to the nursery when he has a dirty diaper. So, I had to march it into the nursery and confess my dirty diaper to the nursery workers and change Ivan before going to the pool. There are women out there, I am sure, who have a child my age or even children, that handle training and such with much more aplomb than myself, but I feel like the often-times sabotage is somehow becoming my mode of operation. Anyway, I got into the pool ten minutes later than I meant to, but I still got in 3400 meters. Nick was there today, and I always swim better when he's there as I am challenged, and he doesn't slack at all, which means I don't get to either. Workout as follows:
  • 400 swim/ 300 pull/ 100 drill
  • 4 x 100 drill/ swim @ 2:00
  • 5 x 200 free @ 3:30 (though we were making 3:15's. It was exciting.)
  • 12 x 100 free descend 1-4/ 5-8/ 9-12 @ 1:45 (this was difficult, because we swam the 200s so hard)
I came home and went to the grocery and made a pumpkin pie, because it is that time of year and pumpkin is a superfood. I can tell you right now, that I will be eating the whole pie by myself. Probably, I will share with the baby, but my husband does not really eat sweets. It is a heavy burden to bear, being solely responsible for consuming all the sweets in the house.
I was able to get in a Gilad workout, before going to swim number two. Since we are in the triathlon off-season, we are working on different strokes. Last week we worked on the backstroke, which is my worst stroke. Tonight we worked on the breast stroke, which is my middling stroke. I am ardently hoping that we work on the butterfly next week, because I think it is my best stroke after the freestyle.
Anyway, tonight, we did a lot of different breast stroke drills and finished with a 600 pull. I don't think that it all added up to 3000 meters, but I love Wednesday night swim. Always great!!!

1 comment:

Missy said...

I'll come help you eat that pie! What the hell is wrong with E?