Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Wednesday: Double Swim

So today I got to swim one right on time, so that I could get in as much yardage as possible before dashing home to hand off the baby and get to my hair appointment. Nick was there today, and it made for a great swim, except that I still have a seriously epic blister on my right foot. This meant no fins for any of the kicks. Very frustrating and I will be thrilled when this blister heals up. Also, because I have a fabulous new pair of shoes as pictured above, that I will get to wear as soon as my feet are restored.
I have somehow lost the workout, but I will tell you what I remember:
  • 200 swim/200 pull/ 200 pull/ 200 swim
  • then some pulling I think
  • 5 x 50 drill (zipper/6 kick switch/ catch-up/one arm/ fist)
  • 8 x 50 kick
  • 5 x 50 drill (same ones as above)
This all ended up being about 2500 meters. I jumped out of the pool and ran Ivan home and made it to my hair appointment. I came home, and put Ivan down for a nap. I was able to get in Gilad and some serious stretching. My hip is still funny. It isn't sore really, but funny and a bit sore if I stretch it too far. I made an appointment with a new Orthopedic Surgeon, and ruling out a stress fracture plan to go from there. WHAT IF IT IS A STRESS FRACTURE?
I can't worry about it now. I went into work and then ran quite late to swim number two which ran as follows:
  • 3 x 100 swim @ 1:50
  • 3 x 50 kick @ 1:10
  • 2 x 200 pull @ 3:30
  • 2 x 100 swim @ 1:45
  • 2 x 50 kick @ :60
  • 10 x 50 swim with stick @ 1:05 ( I only used the stick twice, it is really miserable, so we just swam free style)
  • 200 cool down
This was only an 1800 meter swim. That is how late it was when I got in the pool. I missed a full mile. Swim was uncrowded tonight, so I only had one person in my lane, and none of our coaches were there, so we each had a printed out workout that we followed. It was great. Kind of laid back, no repeating of instructions. It was very quiet; relaxing workout.


caroline G said...

Have you ever had a stress fracture?

Missy said...

I was at the pool Wed afternoon for a little swim, bike, run action. Sorry I missed you!