Thursday, October 15, 2009

Thursday: No Stress Fracture

So, today, I went to the orthopedic surgeon and it
was determined that I did not have a stress fracture. This
is a great relief as you can imagine. I am thrilled with the
advice to ramp up my anti-inflammatories and continue my
stretching and such. THRILLING!!!! I can now fully look
forward to running the Boston Marathon. I put my room
deposit in the mail today, and I am going to go ahead and
plan the sights I want to see in Boston.
In other news, I have some sort of sickness, so I am
sitting around tonight and I am going to sit around
tomorrow with no swimming. Also, the baby is running a
bit warm and fussy. It will do us good to lay around.
I went to Tasti D Lite to celebrate my lack of
serious orthopedic issues. I saw it on an episode of
Sex in the City and felt that I should reward myself with
90 calories of whipped deliciousness. Confession:
It was forgettable and expensive. I would compare my
Tasti D Lite confection to the mousse I put in my hair if flavored with peanut butter, topped
with exactly one teaspoon of butter finger candy crumble, and costing me $4.19 per serving.
No dice, Tasti D Lite.

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