Monday, October 12, 2009

Monday: A Great Swim and a Tester Run

So today, I overslept, which is how I feel I start out every blog post. I overslept and ran about like a maniac hurling things into the car, stuffing sausage into Ivan's mouth and brewing tea. Throwing my stuff into the car and of course arriving at swim 15 minutes late. I did however, get in a good workout. My epic blisters have healed up, and I was able to use fins. I love fins!!!! Workout as follows:
  • 200 swim/ 200 kick/ 200 pull/ 200 swim
  • 5 x 50 drill (zipper, 6 kick switch, fist, one-arm, catch-up)
  • 5 x 200 (0dds swim/ even IM)
  • 12 x 100 swim most of which I kicked, because Jaime was there and we talked books while we kicked
This came out to around 3400 meters, which is a great workout. I then headed home, gave the baby a nap and caught up on my much needed phone errands. The baby and I took a walk and then I headed into work. When I came home I did my long awaited tester run.
Good News, Sports Fans, The tester run went quite well!!! No pain while running or afterwards. I ran for a bit over a mile at fast long-strided clip. I will do some more stretching and exercising before I go to bed. I will have another Aleve tomorrow morning, but I am planning on a slow three mile run tomorrow morning. I hope I am not jumping too quickly to the conclusion that I am not injured.
I do feel most certainly, that this is not a stress fracture. For this reason, I will go ahead and start planning my Boston Marathon Weekend as of tomorrow. I am full of high hopes.

1 comment:

Missy said...

Stress fractures SUCK it! Glad to hear you're in one piece and those blisters are gone too.