Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Tuesday: Run, Gilad and Another Afternoon on the Phone with Garmin

Last night, I made the decision not to attend my track workout based on several things: 
  1.  that I was super tired
  2. Tracy (the greatest pace car of all time) was not going to be there
  3. I was probably going to have a terrible night's sleep based on the fact that I am suffering from a horrible allergy infestation ever since lake swim on Sunday
On Sunday, I felt like this would be a short lived allergy issue.  I used all my nerdy allergy strategies, but Monday, I was still a sinus train wreck.  I slept terribly on Sunday night as I could not breathe out of my nose and Monday night was unfortunately not much better.  It is the worst, and I had to confess to myself that I can't swim at the lake until next year.  I had to come to this same conclusion last year at this exact same time.  But a lake swim just is not worth the full on misery that ensues.  

Again, I am devastated by the blow to my own personal coolness that comes with talking about your sinus issues and allergy triggers.  Is there anything worse?  I am toting a bottle of Benadryl in my  handbag and a handkerchief, because I have become concerned at the dramatic number of paper Kleenex that I am using with abandon.  

Moving on, I just woke up when I woke up this morning, which was still quite early as I am just not sleeping all that well.  I had a bowl of oatmeal and headed out for a 3.5 mile run.  Back at home, I took Ivan to practice his swimming. 

Now, my cadence sensor has not been syncing with my Garmin 310xt.  I mean, honestly Garmin.  Wear me out.  Last week, I spent an eon attempting to get my heart rate monitor to re-sync after doing a hard reset which apparently cleared all my paired devices.  It is so miserable to ride the trainer without the cadence sensor, SO it was worth it to spend 25 minutes on hold with Garmin.  BUT HONESTLY, 25 minutes on the phone with Garmin.  Today, it only took about two minutes to fix the problem, which was a plus and the Garmin employee that helped me with issue was both knowledgeable and pleasant.  

Finally, I headed to Yogurt World because it is double punch night, and I came home deciding I had not filled my self serve cup enough.  When I got to the bottom of the cup, I wondered if anyone had ever gone back to Yogurt World within the span of an hour.  It hasn't happened for me yet, but if I lived in a walk about city and my apartment was above Yogurt World, things could get ugly.  

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