Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Tuesday: I Started Getting Serious About Boston

This week is the week that I need to get serious about thinking through my Boston Marathon training schedule. During the week, my strategy will be to up my mileage by three or four miles a day. On Saturdays, I will get in a long run and some Sundays, I will be able to get in a long run as well. Upping my mileage during the week will take some thinking and doing, as during the week, I have to run with the jog stroller. Unless Ivan falls asleep in the jog stroller, he usually won't stand for more than 4 miles. Today, Ivan did not fall asleep in the jog stroller, and when I started my second loop, he began a melt-down that induced serious feelings of guilt in me and forced me to head home. So, on run one, I ran 4.5 miles. Then I came home and showered and got Ivan showered and headed in to get a hair cut. Today was the first time that Ivan had to come with me to a hair appointment, and it went rather well. We had one incident, where Ivan somehow crawled onto the counter-tops and prepared to jump, but he was rescued, and I intensified my suicide watch and all was well
At home, I was able to get in a Gilad workout, and get ready before Katelen came, and I ran some errands and then came home to run a fast three miles without the jog stroller. The three more miles felt great and I hope to have a few jog stroller runs where Ivan falls asleep, and I can run long.
At home, I made a spectacular salad for dinner. I made a dressing of olive oil, rice-wine vinegar, crushed red pepper flakes, dijon mustard, and sea-salt. The salad was roast turkey, avacado, grapefruit, salad greens, fresh basil, blue cheese, and sliced pears. I also had a mint three musketeers for dessert.
After dinner, I devoted myself to putting up what I think is our first Christmas tree. It is a lovely fake, and it is a hand-me-down from my parents. I got the lights on it and a few ornaments. A great day!!!!

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