Saturday, November 21, 2009

Saturday: The Long Runs Begin

Today, I was determined DETERMINED to get in a long run. Based on my hip injury, I had to take it easy for several weeks, before starting to run again just in the neighborhood. I have ramped up my neighborhood run and have been ready to get back out with the running group, but have been so busy on my weekends. I had two trips to Birmingham, a fundraiser and a shower on the same day, and then Elliott was out of town last weekend and I had to take Ivan on my run with me. So, today I was finally able to get to the park at 6:00 AM for a long run. I was thrilled; except that I did not get a great sleep last night and also had a bit of a sore throat, so I was out of sorts when the alarm went off at the alarming time it always chooses.
I made it to the park a bit early, and it was Europe cold. The temperature was 31 F and the humidity was 85 percent. The cold was wet and it was really chilly. We ran a really fast warm-up run on the golf course, before meeting back at the park entrance to head out to Radnor Lake. The Radnor Lake run heads up Belle Meade Blvd. , right on Tyne, right on Robert E. Lee and across Granny White to get into Radnor. It was a nice run, but I couldn't keep up. I started quite fast and got slower and slower and slower. It was fifteen miles all together, and I think I will get faster as I keep upping my mileage and running with the group. It was my first day back since August, after all!!
At home, I had a large breakfast and a long nap when Ivan went down for his. I have just lazed around ever since. Am watching Breakfast at Tiffany's, and am reminded that I need to work on my bouffant. Swim tomorrow!!!
Pics from before the party last night!! Also, some of Ivan climbing fences.


Missy said...

HOLY CRAP, Ivan is getting HUGE. What a cute guy. Yay for getting back on the wagon. I plan to make it to swim today...I've been pretty lazy.

caroline G said...

That picture of you is really good. You look very pretty.

Lee said...

I am laughing my head off at the "child labor, not just for Third World..." comment. and the new photos of my nephew are stunning. LOVE him. can hardly move from three fiercely competitive Kadima games ow