Sunday, November 29, 2009

Sunday: Church Success and Swim

I was up early today and I had about an hour to myself just sipping tea and listing my least used clothing on ebay. It was lovely. I had two cup of tea - a green and a white. I listed a cashmere cardigan, a cocoon cardigan, and a pair of khaki chinos. I live for listing my least used clothing on ebay, because it always goes into the pot for new clothing. I can clean three things out of my closet and then buy the one thing of my choice for free. It is truly a thrill. For instance, last week, I sold a sweater on ebay and used part of my earnings to buy new insoles for my Uggs. If you have never bought a new pair of Ugg insoles to revitalize a pair of Uggs that have been worn one too many times on sweaty feet, I might have to say you haven't lived. When your toes settle into your new Uggs and that new shearling cuddles your toes, it is a small slice of podiatric heaven.
When Ivan and Elliott woke up, we got ready for church and headed out to the 11:00 AM service. It was the first Sunday of the Advent, the music was beautiful and Ivan was quite well-behaved. There was some aggressive greeting on his part. Ivan is a huge sayer of "Hi" at top volume. Also, he enjoys fist-bumping and hi-fiving. He will also shake your hand if he can get it. We get a 50/50 reception from the crowd with Ivan's dog-and-pony show. Some people seem to really love him, and some people probably think that we the worst parents ever.
The church business is a tight-rope, however; As at our church, children stay in the nursery until time for communion. Then parents go and get their children so that at communion the minister can say a brief individual prayer with the child. It is a sweet tradition, but by the time that Baby Sloan gets to the sanctuary and sits quietly while waiting on the minister, he is ready to jump out of his skin when the minister gets to him. By this time, he is talking, working frantically to make eye contact with everyone in the sanctuary and greet them individually with a hearty "HI!!!!!". Maybe we should just leave him in the nursery the whole time.
We walked to Starbucks after church and I had another breakfast sandwich. I am loving these sandwiches. At home, Ivan had his nap and I worked on some paperwork before getting ready and going to swim. I really only swam for about an hour, as I was late getting in the pool. I received a text last night, and I was told that due to a pool-regulating issue over the Thanksgiving Holiday, the pool was less than 70 degrees. FREEZING. I have been concerned about it all day. Anyway, all was well when I got to the pool. The water was at proper temperature, and I managed to dive in less than gracefully, but still!!!
Swim was all about IM drills. A lot of backstroke, a lot of butterfly, and a lot of breaststroke. It was not that long of a workout, but I am exhausted. Crawling in bed at 8:30 PM.

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