Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thursday: Aaah, Thanksgiving

Today, friends, was the best Thanksgiving ever. Now, there were a few foibles which I will describe in detail, but overall, I give this Thanksgiving and A-plus. That cannot be said about many, if any holidays, ever. This one, yes!!! I vote for a permanent Birmingham Thanksgiving date.
I got a reasonable amount of sleep for traveling with a baby, then woke up to run the Thanksgiving 10k, which was supposed to start at 8:30 AM. My sister dropped me off at that starting line, and as I hopped out of the car, I forgot my gloves and forgot to take off my sunglasses. So, there I was, stranded at the starting line in sub 40 degree weather without my gloves. WIHOUT MY GLOVES, and with a huge pair of sunglasses that would rival anything Jackie O. ever wore. Also, making things even more bizarre, was the fact that I was wearing my race number, not just any race number, but 666. Who gives out race numbers that are 666. I mean seriously, it made me nervous. When I finally lined up at the starting line, the little man standing beside me shriveled up his face and backed away pointing at me. I was glad I was wearing the glasses at that point.
Usually, I run races that start on time, at least within 5 minutes of the appointed time, which was 8:30 AM. At 8:45 AM, there was really no one on the starting line. I was jogging around in a huge pair of sunglasses, with cold hands, just waiting for someone to show up to run with me. Finally, at 8:50 AM the starting line started to fill out, and after a lengthy discussion about the race and a the national anthem sung by Jules Tenenbaum, they fired the starting gun and we started running at about 9:00 AM. It was a good race, it was quite hilly as you would expect in Birmingham. My race was not necessarily great: 6:47 for the first mile and ultimately finishing in 47:45, but I like to get in a good run on Thanksgiving and I did.
We then got ready for a lovely Thanksgiving lunch at my sister and brother-in-law's club. I love a buffet, and could not imagine a more desirable Thanksgiving. I had shrimp salad and smoked salmon, sweet potatoes and turkey, fried pickles and corn puddings, pumpkin pudding and english trifle. Now, most of my entree plate was eaten cold as I was chasing Ivan who fought his way out of his high chair. It was still good cold, and I think this is the price of having a not-quite-two-year-old.
We drove home after dinner. Ivan cried the entire three hour drive, but at home, he went to bed quite quickly and I am watching Bottle Rocket as I just love Wes Anderson.
Pics from the run and the dinner!!

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