Sunday, November 22, 2009

Sunday: Swim and The Three Martini Playdate

I am going to admit to you right now that I was QUITE sore this morning after my run yesterday and also it was quite wet and chilly out, so I really did not do anything but have cereal and tea and watch the wiggles with Ivan before we left for church. It is unfortunate, but I often notice that if I have not made a date to do some sort of workout, it
might happen that I sloth the day away on the couch; especially Sundays.
We made it to church as a family, and it was one of the loveliest services I have ever attended as we sang both "A Mighty Fortress" and "Crown Him with Many Crowns". Our church's organ is just stellar, and the music was beautiful. The sermon was a little confusing now that I think about it, but that will happen from time to time.
At home, I put Ivan down for a nap and spent some time reading through a book my sister gave me before I had Ivan. It was called The Three Martini Playdate. While the title is off-putting, it isn't really about inebriated childcare. For instance, listen to this gem of concisely put advice:
"Some parents simply haven't figured out that they have potential hours at their disposal, peaceful, unfettered, child-free hours. They have overlooked that magic time between, say, eight PM and one AM when books may be read, newspapers caught up with, novels written, and, of course, parties held." BRILLIANT!!!! Look at me!! I am blogging and watching Arrested Development, this very instant!!
Another chapter, called Child Labor: Not Just for the Third World espouses the importance
of giving children chores, as it gives them a sense of efficacy and self-reliance. Please note that
in the picture of Ivan today, he is vacuuming. I have taught him to use both the vacuum cleaner
and the dust buster. It is so rewarding to see a tiny pile of whatever be excitedly sucked away by
Ivan. It cracks me up to see him stomp his tiny foot on the vacuum cleaner button and diligently
scoot the vacuum cleaner nozzle around the kitchen baseboards. He knows that is where the dirt
Also, he is able to feed the cat and empty the silverware portion of the dishwasher. Do you
think I could have a couple of more kids and let the cleaning women go all together??
Oh, Happy Day!!!
So hilarious and common sensical. The book offers so many truisms about holding your ground and not taking this parenting business too seriously.
When Ivan woke up, I traded off with Elliott and headed out to swim. I only swam for about an hour, and it was another butterfly practice. I was mentally prepared, but the lanes were twice as long as Wednesday. On Sundays, the pool is set up for long course. This meant that instead of 25 yard lanes, we were swimming 50 meter lanes. 50 meters is a long butterfly lap, and every lap, I thought I wouldn't make it to the end. I felt that with every stroke my body rose less and less out of the water, as I just didn't have the strength to make it to the end. At home, my stomach feels like I have done 1000 crunches. So, a great day, a reasonable workout, and am about to start up some serious knitting!!

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