Thursday, November 12, 2009

Thursday: Three Workouts

You know, I am clearly one of those nerdy, accomplishment driven people that thrive on tatting up their "to do" list at the end of the day. It is what I do and probably why I find this blog so deeply satisfying.
To all of you wondering about when Sloan Manor may be completed, you may not want to hold your breath. The porch is finished to the point that it probably meets some codes, and the windows do not have pane dividers, but are functional windows from which I can see the pile of sidewalk stones that have not yet been used to make the new sidewalk. We do have up the new molding, but it has not been painted. The lump in the front yard has been shaved off and re-sodded. AND TODAY, we got seven new trees AND new drapes. It seems that we Sloans are starting many projects that do not get completely finished in the originally assessed amount of time. NOW, I will tell you my strategy for tying up loose ends: throw a party. In the month of February or March, I am planning on setting a date to invite many people to my home. This will throw my husband and I into a frenzy (A FRENZY) of project finishing. All loose ends will be tied up in a week; mark my words. So watch for a party invite from the Sloans and let the FRENZY begin.
Now, Ivan and I had a good three mile run this morning, and when we came home, Ivan had a ride on the tree diggers backhoe. Ivan and I then took a walk and had coffee and got home to find that The Beast had killed a mouse. So fabulous!!! It is the only reason to have a cat: we are mouseless.
After, dead mouse removal and a diaper change, Ivan and I did Gilad. After Gilad, I made Ivan some mini-quiche for lunch and he did not eat any of them and I ate all six. Yes, its true. Then Ivan went down for his nap and I rode the trainer for half an hour at top speed, while I watched National Trust Gardens: Stourhead edition. It is my favorite program on our HD channel. It is a video tour through all of the National Trust properties in the UK. The gardens and homes are just amazing.
I got ready and headed into work, which was so nice. I then came home and worked with the new drapes and made dinner before settling in for the Thursday night line-up. Parks and Reacreation made me laugh outloud!!!!
Getting ready to knit and watch the Project Runway Finale: Part I
Back to swim tomorrow!!!1

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