Saturday, November 7, 2009

Saturday: Learningpalooza, The Red Pony, and a new Necklace!!!

Today was one of those Saturdays that felt like a full time job. I started at 9:00 AM and finished at 6:00 PM. I gave a wedding shower for my fabulous babysitter this morning and then had to get to my fundraiser for Learning Matters: Learningpalooza. Both were things that I wanted to do, yet just wished they were happening on different days. I drove all the way out to Antioch yesterday to pick up petit-fours (none of which I have eaten 24 hours later. May I please have a gold star?). I also went to Party City, a terrible place, but I think I said that yesterday.
Anyway, I was out of bed this morning and ran with Ivan in the jog stroller. Then I got in the shower and got ready to head out to Katelen's shower, despite the fact that my house was in some serious disarray. The comforter was actually separated from the comforter cover, and there was not one bath mat on a bathroom floor. How do those things even happen?
Anyway, I got to the shower in my party skirt and assembled my salad and arranged my petit-fours. Several people commented that they were the best petit-fours of all. I wouldn't know, because I have not eaten one (for which I would like a gold star. Is someone getting my gold star??) . I was able to leave the shower relatively early so that I could get to the Learningpalooza.
Learningpalooza was a dinner, an auditorium of children's performers and an auditorium of adult performers. the adult performers used the sanctuary of the 2nd Presbyterian Church. The acoustics were great and we were totally lucky to have my cousin's husband, Daniel Tashian, perform for us. His music was great and he sounded great in the sanctuary. His song Country Life from the album High Society by his band, The Silver Seas is on every one of my running mixes. It refuses to get old. I recommend it!!
Also, at the silent auction I won a beautiful beautiful necklace by Patricia Miller that I am absolutely thrilled about. Her things are so lovely and I despaired of ever owning a piece of my own. Tonight, however, I am the outright owner of a rose quartz necklace. I am counting down the days until next year's Learningpalooza.
At home, we had dinner at the Red Pony in downtown Franklin. The food was great and since Ivan is staying with my parents, Elliott and I had dinner alone for the first time since our anniversary. I said yes to the Creme Brulee. Good Times!!! At home, I started watching The Duelists, with which I have a vague obsession. If it is on, I will watch it. Do I love the story, or Keith Carradine, or Harvey Keitel, or France in the Napoleonic Era, or costume dramas, or bloody sword fights? Toss up.

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